Comeback 1992

Chapter 519: Fu Rui Jue Ying

  Chapter 519 Fu Rui's Absolute Shadow

  "Technology is the eternal pursuit of our Changxing Machine Tool; win customers with product quality and service. Technology, quality and service, I firmly believe that as long as we have these three things, our Changxing Machine Tool will have an extremely bright future."

   "Temporary losses, small things, everyone, don't worry, just do what you should do. Everything is supported by the Xinghai Group."

  Han Songlin signaled Kong Mengsen to come up to see if he had anything to say.

   Kong Mengsen whispered to Han Songlin: "Boss, before, everyone was busy with production and research. How about giving everyone a half-day off today?"

   "Okay! Then let it go for a long time."

  Kong Mengsen got Han Songlin's consent, and quickly stood in front of the microphone and said: "Today, the whole factory will be on holiday for half a day in the afternoon. After each team leads people to clean up the inside of the factory building, you can get off work."

  The outside of the factory building does not belong to the scope that the workers need to clean up. There are special cleaning personnel inside the factory.

  Of course, these cleaners also buy social insurance and pay medical insurance in the factory.

   Mainly Han Songlin's request, he knows too well how big the difference is for ordinary people, whether they have social security or medical insurance.

   Everyone was very happy to hear that they could have a half-day vacation. It must be a happy thing to be able to have a vacation.

  Han Songlin did not stop at Changxing Machine Tool, but looked at the Fumanduo supermarket in Yandu and the construction projects of Sunshine Real Estate; in Yandu, Han Songlin also saw the Furui Automobile store.

  After launching the first hatchback sedan, Furui Automobile got the birth certificate, and immediately launched the second sedan sedan.

  The hatchback sedan is originally a helpless product designed to bypass the rules. At the beginning, Furui Automobile has prepared the research and development of the sedan.

  Han Songlin looked at the Furui Automobile store strangely. There was no car in the store.

   Auto dealership, but no car!

  Wen Yue noticed Han Songlin's gaze, and explained with a smile: "Boss, our Furui car is selling very well, and now the car has been bought before it arrives at the store."

  Wen Yue herself wanted to buy a car, but she couldn't.

  Xinghai Group has discounts for its employees to buy cars. Basically, if one car is calculated, it can be discounted by 5,000 yuan.

  Of course, employees of Xinghai Group have to queue up if they want to buy a car.

  Furui Automobile's annual output has increased to 150,000 vehicles, and the factory produces 24 hours a day, but it still cannot meet the current market demand.

  400 cars are produced every day, which seems to be a lot, but after being distributed across the country, it seems to be quite a few.

   Xinghai Group alone needs thousands of vehicles.

  Why so many?

  I have to ask Han Songlin about this. His salary is so high, and now the employees don’t have the pressure of houses and children’s education.

   After getting the salary, it must be spent!

  Smart people know that it is not cost-effective to store money in the bank, and now the interest rate of the bank has been greatly reduced.

  The year before last, the interest rate was 12 points for five-year deposits in the bank, but now it is only 6 points.

  There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that the bank deposit interest rate has to be lowered.

  There is a problem in the domestic economy, and the central bank lowers the deposit rate, allowing people to withdraw money from the bank for consumption.

   In terms of spending power, the employees of Xinghai Group can be described as middle class.

  People in the middle class of society have the strongest spending power.

   They want to buy a car, Han Songlin must be extremely supportive.

  In order to let everyone buy a car, Xinghai Group also specially organized employees to learn how to drive.

  In the factory area, a parking lot has been specially expanded.

  Earlier, Han Songlin said that everyone in the group should have a car to drive. Isn’t this gradually realized.

  Han Songlin: "How about it, have you considered buying one yourself?"

  Wen Yue straightened her bangs subconsciously. Was her desire to buy a car seen through?

  If you don’t want to buy a car, why would you go to learn how to drive?

   "Did you get your driver's license?"

   On Jiangzhong’s side, there are many rules and regulations. For example, in terms of traffic regulations, Jiangzhong has already begun to perfect them.

   There is really no way, the number of cars in Jiangzhong is increasing every month.

   Various traffic accidents have occurred, and they have also increased.

  Under such circumstances, Jiangzhong must strengthen management in this area, first of all, strengthen the training of drivers.

  A smile appeared on Wen Yue's face: "I have already got it. I like Fu Rui Jue Ying very much. I want to buy it when Jue Ying is on the market!"

  Furui Jueying is a car that Furui Automobile focuses on promoting, and it is also a car that Furui Automobile focuses on building.

   It adopts the Yaoyang L4 engine carefully built by Fuxing Power, with a displacement of 2.0, a maximum horsepower of 190, and a turbocharger. The cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy and the cylinder body is made of cast iron.

   As for environmental protection standards, sorry, there is no motor vehicle pollutant emission standard in Huaguo.

   That is to say, as a car company, it doesn't think so much at this time.

  Of course, as a company with pursuit, Fuxing Industry and Fuxing Power will make self-demand.

  The fact that there are no standards in this area in China does not mean that there are no standards in this area abroad.

  Therefore, Fuxing Industry and Fuxing Power mainly refer to the European standards for motor vehicle pollutant emission standards.

   To be honest, if Furui’s car is in Europe, Furui Jueying has reached the emission standard.

  As for the trucks produced by Fuxing Industry, there are Furui V1 and Furui Bora (a sedan released by Furui Automobile after obtaining the birth certificate), all of which have not met the European emission standards.

   As far as environmental protection is concerned, Europe is really strict.

  Those joint venture cars are sold in Huaguo with ten or twenty years of technology. It is very important because Huaguo has not set too strict requirements on emission standards for the development of the automobile industry.

  If the regulations are too strict, will Huaguo's auto industry still develop?

  The local auto companies in Huaguo don't have that technology at all. Under strict standards, they will kill the local companies purely, and then give up the market to foreign companies.

   "Jueying wants to go public, you have to wait."

   I have quite high expectations for Furui Jueying and Furui Automobile. According to the division of vehicles, Furui Jueying can be regarded as a medium-to-large car.

  Furui Jueying was involved in the appearance design, and Han Songlin participated.

  The overall shape design can only be formally finalized after Han Songlin's approval; the shape is a bit like Biatihan, and the shape of the whole car is more solemn and fashionable.

  Let’s put it this way, in terms of appearance, Freeview is better than most cars in the world today.

  For the sake of Furui Jueying, Fuxing Industry also specially prepared to use the newly developed new car paint on it.

  New car paint has excellent scratch resistance, weather resistance, and gloss persistence.

  Acid resistance and gasoline resistance needless to say.

   In order to develop this car paint, Fuxing Industry has specially acquired a domestic car paint company.

   Then invest heavily in research and development.

  (end of this chapter)

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