Comeback 1992

Chapter 122: Millennium Fox

  Chapter 122 All Millennium Fox

  Winter nights come early and go late! Han Songlin and Liu Yuyan led Han Ting by the hand and walked on the street when the lights were just lit.

  In the past, Han Songlin thought that the city in the 1990s should be very quiet; in fact, it was not so, and many people who had dinner came out to digest food.

  The nightlife in small counties is naturally not as rich as in big cities, and it can be said to last all night.

  Generally, at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the shops start to close.

   It will be even later in the future, and it will be until eleven o'clock in the evening, but not many.

   "How long has it been since we went shopping together?"

  Liu Yuyan shook her head after thinking about it: "I forgot!"

  Ever since she became pregnant with Han Yufei, she seems to have never come out to hang out at night.

  Han Songlin also realized this, and couldn't help but want to spend more time with his family.

  What is the purpose of this year-round busyness?

  No matter how long the street is, it will eventually be finished. When Han Songlin and the others arrived at Qin Mutton, they saw Jia Yuanshan's family of three walking slowly.

   "It seems that we are here just in time!" Jia Yuanshan shook hands with Han Songlin with a smile, and said hello to Liu Yuyan, and of course, touched Han Ting's little cheek.

   Han Ting naturally resisted Jia Yuanshan's actions.

  Who calls Jia Yuanshan good-looking, not very good-looking!

  Children also look at their faces!

   "Come on, go in first, I've reserved a box." Han Songlin stopped by in the afternoon to make the reservation, otherwise, it would be bad if he couldn't get a reservation.

   There are quite a few seats in the lobby, but this kind of dinner should not be in the lobby.

   "Let's go, thinking of this mutton, my mouth is watering!"

  Han Songlin smiled when he heard the words; as a foodie, he can't help but face delicious food.

   "Should I tell you, I will bring you two catties of mutton first, and eat first!" Han Songlin said jokingly, as soon as he entered the store, he smelled a unique smell of mutton.

   "Forget it, wait until everyone arrives to serve the food, or they will say that I eat alone!"

  Although they are their own masters, Jia Yuanshan and other bank branch managers in Lechi have a good relationship in private.

  In normal times, I often talk about getting together.

   In some things, we must advance and retreat together.

  For example, Jia Yuanshan took the lead in handling the case of Leshui Winery.

  If Jia Yuanshan had no ability, it would be impossible to say that he became the branch manager at such a young age.

   People from the four financial institutions of ICBC, Bank of China, Credit Union and Agricultural Bank of China arrived soon.

  After the meeting, it was natural that they exchanged warm greetings before taking their seats.

   "Mr. Han, now Fuller Wines wants to swap debt to equity, what's the situation?"

  Han Songlin looked at the uncle with a Chinese face. His name was Geng Jiacheng, from the Agricultural Bank of China, and he was from Yuzhou. He was 42 years old this year, and his child was studying abroad, so he brought his wife with him when he came to the banquet.

"President Geng, this matter is something I have only considered recently. I believe everyone knows the current situation of Fuller Wine Industry. Making money is indeed making money, but it is also a lot of money. Now there are two With huge debts on me, the operation of Fuller Wines, to be honest, is quite stressful!"

  Han Songlin slowly tore off the meat from the lamb bone with his hands, and put it into Han Ting's bowl.

  This shredded lamb is eaten with garlic, and the taste is really good.

  In the past, Han Songlin never ate raw garlic, but ever since he ate the mutton at Haiqing's side, he had eaten raw garlic, and he liked this way of eating instead.

   There is one bad thing, after eating garlic, bad breath!

   As far as this is concerned, it is easy to solve, just eat some peanuts.

   "Right now, I'd like to say that we can negotiate with County H to turn the debt into shares. As for the debt owed by the bank, there is still some money in the company's books. I guess it will be paid off after the Chinese New Year."

   As he spoke, Han Songlin paid attention to the expressions of Geng Jiacheng and the others.

  To be honest, Han Songlin doesn't want to pay back the money now.

  If the four major banks and credit unions become shareholders of Fuller Wine, will Fuller Wine still lack funds if it wants to develop in the future?

  In China, companies cannot avoid dealing with banks.

  As for the positions of banks and enterprises, there has always been an unequal problem.

  Jia Yuanshan was gnawing on a leg of lamb, his mouth was full of greasy food, and he didn't pay attention to his image as a branch manager at all.

  ICBC Bai Hongyan didn't speak, she took a bowl of soup from the pot and drank it carefully.

  Bai Hongyan is actually a 24K pure man despite her feminine name.

  Bai Hongyan, who is 51 this year, also served as a soldier when she was young, and participated in the self-defense counterattack against India.

The relationship between    and Han Songlin is pretty good.

   After all, the two have a lot in common.

   Between people, we are not afraid of having something in common, but we are afraid of not having one!

  Because they have something in common, they can naturally draw closer.

   It is even possible that when people see you, they will think of themselves when they were young; they will help you without expecting anything in return.

   This is all possible, because Han Songlin has seen such a situation before.

  Qiu Daming of the Bank of China did not speak, and looked like he was in deep thought; while Liu Hao of the credit union did not have many loans in Fuller Wine, so he was not so concerned about things.

"Songlin, don't worry about repaying the loan! In fact, I'm quite interested in your debt-to-equity swap!" Bai Hongyan said slowly, she is mature; Why exactly.

  Bai Hongyan also thinks it is good to invest in Fuller Wine; the current development momentum of Fuller Wine can be seen.

   If you want to describe it, you can only use: very fierce!

  Yes, it is fierce!

   It's a little surprising.

  A wine that has no reputation in China, quickly opened up the market, and quickly completed the laying of a nationwide sales network.

  Bai Hongyan has been paying attention to Han Songlin all the time, and it is because of this attention that he has seen the leapfrog development of Fuller Wine Industry in just a few months.

  Han Songlin is a business genius!

  Many people have this feeling in their hearts.

  If Han Songlin knew that others saw him in this way, he would definitely be frightened.

   I am a genius there!

   What Han Songlin does is very simple, which is to apply the methods that have been proven feasible in the future to the present.

  Mad advertising is the fastest way for a company to establish a brand, there is no one!

  Many domestic enterprises rely on this method to grow up.

  Of course, there are also many companies that collapse instantly after getting up in an instant.

   To analyze the causes of these collapsed companies, there is one very important thing in common. After achieving great sales success, they did not make new innovations in products, but were obsessed with sales methods, thinking that sales could solve everything.

   Feeling a little bit upside down.

  Han Songlin smiled, this is what he was waiting for!

  Commercial banks cannot invest in enterprises, they have to wait until 1995, when the Commercial Bank Law was promulgated; the fourth paragraph of Article 74 stipulates that investment in domestic non-bank financial institutions and enterprises is prohibited.

  So now, commercial banks can directly invest in enterprises.

  (end of this chapter)

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