Comeback 1992

Chapter 109: Complete

  Chapter 109 Perfection

  Lunch was settled by Han Songlin in the factory, because he didn't have bowls and chopsticks, so he used Liu Xiaomei's. Fortunately, Liu Xiaomei had prepared extra bowls and chopsticks, otherwise Han Songlin really didn't know what to use.

  The cafeteria also has bowls and chopsticks. Sometimes, drivers who come to pick up and deliver goods will also eat in the cafeteria.

  Han Songlin didn’t say that the driver had to pay to eat, but that’s really not the case.

  If they want to eat in the cafeteria, give them meal tickets, and they can eat with meal tickets.

  Fuller Liquor has a lot of rules and regulations; in fact, the more formal the company is, the more rules and regulations there are.

  On the contrary, those small enterprises have a high degree of freedom; while the degree of freedom is uncontrollable, it also means that they have strong innovation capabilities.

  Small enterprises develop into large enterprises, then various systems and so on will also be quickly established.

  Because managing fifty people is a completely different concept from managing a hundred people.

  Fifty people, as a boss, this is completely manageable.

  How about a hundred people?

   At this time, it is not managed by the boss alone, but by the system.

  After Han Songlin took over the winery, he put a lot of emphasis on system building.

   We are also constantly improving the various systems.

   It is not enough to have a system, but people must implement it.

   In the office, it is often said that the employees below are organized to study.

  Workers, the main thing is to learn the production system, which includes specific production operations, sanitation, safety, fire protection, employee rights and so on.

  Fuller Wines pays great attention to the rights and interests of employees.

  Han Songlin himself doesn't want to be a boss like a boss.

  Employees' rights and interests are mainly employees' holidays, with one day off per week. Of course, this holiday is a cross-rotation for employees.

   On the 27th of each month, you have to report the holiday arrangement for the next month.

  It is also possible to take time off, but the time off must be approved by the team leader, signed by the workshop director, signed by the production manager, and then filed with the human resources.

   To be honest, in the factories in the 1990s, there were very few companies with such management!

   Who said, say hello, if you don’t come to work today, you won’t come.

  In the case of Fuller Wine, if the employee does not have a false certificate, it is considered absenteeism, and three times the daily wages will be deducted for one day of absenteeism.

  A worker who is absent from work for three consecutive days will be dismissed.

  In addition to weekly holidays, Fuller Wine also has annual leave, which can take five days of annual leave after half a year; and ten days of annual leave after one year.

   There are also marriage leave and funeral leave.

  The dish in the cafeteria today is cabbage vermicelli. To be honest, it's pretty good.

   "How are the meals in the cafeteria arranged?" Han Songlin carried the lunch box and ate while walking.

  This lunch box is made of aluminum, and most lunch boxes are like this now.

  In the future, the lunch box will not be made of aluminum, but stainless steel, which looks more upscale.

  After waiting for a few years, the lunch box was replaced with plastic one.

   Well, the plastic lunch box is also used to hold things, but it is used to steam things? Even in theory, a high temperature of 100 degrees will not change the plastic, but Han Songlin still subconsciously refuses.

   "The cafeteria?" Liu Xiaomei was holding the lunch box. She couldn't walk and eat like Han Songlin, she was too unladylike.

  In the factory, Liu Xiaomei had to worry about her own image.

   "It's much better than before! On Saturdays and Sundays, the cafeteria will still make tamales and burnt pork."

   Tamaled pork, burnt white?

  Han Songlin said that he also wanted to eat.

  Floured steamed pork and roasted white are more troublesome to make, so if there is nothing to do at home, it is generally not too much to do.

  Wait, I will go to a banquet tomorrow; this is not the era that advocates weight loss in the future, and people nowadays don’t have enough oil and water, so there will still be greasy three steamed nine buckles.

   It will be difficult to see in the future.

   "This one is okay. A new cafeteria will be built in the future. When you eat in the factory, you can eat fried rice!"

  Liu Xiaomei: "Actually, the big pot dishes in the cafeteria are pretty good!"

  Should Han Songlin say that she has no pursuit in life?

   At least some leaders will come to the factory to inspect in the future, and it doesn’t mean that there is not even a place for entertaining in the factory.

  After lunch, many employees in the office go to take a short break; take a nap for a while, and in the afternoon, they will have more energy to work better.

  Fuller Liquor works at 8:30 in the morning and lunch at 12:00 noon.

  Go to work at 2pm and leave work at 5pm.

  There are employees in the office who live in the county seat. They come here by shuttle bus in the morning, and take the shuttle bus back to the county seat in the afternoon.

  Han Songlin did not take a nap, but sat at his desk, writing and drawing on his notebook.

  He decided to make some adjustments to the current management structure of Fuller Wine.

  Does the sales department still need to keep it?

  Han Songlin was a little entangled. After thinking about it, he should keep it.

   Don't give a single independence to become a company.

  Production is assigned to the production department.

  Revocation of the title of factory director, because this title is really easy to think that this person is the biggest person in the entire factory.

   Therefore, it is better to use the head of the production department.

  Replacing some of the previous various departments with departments can be regarded as a manifestation of modern management in Huaguo enterprises.

   Actually, the nature of management has not changed.

   means that the title has changed.

  Finance, human resources, general affairs!

  For the General Affairs Department, it is a more complicated department. It can manage everything, and it doesn't manage anything in detail.

  Does a department like this need it?

  Naturally needed.

  Because among the various departments, there must be a department that can be connected, and this is the General Affairs Department.

  Han Songlin was in the office thinking about the department setup of the Fuller Wine Industry in the future, and Liu Xiaomei came with one person.

   Knocked on the door three times, and heard Han Songlin's voice calling in.

  Liu Xiaomei bowed slightly and said, "Mayor Jiang, please come in!"

  Jiang Guangxiao walked into the office with a smile on his face.

  Han Songlin raised his head, and when he saw Jiang Guangxiao coming in, he couldn't help feeling a bit of doubt in his heart, why did he come?

  "Mayor Jiang, hello, long time no see!" Han Songlin got up quickly, and a smile crept up his cheeks instantly.

Jiang Guangxiao stretched out his hand and held Han Songlin tightly, and said with a wry smile: "Boss Han, you are busy with business. I wanted to talk to you several times, but I didn't meet you! No, today I heard You came to the factory, and I came over eagerly!"

   "Mayor Jiang was joking, come on, sit down! Xiaomei, don't be dazed, hurry up and serve tea!"

  Jiang Guangxiao waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I'll just sit down and leave!"

   "Hey, what are you busy with, let's sit down and drink tea first, let's set up the Dragon Gate Array!"

  Liu Xiaomei hurried out to make tea.

   "When I came back this time, I found that the town has undergone a lot of changes; I remember that when I first came here, there were no people in the town, but now there are more people!"

   "It's all thanks to you! If you hadn't taken over the winery, the town might have declined in a few years."

   This point is really not a joke.

  Hua Guo is continuously urbanizing, and cities continue to absorb the population from towns and towns into cities.

  The decline of rural villages and towns is already inevitable.

  (end of this chapter)

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