Chapter 151 You are everything to me!!

“What’s your name?”


“You’re not hurt, are you?”


“Can we say something else?”

“… Sir. ”

Yunge covered her face and looked at the girl in front of her wordlessly, obviously shorter than she remembered, but the light blond long hair, pure and undirt-free blue eyes were still although the figure was still an airport, not as perfect as two years later, but just from this angelic face, walking on the road she was beautiful enough to make anyone turn back for her.

However, she didn’t seem to be able to speak, and to be precise, she couldn’t say anything other than “the chief.”

“Jing, Lord Elf, if you don’t change someone, I’ll go to the most beautiful actress in the opera house and bring it to you now!”

“Go and go, busy with your going, as the leader of the kingdom you follow me all day to bring tea and pour water, are you very idle, you are very idle, I hate you for not being pleasing to your secretary.”

The flattering Supreme Leader Mr. next to him showed a look of grievance, if it were a girl, it would be enough, but the forty-year-old uncle was really disgusting.

Cloud Song will Violet Lily pulled down his side, he didn’t want her to be pure and undirty, too close to this old uncle, would stick dirty things.


“Oh, forget it, step by step.”

Yunge sighed and said, raised his hand to wipe Violet’s small face, and muttered that those rough guys really don’t understand girls, he has to take the ground to wash it well.

It is said that a certain general discovered Violet on a mission, when she was the only one left in the village, and Violet alone fought against the invading enemy army, and before they arrived, they killed all the enemies with a small branch.

She was then taken back to the legion by the general.

Everyone hesitated to deal with her, the girl was like a murderous doll, as long as she gave the order, she would take all the lives in front of her, but there was no way to communicate.

Two soldiers who delivered her a meal were trying to do something bad because of her beauty, but one of them was simply broken by the girl’s neck, and the spoon for the meal was used by her as a weapon and inserted into the heart of the other.

Beautiful and terrible, pure and cruel quiet and cold.

All the generals who had seen the maiden’s overly crisp and neat murderous posture retreated in fear and said that they did not want to let the ground join their ranks.

In the hands of this extremely beautiful young girl, human life is too fragile, and they are like a worm that can be squashed when it is straight.

It is true that this is a very good murderous doll, and it will certainly create excellent results, but everyone is afraid that this overly sharp knife will cut their throats uncontrollably.

Even if there are humanitarians who want to put her in an orphanage, such an uncommunicative talent for killing… I’m afraid that the next day the orphanage will bleed into a river.

Just when they were struggling with how to deal with the girl, someone suddenly proposed.

“By the way, we might as well leave the monster to the monster to deal with, woman!”

“You are… Say [Prophet] Lord? ”

“Oh, I heard that the man had been idle and bored lately, single-handedly taking a saber, directly into the enemy’s base camp, and then calmly returned.”

“… Well, that’s it, let the monster and the monster get along, very suitable, very good. ”

So when Yunge was thinking about when he would see Violet, this girl was sent directly to him, and he couldn’t help but think that this was probably the process of history.

You don’t have to do anything deliberately, change something, what should happen will always happen.

Now she is far from the image of the knowledgeable, elegant and polite automatic handwritten doll two years later… It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the gap between heaven and earth.

Yun Ge: “It seems that it is going to be cultivated slowly.” ”

Girl: “??? ”

Since then, Yunge has turned her attention to Violet, teaching her to write and speak every day, and the two of them are sleeping together at night.

It turned out that the general’s judgment was correct.

Monsters get along well with monsters.

Big monsters guide the growth of little monsters every day.

Everyone else was afraid of the murderous doll, and in front of Yunge, he was like a dog, and in just two days, Violet became very close to him and could faithfully complete the orders given by Yunge.

But she only remembered two terms now.

The first is to call Yunge “chief”.

The second is her name [Violet].

“Violet, from now on you will be called Violet, the name means violet, the flower language is [eternal love], and you will definitely become a woman who fits this name in the future.”

Yunge touched her head and looked at a violet flower in the courtyard and said.

“My name is, you. Litt 1.”

She also followed Yun Ge’s gaze, looked at the purple flower, and only felt as if something had been given in her soul.

“Sir, what is [eternal love]?”

“You’ll understand this later, and you will.”

Yunge smiled and said gently.

[It’s too difficult for you to understand love now, it’s like letting a child who has just learned to walk and teach her to drive a sports car, but it doesn’t matter… In the future, you will understand, and you will work with me to understand what love is. 】

If he didn’t know, Yunge might have accidentally made a move to change the future, but he had already heard Violet tell his story in the future, and knew what he was going to do to conform to the course of history.

“Violet, from today on you will write me a report every day about what you did today, remember to do it every day, it will be good for your literacy program!”

“Yes, sir.”

“Violet, I’m here to teach you that violet flowers mean a lot, and girls need to understand their names.”

“I see, sir, ask me.”

“Violet, I want you to live freely, although killing is your gift, but you should not be a tool, you have to act according to your own will, even without my command…”

“… I don’t understand, sir, I just want to listen to your orders, I want to be your tool, and your will is my will. ”

Now that Violet is in a state of great dependence on Yunge, for the murderous doll who has been picked up, fulfilling the order of the teenager is the only value of her existence.

At the same time, she also coveted the warmth that Yunge brought her.

Violet didn’t know what her mood was.

But now she stubbornly believes that as long as she can complete Yunge’s command, she can become the person he needs, and she will not be abandoned.

You can always get his warmth.

“Is there anything I did wrong, please tell me what I did, I will definitely correct it!” So, please don’t give up…”

“Rest assured, I will never abandon Violet you, well, absolutely not, even if you don’t do those things, don’t fulfill my orders… This. ”

Yunge did not let her finish, and embraced the words of the intended girl.

“Thank you, sir, but… Your command is the purpose of my life. ”

Violet said tangledly, now she has no goal in life, no special ability other than killing, and there is no place to live except for Yunge’s side.

So he’s everything to her.

Third, ask for tickets, ask for tips…

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