Collector of Online Games

Chapter 593: Try out

In the third hurdle of the creeping city, Qin Yan has never surrendered this skill so quickly.

But Qin Yan also quickly found a way to crack this level of strange monster mechanism.

His mad tyrants are like the emperor's favoring concubine. Before being complimented, he had to go through a selection before planting the emperor strawberry.

The Lizard Soul Elite launched various tumbling tail sonic attacks on Qin Yan in this space. Fortunately, their attack power is not strong, so Qin Yan's blood volume can also support it.

After grabbing a hammer of a lizard and finishing a punch, while patiently waiting for the madness of Overlord Fist to cool down, Qin Yan witly replaced the **** boots of the main combat shoes on his feet, and used the Spirit Break Alternative dimensional boots to replace.

In this way, the faster cooldown of Mad King Fist is obtained.

When the cooling of Kuang Bawang fist was about to finish, Qin Yan, who had eaten the effect of the split-dimensional short boots to refine Kuang Bawang fist, replaced the **** boots.

的 The benefits of such flexible switching equipment may seem small, but when the numbers add up, they become larger.

Wu Qinyan's eyes must be brightened when capturing the Lizard Soul Elite, and no blood lizard Soul Elite will capture it.

The lingering blood of the lizard soul elite are all Qin Yan's identified as a fake lizard soul.

At this time, you can always try everything.

When Qin Yan ’s fifth madness, Overlord Boxing, was released against a lizard soul elite, Qin Yan finally ushered in a major gain.

Hit a hammer and no thunder came down!

Qin Yan, who was preparing to rise from the release of Kuang Bawang's skills, quickly realized this, and quickly locked the soul target of this lizard under his fist.

Because the lizard soul lords became quite transparent when they were mixed into the lizard soul elite.

So if Qin Yan pays no attention, the target of the Lizard Soul that he has already locked down can be mixed into the elite group of Lizard Souls by rolling.

At that time, Qin Yan's target will have multiple blood lizard souls, which must be searched one by one.

Qin Yan, who understands that he can't make mistakes, or it will be more troublesome. Because of his previous experience of catching monsters alone in the creepy city, this time, Qin Yan released the somersault cloud without saying anything.

Then, Qin Yan did something to make all the lizard souls roar.

Qi Qinyan suddenly stretched out his pig hand, grabbed the lizard soul (true) under him, then jumped on somersault cloud and ran away!

When fighting against as many as four ancient puppet divisions by himself, Qin Yan deeply realized the importance of single-handedness.

At that time, Qin Yan was also similarly restricted.

He must attack only one ancient puppet master, no other face can be touched.

Now, Qin Yan has encountered such a situation.

他 After he passed the one-by-one single-handed test through the characteristics of madness and overlord fist, he finally caught the soul of a lizard (true).

At the moment, if other lizard souls cannot be affected by skills at this moment, Qin Yan can rely on somersault clouds.

Fighting somersault clouds can make Qin Yan go to heaven!

Qin Yan laughed for a while when she thought of relying on the advantages of somersault clouds and bullying the ancient puppet masters.

The lizard soul he caught in his hand can't fly into the sky, so he can come for a remake of the kill.

He wants this group of lizards to play with him.

Li Qinyan really clung to the sky by relying on her hand to catch a lizard that was actually a little bigger than him.

Once successfully lifted, the lizard's roar is the only skill attack that can make Qin Yan's condition under the feet.

It ’s a pity that even if Qin Yan stood on the land, he could bear the lizard roar with the elites of a dozen lizards, let alone Qin Yan had already reached a low altitude of ten meters.

The extension of the distance also weakens the sonic attack, so Qin Yan can more confidently output skills on the somersault cloud.

Holding the spirit of the lizard (True), Qin Yan stepped on the somersault cloud and came to the corner of this space.

The picture very similar to the scene where the ancient puppet master was exported. After Qin Yan threw the lord of the lizard soul out, he immediately released the domain of ice crystals in the corner.

The lord of the lizard soul, who was tempted to come out, was called miserable. First, he took a punch from Qin Yan, and then he was caught in the sky by Qin Yan.

Even if this is the case, the key is that the way Qin Yan exports it is too painful.

The next day wall ...

The slender body of the Saurian Lizard's soul continued to hit the walls of this space like this.

Underneath, all the Lizard Soul Elites wanted to save it, but even the helpless launch of the Lizard Roar did not cause much danger to Qin Yan.

Every time the lord of the lizard soul feels that he has a tendency to fall, he will have a stinky foot to support it in time to prevent it from falling down. This is the most energetic lizard!

In order to quickly click to kill this lizard soul lord, Qin Yan can make some difficult output of the sun wall using somersault clouds to lift off, then in order to shorten the output time to prevent mistakes, the heavenly fury elixir and the elixir after heaven are very good. It is necessary to eat it.

With two big heavens BUFF effect, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com outputted a forty-level lord BOSS in the air. Qin Yan could win it steadily.

Beyond the sun-walled lizard soul lord for a full seven levels, once Qin Yan found a way to break the mechanism, then these lizards really look good.

As soon as Xun came in, handing over the feigned death also made Qin Yan's blow more and more powerful, a series of crit damage emerged above the head of the lizard soul lord.

After Qin Yan started out with the domain of ice crystals, the other elite lizard souls under his feet moved closer to the somersault cloud where Qin Yan was.

After a while out, Qin Yan's somersault cloud was filled with the lizard soul elite who wanted to be rescued.

这样 In such a case, Qin Yan, who is close to killing a lizard soul lord, must not make a mistake, and let his skill spill back to the lizard soul elite below.

At this time, if Qin Yan is excited and accidentally releases a large range of skills such as Kuangsha Mantian, it is really bad.

All the spirits of the lizards will be hit. Then Qin Yan is greeted by the countless sky mines that can kill Qin Yan and die.

Ravioli should also be cooked.

Bingjing Realm was released when the Lizard Soul Elite who rushed under the feet did not gather. At this time, Qin Yan's fighting wisdom was tested.

I saw Qin Yan slamming her neck on the body of the lizard soul lord, and then she reached out her hand again, grabbed the lizard soul lord, and drove the somersault cloud to another corner of this space.

Get a good battlefield!

Uh ...

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