Frost-plated iron axes fall from mid-air, shattering the redstone floor.

"Oh, can you be polite?!".

March 7 hurriedly dodged.


homeless man in front of him, whose half of his body was mixed with the Elder Winter Calamity, had a face full of horror and pain

Uncontrollably, he swung his axe towards March 7

While waving, he also wailed in pain: "Help me...... Help me .....


His half-human face crawled with strange mutated sarcomas and blue feathers.


corners of his mouth, distorted by pain, were covered with cuticles, and his eyes were tinged with chaotic colors.

Looking at the pain on the homeless man's face, the speed at which March Seven shot the arrow couldn't help but slow down a little

But the homeless man mixed with the creatures of the Elder clearly didn't slow down his axe swing because of the pain

The blade of the ice-made axe arced and slashed at March Seven's neck with frost.


March 7 hurriedly dodged, but was still a little slower.

"Eat my Galaxy Baseball Man with a bat!".

Fortunately, Xing kept an eye on this side, and a bat swung down, and the homeless man's head suddenly burst like a watermelon.

March 7 hurriedly dodged, not letting the bursting brains splash on himself.

"March 7, pay attention. "

The spear in Danheng's hand broke through the air

A homeless man mixed with the shadow of the burning disaster fell.

"These chimeras are closer to the Elder Creation than normal creatures. "

"Their pain is the echo of the Rift, and their original consciousness has long since been washed away. "

"Like a zombie?" said March 7 re-bent his bow and arrows

The arrows pierced several mixtures of Elderbound creatures and vagabonds.

"But these monsters are more powerful than mere Elder creatures. "

Bronya reloads her musket with ammunition

The blazing projectile shot the last few wailing hybrid monsters.

"The imaginary energy from the Elder Realm on their bodies is more than twice as high as that of normal Elder creatures. "

Bronya put down her overheated musket

The enemies entrenched in this section of the tunnel have been swept away by the four of them

"It feels like ..... It's like ......


"Cocoria?" Star asked, looking up.

"That's right, it's similar to how my mother felt. Bronya said through gritted teeth.

"Could it be that the star core is alive again?" said March Seven's eyes widened.

"To be precise, the star core has never died. Dan Heng added on the side.

"Even the Lady of the Black Tower can find a way to destroy the Star Core. "

"When Kocolia was defeated, the star core that channeled energy to it was revealed to be bankrupt. "

Therefore, he was suppressed by Uncle Yang's nuclear Jizi..... That's all. "

"And it broke free?!" March Seven's eyes widened.

"It can't be so fast. Dan Heng shook his head: "It may be able to create a little bit of an impact." "

But it is only a subtle impact, and it is not so easy to escape the suppression of Jizi and Uncle Yang. "

Dan Heng pinched his chin

"Unless somehow comes into contact with the star core..... No, the probability is small. "

Dan Heng shook his head.

"As long as it's not a star core that's alive again..... Although if you think about it, the star core is not a difficult enemy to deal with. March 7 said.

"I think it's more likely that the ruins themselves are special. "

Dan Heng's gaze was on the wall of this corridor

"If you look at these frescoes, they obviously tell you something about the time when this site was built. "

As he spoke, the eyes of several people were also drawn to the wall next to the corridor.

Engraved with a hymn to the mysteries, Bronya touched the wall and whispered:

“...... The Spirit of the Lord walked on the fire, and the Lord said, "May the fire of hope burn forever." ""

“...... And so, the darkness of the underground was expelled ......


“...... The Lord has allowed the light and warmth of the earth to prevail over the earth, just as the Lord's elect have more blessings ......."

“..... The Lord's elect are the people of the earth, and therefore we should be born in joy and rejoice more than the people on earth. "

“..... But the people of the earth are resentful, and their blind eyes do not see the true spiritual ......"

“..... Their hearts are corrupted, and they worship headless idols ......."

“..... They called it Cripper, the heretical ...... from the stars


“..... Therefore the Lord has wrathed to destroy it, to bring plague upon it, so that the snow and ice will continue to ravage the earth. "

“..... The Lord has rejected Beloberg, but the Lord will not abandon the ..... of His chosen people."

“..... If we are pious and obey the Spirit of the Lord as the Most Exalted, the Lord will be kind to us ......


“..... The Lord will cause the people of the earth to be destroyed, and the people of the earth will prosper into a great ......"

"This ..... What the hell is this..... "Bronya only felt dizzy and unbearable.

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