Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2196: Open the machine on the roof!

"Do you remember, do you suspect that there is an invisible back room in this attic?"

My breath was choked, and I immediately looked up at the roof.

The black smoke that had penetrated from the door gap had completely floated to the top of the building. At this time, a mass formed over our heads. Only in the gap between the thick smoke and the rolling, could we barely see the hidden door on the roof.

I said, "What do you say-where?"

He didn't speak and looked up at the roof.

The smoke was getting more and more, and it almost filled the top. Those who rushed to the top and wanted to avoid the hot temperature on the roof and the flames coming in from the door gap from time to time were almost choked by breaths. , I even saw many people passed out.

If we go on like this, really everyone will die!

I hurriedly looked back at Xiao Yusheng: "Yusheng, what exactly is on the top of this attic, do you know?"

Xiao Yusheng also froze for a moment, looked up, and said with a complex expression: "This library really looks like something, but the master never told us and didn't let us mess around."

He didn't even know.

If it is really as we have guessed before, there is a hidden door above, which is an exquisitely designed cabinet, then the entire library may be shaken because the cabinet is opened!


I turned to look around. The flames were not only burning from the door cracks, but even from the walls in all directions. All the students were struggling to rescue those ancient books, even the clothes were ignited by the fire. The smoke billowed and the fire was burning, at this time, it was time for life and death!

I gritted my teeth: "Okay, bet it!"

Behind Wei Yang: "What bet?"

"Let's find a way, open the secret door on the top of the building, maybe there is a hint of vitality!"

"That secret door?"


"But we don't have the keys!"

Xiao Yusheng immediately said, "No one has ever seen that key!"

My heart also crumbled: "I can only find a way to force it! Now there is only this way."

Wei Yang looked dignified: "So, what will be inside after opening?"


No one can answer this question. Even the light-cold guess is just a guess. In case that secret room does not really exist, in case there is a secret room, but there is nothing at all, then our last hope is all It's gone.

However, we only have this hope now!

Seeing more and more flames around, Wei Yang also gritted his teeth and said, "Well, take a bet!"

After speaking, he turned around and ran away the people around to run up the stairs. Xiao Yusheng immediately called him: "Don't go up, even if you ran to the top of the building, you couldn't touch the hidden door. Our brothers tried No more! "

Wei Yang's footsteps stopped again.

Indeed, a few of us had reached the top of the building before, and we could not reach the top with our hands straight, let alone the hidden door in the center of the building.

Chang Yanbai probably understood now, when he heard that he was protecting the Prince: "What now?"

Wei Yang glanced up again. He walked back and walked to the most central position on the bottom of the building. He looked up and looked down slowly, then squatted down slowly, one hand touched his boots, from He pulled out his boot knife inside.

As soon as I saw it, I immediately understood.

He was going to use his boot knife to open the hidden door on the roof.


I looked up and looked up. The library was so tall, and we could see it clearly before. There was a keyhole-like place on the dark door, but it was too small, almost **** wide, so Long distance, how easy is it to hit such a small keyhole?

And, without a corresponding key, can you forcibly open the roof of the building with a knife?

Qing Han also worriedly said, "Is this really okay?"

"We have no other choice!"

Wei Yang held the knife in his hand, and his fingertips showed a bit of cold light. He looked up at the top of the building, and the dark clouds pressed to the top, almost filling the attic.

Those who climbed the stairs were breathless, and even some were smoked and fainted, but the bottom was not very good. The door had been burnt red. We were like a few pieces of meat in an iron pan. Not only I ca n’t breathe, and the hot temperature is to lighten the clothes on my body. It is said that Bai and the old Mr. Qi are the oldest. At this time, they ca n’t support it anymore. Back up the stairs.

Wei Yang still didn't do it.

He looked up, just now he could still see the dark door faintly in the thick roll of smoke, but now, the thick layer of black smoke has condensed, and he can't see the top of the building.

Now he can only rely on his previous memory to operate.

Sweat dripped from his face one by one, and everyone was roasted and fleshy, and at this time, he closed his eyes slowly.

My breath was choking at this moment.

For a moment, all the sounds around him seemed to disappear, and those who kept hitting the wall and shouting for help also disappeared, leaving only the thick smoke in their sight.

Behind the thick smoke, the little keyhole, maybe also the machine frame of the entire library, is completely invisible.

At this time, I also clenched my fists.

Just then, Wei Yang suddenly opened his eyes and waved his hands!

A cold light flew out from his fingertips. It was his boot knife, which instantly turned into a flash of lightning. Before we even had time to see it, we quickly fell into the billowing smoke above our heads. There was a whirlpool in the center.

It was also the vortex that pierced the thick smoke above his head.

I opened my eyes sharply, and for a moment, I saw the small hollow in the center of the roof, and that cold light had shot quickly there--

At this instant, my heartbeat stopped.

Everyone also held their breath, and heard a sharp sound coming from the air. It was the sound of hard friction between the iron. It was so sharp that it was uncomfortable. Once again, the boot knife was stuck in the right Inside that tiny hole!



I could hardly hold back the ecstasy in my heart, and immediately grasped the light cold hand, he was sweating, like a drowning man who saw the life-saving straw, his eyes glowed.

With that harsh sound, immediately, we saw that the roof of the library seemed to tremble slightly, and with a muffled sound, countless dust was shaken down.


Did you open that machine? !!

We were all very nervous, but after that muffled sound, everything was quiet again.

what happened?

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