Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1458: perish together!

Li Zhanxian's expression did not change at all when he heard this.

Instead, he looked up at Li Jingxiu and asked, "Master. Do you think I am a valuable chess piece?"

Li Jingxiu was startled, frowning and asked: "If you have value, would you be willing to be a pawn?"

"There is nothing willing or unwilling." Li Zhanxian shook his head and said. "The point is, aren't I also taking advantage of my father's power? Without him, how can I become a strong competitor to the first person of the Red Wall?"

After a pause, Li Zhanxian then said, "Isn't it normal for my father to treat me as a chess piece?"

Li Jingxiu was silent for a moment. Asked: "When did you learn this mentality? I remember, I didn't teach you this."

These years in the mountains. Li Jingxiu in addition to teach Li Zhanxian martial arts realm.

It's not that he didn't teach him how to behave.

In this respect, although she is not as profound as Li Beimu. But it is also experienced.

What she can teach Li Zhanxian is enough for him to become a man with a solid foundation and a city government.

But she never taught Li Zhanxian. Let him easily become a **** in the hands of others.

This is very painful for anyone with self-esteem. It is also very humble.

"I learned from Song Jing." Li Zhanxian narrowed his eyes slightly. "Over the years, I have learned a lot from him. He also has a lot of things worth learning."

"Study Song Jing?" Li Jingxiu said with her lips pressed. "He is no longer qualified to compete with you."

"That doesn't conflict with what I learned from him." Li Zhanxian shook his head. "Master. I am happy to follow my father's will. Although I will suffer some harm on this road. I may even walk on the edge of danger. But it is not important. What is important is—"

"I will be the first person at the Red Wall." Li Zhanxian said in a halt. "This is my father's promise to me. I trust him. I also believe in his strength."

"With the promise of my father. I can accept anything I do." Li Zhanxian said. "I even see it as an exercise."

Li Jingxiu was silent for a moment, and suddenly exhaled: "You are indeed mature. After several years, you seem to have grown up all at once."

Li Zhanxian smiled slightly: "So father doesn't have to worry about my situation. If I dare to do this, I will be prepared to bear all the consequences."

"What if this time, it really brings you full of destructive consequences?" Li Jingxiu asked.

"I will gladly accept it." Li Zhanxian asked rhetorically. "Master, don't you think my father recognizes me. Just to let me be a cannon fodder for him?"

Li Jingxiu shook his head firmly: "Of course not."

If it is really just to make him a cannon fodder.

How could he be sent to Li Jingxiu for training since he was a child.

And this training is more than 20 years.

Not only did he unearth all his martial arts potential.

It also allowed him to return to the Red Wall in time and learn the rules of the Red Wall game from Song Jing.

Li Beimu's cultivation of him can not be said to be careless and deliberate.

It cannot be said that it is not a good intention.

Li Jingxiu left.

Song Shiying personally sent her to the door in order to express her importance.

"My personal suggestion is." Li Jingxiu gave Song Shiying a deep look. "Don't embarrass Li Zhanxian. Even though he did harm to your son, it also caused great humiliation to your Song family."

"But I don't think you can fight against Li Beimu." Li Jingxiu said meaningfully. "The last few years. You have a chance to retire smoothly."

"Are you threatening me?" Song Shiying frowned and said coldly. "Or think that I have no absolute faith in this revenge?"

Retire smoothly?

Save the night! ?

He could hear that Li Jingxiu was threatening him with Li Beimu.

She tried to use Li Beimu's influence within the red wall to make herself retreat.

But for Song Shiying.

He has no repayment!

The Presbyterian Church personally kicked out his son Song Jing.

Now, even Li Zhanxian dared to beat his son in public.

If Song Shiying had to give in this time.

Then he Song family, he Song Shiying. Where is the so-called evening festival?

Where is the so-called smooth retirement?

He is even more tortoise than a tortoise with a shrunken head!

It's even more cowardly than a coward!

"I'm not threatening you." Li Jingxiu said with her lips pressed. "Just as an old friend. Advice to you, kind advice."

"I thank you." Song Shiying said in a deep voice. "This time, I will not give up."


What Li Jingxiu should have said is done.

Next. It has nothing to do with her.

The only thing she still needs to do is to take the initiative to report to Li Beimu what she has experienced in the garrison area.

After getting in the car.

She personally called Li Beimu.

"I saw Li Zhanxian." Li Jingxiu said calmly.

"Yeah." Li Beimu responded lightly. Waiting for Li Jingxiu's later article.

"He completely accepts all your arrangements for him." Li Jingxiu said. "Even if it is regarded as a chess piece."

"He is very smart. He also knows what he wants." Li Jingxiu continued. "He said, because you promised him. Let him be the first person on the Red Wall."

"He trusts you very much." Li Jingxiu concluded.

"But you don't trust me." Li Beimu asked. "is it?"

"I never trusted you." Li Jingxiu said lightly. "Are you worthy of my trust?"

"Not important." Li Beimu said lightly.

He also doesn't need Li Jingxiu's trust.

"Song Shiying has no room for compromise." Li Jingxiu turned off the topic and returned to the subject. "He seems to have made up his mind. Even if he takes the Song family's future as a bet, he will not hesitate."

"The rabbit is anxious, and it will bite." Li Beimu didn't seem surprised. "But the prerequisite is whether his teeth are sharp enough. Can he bite hard stones. Can he bite, Kaifeng steel knife."

Li Jingxiu frowned and said, "Li Zhanxian is still tender in front of Song"

"Aren't you by his side?" Li Beimu asked rhetorically.

"Huh?" Li Jingxiu's eyes changed slightly. "I thought it was over for me."

"It's just started." Li Beimu shook his head.

"What do I need to do?" Li Jingxiu asked.

"Go to the Red Wall. Go and meet a few people from the Presbyterian Church." Li Beimu said concisely.

"What do you see them for?" Li Jingxiu asked.

"They are very dissatisfied with Song Shiying now. Coupled with the favors owed to me back then, it should be paid back." Li Beimu said. "Now, the timing is right."

"Are you going to use the elders to crush Song Shiying?" Li Jingxiu felt that it was reasonable and the best way to solve this matter.

"No." Li Beimu shook his head. Said indifferently. "I want them to die together."

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