PS: There are a lot of private goods in this chapter. If you don’t like it, you can skip it.


This question puzzled him for a long time.

There has been no answer!

Until the arrival of the little fox, there is an answer.

Peeping into the future can not only peep into your own future, but also peep into the future of some people.

If it involves some secret things, secret things, you may not be able to peep.

It can involve some unimportant things, some ordinary things, but it can be peeped out.

"Cultivator Jindan naturally cannot perceive the immortal realm, not to mention that the divine sense descends to the immortal realm, but if there is a celestial utensil and sacrifice this immortal utensil, the immortals of the upper realm will be able to sense it, but it will be able to make a trace of it. Divine Sense descends into the fairy world!"

The little fox said: "Those sects who have been born with immortals, or monks who have been inherited by immortals, have a certain probability to enter the tenth rank of Jindan."

Lu Xuanji frowned and said, "There is only a certain probability!"

The little fox said: "It's natural! My Qingqiu lineage also gave birth to immortals. At the beginning, I used the utensils of immortals to bring a trace of spiritual sense to the fairyland, but in the end, it failed to condense the golden elixir for ten turns. I saw the fairyland. The whole picture, but afterward it was forgotten!"

"Immortal world has huge cause and effect. If you don't have enough life and qi, even if you see the whole picture of fairy world, you may forget it in the next moment."

"If you want to remember the whole picture of the fairy world, you must have a powerful soul."

"What is the eleventh round?" Lu Xuanji asked.

"No way!"

The little fox said: "I'm leaving, if I continue to be with you, my aunt will take action, and the Jinwu lineage will take action, but you can't bear it! When you reach the moment of Jindan's nine changes, I will come to help you. !"

Saying that, the little fox disappeared.

As soon as you say go, you don't stop at all.

"She just left without giving a goodbye hug!"

Lu Xuanji said, with a touch of sadness in his heart.

"It's fine to leave like this, if we stay, we can't bear some disasters!" Jin Xi said, "Whether it's the Qingqiu Patriarch or the Golden Crow Demon Emperor, we can't bear it? You won't be confident, Rank 4 Jindan cultivation, just defeat the ninth floor of Nascent Soul in a cross-level battle?"

"Is she safe outside?"

Lu Xuanji was worried.

"She is at the first level of Nascent Soul, you are only a 4th Rank Gold Core, such worries are completely unnecessary!" Jin Xi said flatly: "The road to the strong is to rise in the **** battle, and in the midst of fighting, walk out of your own path. She has her way."

Lu Xuanji was silent.

The little fox also understood this, but the injury healed and he left.

If he stayed, the Lord of Qingqiu would attack and directly destroy the Lu family.

What was he holding back then?

Is it just his strong head and firm will?

Or rely on the so-called rules and agreements of the human race and the demon race.

It is almost a dream to use the so-called rules to bind a demon powerhouse on the ninth floor of Nascent Soul.

The so-called rules and order cannot restrain such a strong man at all.

Only interests can restrain him.

Therefore, in the face of the powerful and the top bosses, don't pay attention to the law and morality with him, they are too lazy to listen; they need to talk about the interests, say this, how much benefit and how much harm it can bring.

In this way, those nobles will have the mood to listen.

There was a debate in the past life, is the crime rate higher for the poor or the crime rate for the rich?

Many brick houses called beasts said that the crime rate of the poor is naturally high.

Eighty percent of the people in prison are poor or peasants.

Called beasts directly stated that the vulnerable groups are more likely to slide down the road of violent crime than the strong groups. The reason is that the rich cherish life more and are unwilling to take life to gain everything, while the poor are willing to "try the law" in order to survive. That is to say, people with great wealth are not guilty of killing people for basic survival, while poor people will kill for a meal.

Therefore, some bricklayers clamored that the abolition of the death penalty to a certain extent is to protect the vulnerable groups and benefit the weak.

It makes sense to listen roughly, but it doesn't make sense to listen carefully.

Eighty percent of the prisoners are poor people, not rich people with good morals and law-abiding, but in a capitalist society. Money is power, and money is power. Rich people can use their money, build relationships, escape jail, escape death. If you encounter the death penalty, you can go abroad in advance.

Rich people cherish their lives, they will not personally kill people with machetes, but they will hire some people to kill people.

Someone never kills, but countless people die because of it. This is the crime of the upper class.

Similarly, in a society with a high crime rate of the poor, the poor are often so poor that they can’t even afford to eat, and they are so hungry that they demand respect from the poor and obey the law. Is this possible?

After solving the problem of food and clothing for the poor, the poor seldom commit criminal activities, at most some illegal acts and edge ball behaviors.

They are afraid of the law, and if they do go in, no one will fish them out.

It's a real death sentence.

But the rich are not afraid of the law, as long as the profits are high enough, they can easily trample on the law.

When you go abroad, you are still at ease and the cost of crime is very low.

Even in certain capitalist societies, certain capitalists have bought countless professors, controlled public opinion, controlled the judiciary, revised laws, and abolished certain laws at the national level. When the state abolishes the death penalty, it can use legal means to trample on the law and rub it on the ground.

After a certain dignitary committed a crime in the past, it was necessary to keep making connections, using contacts, and then scooping someone out, and suppressing public opinion.

In this way, a certain powerful person can be exempted from the death penalty.

In a country that can abolish the death penalty, there is no need to engage in relationships after a crime, no need to waste contacts, no need to recruit people, no need to run away to immigrate, or even to suppress public opinion.

Entering the prison, a certain dignitary is still a five-star service, accompanied by beautiful women, eating steak, cool don't don't.


The past life was a capital society, where power and money were respected.

But in the world of immortal cultivation, it is the cultivation base that is respected.

It seems that the two societies are but they are essentially the same.

In the world of immortality, qi-refining cultivators, foundation-building cultivators, and purple-house cultivators have all kinds of rules and regulations. You can't do this or that. If you violate it, you will be severely punished;

But after reaching Jindan, the general door rules cannot restrain Jindan cultivators at all.

As long as this golden core doesn't betray the sect, as long as he doesn't do anything resentful, many sect rules are useless to him.

As for the master of Qingqiu, the level of the Golden Crow Demon Emperor, there are no rules and oaths at all, and the only thing that can bind them is their interests.

If these two big men, directly kill the Lu family, come to destroy the whole family of the Lu family.

Kill all the Lu family, who will preside over justice!

Hope, are those Human Race Yuan Ying True Monarchs?

Think more!

"If I were the ninth floor of Nascent Soul, the little fox would definitely stay, I'm still too weak!" Lu Xuanji sighed.

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