The Great Elder stepped into the Purple Mansion, and the whole family rejoiced.

This kind of joy is like when a certain country in the previous life created an atomic bomb.

Countries with bombs and countries without bombs are almost two countries.

Even if the so-called bullets are few, it is of great significance.

For specific reference, Ukraine with bombs and Ukraine without bombs.

The Lu family gave birth to a major cultivator of the Purple Mansion, which is of great significance to the shock and deterrence of other immortal cultivators.

This kind of meaning cannot be replaced by twenty foundation-building cultivators.

The Great Elder had just over 200 years of life, and he still had more than 200 years to live, which meant that he could still shelter the Lu family for more than 200 years. As long as the Lu family didn't die, they would be almost safe.

Immediately, the Lu family put on a banquet and celebrated warmly.

This kind of excitement is like a New Year's Eve.

Wine, spirit medicine, spirit fruit, etc. were brought up one after another, and they ate and drank happily.

Lu Jinxiu said: "The great elder has become the Zi family, and we should invite the Ye family, Wu family, Sun family, Zhao family, Qian family, etc., to feast the world. The family gave birth to the foundation-building cultivator, and we still want to feast the world; The cultivator of the palace should celebrate!"

Lu Jinwen also said: "In those days, my Lu family handed over a lot of properties to the Ye family, Wu family, etc. for a peaceful transition. Now it's time to get some back."

Lu Daoan also said, "It should be like this!"

The first elder did not respond, but asked Lu Xuanji directly: "Xuanji, you are the patriarch, what do you think?"

"I think we should keep a low profile!" Lu Xuanji said, "At the beginning, my Lu family had just suffered the disaster of annihilation, and it was the moment when we fell into a trough. Therefore, after Xiaoxue and I entered the foundation building, we wanted to feast the world and show lavishness. Show majesty. Only in this way can you deter some unstable factors!"

"But now, the situation of my Lu family is improving. I don't need to show majesty deliberately. Instead, I need to keep a low profile and keep a low profile, so as not to over-stimulate those families!"

"As for some of the family's properties, you can get some of them back, but some of them are best not to talk about."

"Of course, this is not the most important thing, but after the first elder enters the Purple Mansion, how should the salary be distributed? The second-grade spiritual veins are not enough, and the spiritual veins need to be upgraded, but there is still no money."

He opened his mouth and turned his fingers, and began to talk about some family affairs.

Low-key is the main thing.

After the first elder entered the Purple Mansion, he had to cultivate and upgrade. This required money, which increased the expenditure.

How to increase spending is another big question.

In the past, in order to make a safe transition, some industries were ceded to the Ye family, Wu family, etc. Now that the Lu family has Zifu, can they beg back?

Some of them can, but most of them can't be returned.

The most difficult thing is to take money from other people's pockets.

There are some weak cultivator families nearby, but can the Lu family **** the properties of these families?

can not!

If he really did it, he would not only violate the Danyang School's sect rules and break the unspoken rules, but would also suffer hostility from the surrounding immortal clan.

The current situation of the Lu family is as if the Rabbit country in the previous life had a nuclear bomb and could truly stand up and not be afraid of threats from other countries, but still keep a low profile and avoid making enemies everywhere.

The Great Elder listened, nodded and said: "Xuanji is right! I have become a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, but I am only on the first floor of the Purple Mansion, and the fighting power in the same realm is average. If there is an industrial dispute with other families, a fight occurs. I can't fight the battle of swords."

"As for the four foundation-building cultivators of the Lu family, they can only play the mystery. As for the others, forget it!"

"My Lu family has the Zifu, but it's just a firm foothold. I don't have the capital to be arrogant and domineering. The Zifu of the Ye family, the Wu family, the Sun family and other families can't beat the Zifu, and their foundation-building cultivators are also better than our Lu family. There are many families...the Lu family is very weak now, and stability is the main thing, not blind expansion!"

Seeing the Great Elder say this, everyone nodded.

They all changed their positions and agreed with Lu Xuanji.

Father Lu Jinwen was even more relieved. This was the first elder who was standing for Xuanji.

The Great Elder is getting older, and his lifespan is running out in his later years, so he begins to transfer some power, and the power is transferred to Xuanji; but as the Great Elder enters the Purple Mansion, his lifespan increases greatly, who knows if his mind will change? Would you like to be in power again?

If the patriarch and the chief elder disagree, or even clash violently, then it is the chief elder who vetoes the patriarch, or the patriarch who dismisses the chief elder.

Fortunately, the Great Elder had no intention of taking over power.

Lu Jinxiu said, "But there is a Purple Mansion in the family, and the base-building cultivators have also increased accordingly, and various expenses have also increased, but now there is no money in the family!"

Everyone had a slight headache.

No money!

Money is important.

But the distribution of money is more important, as the so-called don’t suffer from widowhood, but suffer unevenly.

Because of the uneven distribution, there are many incidents that lead to conflicts and even family breakdowns.

The resources are limited. We should give priority to supplying Qi cultivators, buy more foundation building pills, and increase the number of foundation building cultivators in the family; or should we deflect resources to foundation building cultivators, so that foundation building cultivators can upgrade faster.

Is it better to give more resources to the lower-level monks, or more to the upper-level monks.

The low-level monks will be dissatisfied with the lack of resources for the low-level monks;

If there are too many resources for the lower-level monks, the upper-level monks will be dissatisfied.

The distribution of these benefits is a big problem.

If it is not handled well, it will be a family strife, or a family civil war.

In the previous life, many relatives fought fiercely for the old man's inheritance; in this world, many immortal clans became enemies because of the distribution of benefits.

If there are only more than twenty monks in the Xiuxian family, with close blood ties, fewer people and less trouble, even if the distribution is unfair, the problem is not big;

But like the Lu family, a family that has lasted for thousands of years, with more than 200 monks, many of them have weak feelings, and a bad distribution is a big trouble.

This was also the biggest problem that Lu Xuanji faced after he became the patriarch.

This problem could have been covered up and controlled.

But as the Great Elder enters the Purple Mansion, and as the number of Foundation Establishment cultivators increases, the problem will continue to expand and even intensify.

"The lack of family resources is nothing more than a source of income and a reduction of expenditure!"

The first elder said: "Throttling money, it is temporarily impossible to do it; but open source, it is up to you... Xuanji is all up to you!"

Having said that, the Great Elder smiled.

"Elder, I planted some elixir to subsidize my family, but it will take some time!" Lu Xuanji said.

"That's not what I said!"

The first elder smiled: "Xuanji, it's time for you to marry a daughter-in-law, it's time for you to have a Taoist companion?"

Speaking of this, the first elder seemed to have thought of something, and scolded Lu Jinwen directly: "You are Xuanji's father, you should make arrangements for your son to marry a daughter-in-law. Xuanji is not in a hurry, you should be in a hurry. As long as you marry the daughter of the Ye family Xiu, the Ye family is not allowed to send a dowry, so my Lu family will be rich again!"

Being scolded by the first elder, Lu Jinwen bowed his head and was speechless.

When my son is older, my father can't take it anymore.


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