City’s Super Immortal Cultivator

Chapter 366: : Qin Digong Eight

The general’s body was blown to a blur, and in the end there was a large lump of rotten meat. At the same time, the terracotta warriors and horses also broke and fell to the ground, revealing a large number of black bones and many worms. These worms are very small and show up. They fled in all directions.

Leng Fan looked at this scene and guessed: "It should be that after the mother worms left, these little worms were all without a leader, and then they dispersed." Then he asked himself: "What kind of creature these worms are actually capable of controlling the dead, reaching The power of the living dead."

After thinking about it for a while, Leng Fan returned to the palace. Professor Chen and the others were not too bad to watch a movie inside and out here, and their next goal was the sleeping palace of Qin Shihuang in the deepest place, so the people in this team They were all very excited. Once they first discovered Qin Shihuang, they would become legends in the entire archaeological world.

Accompanied by laughter, the group of them walked forward again, and from here on, the ground was level, and there was a repaired road leading to the front.

"Xiaotian, pay attention to the figures carved on both sides of the road. They should be the guards by Qin Shihuang's reign. These are all accompanied by Qin Shihuang's unification of the world, so Qin Shihuang will definitely leave these people in his graveyard." Professor Chen walked. The people around you introduce it as if a tour guide is leading tourists to explain.

Cang Gang asked Leng Fan at this time: "Brother Leng, I know Qin Shihuang, do you think it is possible that Qin Shihuang has also become a living dead and has become very powerful."

Leng Fan also considered this question. After all, when Qin Shihuang was alive, he killed no fewer people than Bai Qi, and he himself possessed a nine-five-year aura. As an emperor, once he became a zombie like Bai Qi, his strength was definitely better than Bai Qi. Start stronger.

"How is it? If I can't beat it, I will run. Anyway, I still have a chance to run away." Leng Fan smiled.

"There is a river here. It is amazing. It is indeed the underground palace of Qin Shihuang." When they walked for a while, a river blocked their way.

Leng Fan walked over and looked down at the drinking water. It was clear and transparent. The river surface and the bottom of the river were about two meters away. It didn't look dangerous, but he still felt it was difficult to get into the water. After all, anything in this place could kill people. .

Professor Chen also came over. After observing, he said, "This water source looks clear and transparent, but it is actually very poisonous."

A person next to him asked, "Professor Chen, how did you see it?"

Professor Chen replied: "This water source is so clear that there are no fish above or below, and there is not even a living thing. Have you ever seen such a big river without any living things?"

After Leng Fan listened to it, he thought for a while and thought that Professor Chen was right. The river looked very big. There was not a single fish in it, and there were no flowers, which was too abnormal.

"Professor Chen, what shall we do?" another person asked.

Professor Chen said: "If there is a river, there must be a bridge. Let's take a walk and see where the bridge is."

After observing the terrain, Professor Chen led people to the right.

In fact, Leng Fan used his spiritual sense to discover that there was indeed a stone bridge in front, but the stone bridge was covered with flowers that had never been seen before, and the color of the flowers was pure white.

Soon, they came to this bridge covered with white flowers.

"Professor Chen is really amazing. There really is a bridge here. Let's pass. I believe that the coffin of Qin Shihuang is in front of him." A young man couldn't help himself to walk over.

Professor Chen shouted: "Don't go there."

But the young man failed to obey and walked directly onto the bridge.

Just after the young man walked on the bridge, the flowers on the bridge suddenly became so tall, and the petals were full of teeth.

"What the **** is this?" Cang Gang asked easily, completely ignoring the life and death of the person on the bridge.

Professor Chen was shocked, and subconsciously took out the necklace hanging on his chest, as if he wanted to save the person with the power in the necklace. But the flower with teeth was not affected in any way, and it bit the young man's **** in one bite.

"Ah" the young man screamed.

Leng Fan shook his head. He was about to take a shot just now, but he hesitated because he wanted to scare the people here with this mutant flower, so that they would not be frizzy on the next road, so he waited for the most Shot at the best time.

After the young man was bitten on his butt, he was not bitten by the flower. He jumped up and then continued to escape. But the next moment, his legs were entangled by a tree vine. At this time, he was completely unable to escape, so he shouted: "Help, help..."

It's almost time for Leng Fan to take action, otherwise he would really kill him. But just when he was about to shoot, a figure rushed over, and then the sword light flashed, and the vine was split apart.

"Boy, I saved your life now, how should you thank me?" Cang Gang stood next to the young man, and he also saved the young man's life. This young man was the one who had quarreled with him before, but he didn't expect that he would save people in the end.

The young man completely lost his arrogance at this time. He hugged Cang Gang's legs and said loudly, "Help me, help me, please help me..."

At this time, there are more and more flowers on the bridge, which seems to have become many long snakes from a distance.

"Professor Chen, you should withdraw first. I will cut these flowers first." After Leng Fan finished speaking, he rushed up directly. The Zhantian sword in his hand turned into many sword shadows, just like cutting a leek. Chop off. However, this flower is like a zombie. Even if it is cut off, it can grow up again immediately, and it will cut more and more.

"Professor Chen, what kind of monster is this?" Many people gathered around Professor Chen and asked.

Professor Chen replied: "This flower is called Hell's White Flower, a flower that has been extinct thousands of years ago, but I did not expect to reappear in Qin Shihuang's underground palace."

"Professor Chen, is this flower very powerful?" the person next to him asked again.

Professor Chen replied: "I only know from some ancient books that this flower reproduces very quickly, and all living things are its food, so there is no grass around where it grows."

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder there were no creatures in the drinking water. It turned out to be eaten up by it. Professor Chen, this thing is so strange. If we take a picture and publish it back, it will definitely become a sensation." Maybe because someone was in front By helping to cut this kind of flower, the people here gradually became unafraid, and after they became unafraid, they began to have some other ideas.

"Not bad, not bad." When the people around heard this, they took out their cameras and began to take photos of the bridge.

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