Chen Lianqing's work efficiency in the Legal Department was very high. Only three days later, he approached Lin Fan and reported the results of the patent infringement incident.

Regarding the suspension assembly of A4, there is a solution to infringement that overlaps with the zero-match patent of a free country company called DILA. After only paying three thousand dollars, he bought the other party’s patent with only two years of patent period. Come here.

However, the AUDA lamp factory rejected Baolong's patent purchase.

Not only that, they also refused to authorize Powerlong, even if they doubled the cost.

It also requested Baolong to immediately stop using DILA daytime running lights on all Baolong models.

Lin Fan almost scolded his mother when he heard this report.

According to Chen Lianqing’s investigation report, the shape design of the daytime running lights on the A4 and A6 did cause infringements on AUDA, but it was only on the shape, not on the technical level.

The solution to this type of infringement is not complicated. Under normal circumstances, it is to buy the other party's patent authorization and pay the patent fee for the sold product, and make a certain compensation if it is more serious.

After all, if someone else sells a product, if you sell a patent license, you can lie down and collect money. Generally, no one will refuse.

But this time it was different. The other party refused directly, even if the price was doubled, and even threatened to sue Baolong.

If this is the case, the adverse consequences for Baolong are quite serious.

The design of daytime running lights for A4 and A6 is somewhat different from that of most models.

The A4 and A6 car lights are designed to connect the daytime running lights, headlights, fog lights, automatic headlights, and side auxiliary lights to form a matrix-type car light group.

This kind of matrix lamp set has a sense of science fiction and looks extremely cool. It is also a unique design scheme that attracts consumers' attention and talks about it.

It is no exaggeration to say that many users who buy A4 are here for the matrix lights.

If AUDA does not license the patent for the shape of daytime running lights to Baolong.

Baolong Company needs to redesign and replace the lamp sets of models sold and in production.

The A4 has sold hundreds of thousands of vehicles in the past few months. If all of them are replaced, it will undoubtedly be a very large project.

A6 is in the process of applying for patents and submitting the vehicle for review. If the lights are not replaced, it will definitely not pass the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Needless to say, the waste of manpower and material resources caused by the replacement of a large area of ​​car lights will have a certain impact on the Baolong brand.

So Lin Fan was very angry when he heard the news, but he quickly calmed down.

Said: "AUDA is a small company, there must be someone behind it, have you found out which company it is?"

Chen Lianqing guessed: “It’s not certain for the time being, but judging from the several car companies that have cooperated with AUDA, I think the most likely one is Audi, because Audi A4 and A6 car lights use this daytime running light. Appearance patent."

Audi, hehe...

After Lin Fan was reminded by Chen Lianqing, it was almost certain that this company was doing the trick.

Because Wu Xinnian told him that Tian Guangcheng took over the Hongqi Group and threatened to take the Shengshi C9 off the assembly line within a month or two, and his backing was Audi.

The Baolong electric A4 swept the B-class car market, directly knocking the B-class car market overlord Audi A4 and its new generation models off the altar, which will naturally arouse Audi's anger.

The Baolong Electric A6 rushed to submit to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for review before the Shengshi C9, which made Tian Guangcheng and the Audi behind him feel uneasy.Combining these two points, together with the AUDA daytime running lights patents used by the Audi A4 and A6, it is inferred that Audi is behind the AUDA company. This is entirely possible.

Lin Fan calmed down and sighed softly, "It looks like I'm going to break my wrists with Audi."

Seeing Lin Fan's confident look, Chen Lianqing asked, "Mr. Lin, what are you going to do?"

Lin Fan pondered for a moment: "From the information you provided, the A4 daytime running lights are just appearance infringements, not technical infringements. You seize this point and go through legal procedures, play with them, and leave other things to do. Give me."

Chen Lianqing answered: "Our A4 daytime running lights are part of the entire matrix lamp, and the matrix lamp set is also patented.

Let’s talk about this. Although we can’t guarantee success, I’m sure that the A4 sold will not need to be replaced with lights, which will reduce the company’s losses. "

"So much the better."

Lin Fan nodded in satisfaction, and then smiled faintly: "Next, I will see what they can do."


Three days later, when AUDA officially submitted the letter from the teacher to Baolong, it issued a solemn statement through the media.

[AUDA company is a 100-year-old automotive lighting manufacturing company. We are committed to the research and development of automotive lighting and have obtained hundreds of patents. RS daytime running lights is one of them. 】

[However, we found that Baolong actually ignored our company’s patent rights and international patent regulations. Without our authorization, Baolong Electric A4 and Baolong Electric A6 flagrantly used RS driving lights. 】

[The actions of Baolong Company seriously infringed the rights and interests of our company. Our company made a solemn statement requesting Baolong Company to immediately stop such infringements, and at the same time, in accordance with the "Patent Law" regulations, formally filed a lawsuit against Baolong Company. 】

As soon as this statement was made, an uproar was immediately caused on the Internet.

"The cars produced by Baolong even copied foreign daytime running lights. I doubt that their electric cars have the same plagiarism in other respects."

"Baolong has developed electric assembly technology in just over half a year, and has launched three series of models. I am still amazed by the speed of research and development of Baolong. It turned out to be based on plagiarism."

"Hey, this is the consistent style of the national car brand. I don't want to be innovative, and I want to copy other people's technological achievements. No wonder our national brand cars can't develop. Baolong is so disappointing."

"It's just a daytime running light, do you want to make it so serious?"

"The daytime running lights are only one part of the matrix-type lights. I don't believe it was copied."

"Is the one upstairs trying to get rid of Baolong? I can tell at a glance that you are the navy hired by Baolong."

"Hey, there are always some people who shamelessly make all kinds of excuses for plagiarism. Why can't they face up to their actions?"

With the hot sales of Baolong electric vehicles, Baolong already has a considerable portion of car fans.

Therefore, as soon as this statement came out, many Baolong fans stood up to speak for Baolong.

However, these remarks were quickly overwhelmed by the indiscriminate bombardment of a large number of naval forces, sprayers, and dog-raising.

The Plagiarism of Baolong spread quickly, and it became more and more crooked, and Baolong's plagiarism hat seemed to be confirmed.

Just two days later, Lynes, an executive of AUDA, came to the celestial dynasty and immediately held a press conference. Lynes was even more blatant:

"I had heard of Baolong, this amazing company when I was in my country. I also heard that the actual director of this company is a young genius. I even want to learn from this young genius with a humility.

But the facts disappointed me very much. As far as I know, he not only infringed on the rights and interests of AUDA, but also stole the patented technology of DILA and other companies for his use.

It's just that Baolong's public relations capabilities are really strong. They quickly covered up these facts with money and shut these companies so that no one saw their vile side.

Although our company DUDA is small in scale, it is a century-old brand dedicated to making products. We also need to make money, but we have more of our principles, and we firmly maintain the international patent order.

I hope that Baolong, the young genius, will face up to his mistakes, immediately terminate this infringement, pay compensation to our company and apologize, and hope that the relevant departments of the Heavenly Dynasty will deal with it fairly and impartially..."

Lions talked a lot, and was stunned to hear the reporter at the scene.

They didn't expect that this elder who looked very gentleman would speak so...seriously and stingingly.

Lions stepped on Baolong and Lin Fan severely.

It even ridiculed the Tian Dynasty's indifferent attitude towards patents.

This mouth is not poisonous!

But a careful person can find it.

The AUDA Division first issued a warning letter from the lawyer.

Then mercenary naval forces sprayed all over the Internet.

Now it is the company's executives who have appeared righteously.

One ring after another, pushed a big show to the high dynasty.

The man behind it is simply the most superb theater director.

After Lions’ press conference, a wave of power infringement and plagiarism broke out on the Internet again.

There are even a lot of attacks on Lin Fan himself, saying that they are geniuses piled up by plagiarism.

However, Baolong did not make any response, which is anxious to the fans of Baolong electric vehicles.

Powerlong Company.

Pan Qiang, Liu Meimei, and Wang Jun came directly to Lin Fan's office.

They are also very dissatisfied with Lin Fan's silence these days.

Wang Jun first angrily said: "Mr. Lin, many sunspots on the Internet are about to spray Baolong out, are you not going to do something, do you want me to ask some navy soldiers to give him back?"

Liu Meimei also said: "Yes, Mr. Lin, the Lions from DUDA is simply owed. I heard from the marketing department that our A4 sales have shown a downward trend in the past few days."

Pan Qiang put a document in front of Lin Fan: "This is the rectification report that Cheng Jingxing has just sent back. Our A6 has encountered some troubles at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requires us to change the matrix light set before it can pass."

The three of them talked a lot before, but Lin Fan didn't look up and finished the last stroke on the tablet before looking at the three in front of him.

With a faint smile, he said, "Lynes ignores him for the time being. When he regrets, the blacks on the Internet are all mad dogs. You were bitten by a mad dog. Can't you still bite back?"

Wang Jun said in pain: "My brother Fan, we can't do nothing. If they spray it like this, the white ones will make them spray black. This has a great impact on our Baolong brand. "

Chen Huiyi mysteriously said from the side: "Mr. Lin has already made arrangements, so you don't have to worry. The more Lynes dances, the harder the sunspots spray, the more beneficial to us."

Listening to Chen Huiyi's words, the three of them were a little confused.At this time, the phone rang, Lin Fan glanced at the caller ID, pressed the answer button, and asked, "How are things going over there?"

"I'm here to report to General Manager Lin Da. We have found the IP addresses of those people, and all the information has been sent to your mailbox. It's up to you next."

Lin Fan clicked his mouse and said with satisfaction: "Haha, it's a trio of hackers, I will send someone to your account to transfer two million in the past."

"Oh, Brother Fan is magnificent, then our brothers are not welcome, when will we return to Nanjing University of Technology? Your bed will be prepared for you, haha..."

"Hey, I want to go back too, but there should be no chance now."

"Yes, you are now the boss of the company, a big boss."

"Well, I won't blow water with you. If you have the opportunity to come to Shacheng, we will gather together."

"That's OK, you guys are busy..."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan curled his lips and dialed Captain Xiao's phone with his mobile phone: "Captain Xiao, I'm Lin Fan."

"Hey, why did Mr. Lin call me today when he is free?"

"I have something to trouble you."

"What trouble is not troublesome, just tell me if something is wrong."

"That's right, I have a situation here, see if you can contact the Internet police..."

Listening to Lin Fan's call, the three seemed to understand something.

The three hackers should be Lin Fan's college classmates.

Captain Xiao should be Captain Xiao of the Furong Police Department.

Before the three of them could ask, Lin Fan handed the tablet in his hand to Pan Qiang, and said, "Lao Pan, give this to Lao Li from the R&D department and ask him to make a sample for testing as soon as possible, and then send it to the car lighting factory. Mass production."

Pan Qiang took the tablet, looked at the design pattern on it, and said in surprise: " this the Q7 car lights, angel eyes?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, it was originally intended to be used on the SUV series, but now it seems to have to be used on the A4, A6, and A8, and subsequent models will also use this lamp design."

Two days later.

Lin Fan issued a statement through platforms such as, Xunteng News, and Personal Weiwei.

"Baolong officially issued a solemn statement on the dispute between the appearance patent of the Baolong electric A4 daytime running light and the AUDA company in the country.

All products under Powerlong are independently developed and produced, and are marketed after strict patent screening, and will not infringe on the rights of other organizations and individuals.

If you have seen Baolong electric A4, you should be able to see that the daytime running lights are a component of the matrix light group, which is similar to AUDA's RS light by coincidence.

We are willing to work with AUDA to resolve all disputes through fair and impartial legal procedures, and decide to replace the original matrix lamp set of Baolong Electric A4 with a more innovative angel eye lamp set. "

"In addition, Zhong has investigated the recent smearing of Baolong Company and its products on the Internet, as well as my personal smearing remarks. Under the full search of the Furong police, the team and individuals of the organization have been uncovered.

According to these organizations and individuals, the hirer behind the organization and Zhong's slander and slander against Baolong, its products, and myself is Xu Mou, the public relations manager of Audi Datianchao District.

At present, we have formally filed a lawsuit against Audi's public relations manager Xu Mou and Audi's Datianchao headquarters through the Shacheng Court, and resolutely safeguard the reputation and rights of Baolong, its products, and my personal rights through legal means.. .".

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