Mission end countdown: 23 hours.

In the early morning, there were two rows of corpses piled in the stone square.

The people looked at their relatives who were once active around them with sad expressions.

Hundreds of winged demon knights squatted on the top of the stone house, paying close attention to the surrounding situation.

After experiencing such a tragedy, everyone felt as if a stone was weighing on their hearts!

"snort! That bitch can only do insidious and cunning things!"

Nanrong Dashan looked angry and squeezed tightly with his big hands.

"It's so terrible……"

"Yes, even Da Zhuang died in the hands of that monster. He was a peak fourth-level expert.……"

"I originally thought that the monster was just a slave beast, but I didn't expect it to be so hidden and so scheming.……"

"I think now even the fifth-level strong man will not be a match for that monster!"

The people gathered around the stone square, talking with horror on their faces.

"Why don't you help?!"

Suddenly, a man with scars on his face turned his head angrily and glared at Jiang Hao, who was standing silently aside.

His brother, who was also attacked last night, was lying in the middle of the two rows of corpses..The scar-faced man’s move obviously forced his own sense of powerlessness and anger over his brother’s death onto Jiang Hao!

"That's right...the investigator from the Shenlong Bureau seemed to be at the scene last night.……"

"Humph, I think he probably saw the monster and ran away in fear!"

"No way, I saw him risking his own life to save Miss Yao before.……"

The crowd also began to discuss Jiang Hao.

Obviously, people need someone to stand up and take responsibility for this.

As the only outsider, Jiang Hao is obviously the best candidate.

Jiang Hao looked at the people with different expressions around him, but a smile appeared on his face.

If it weren't for completing the mission, Jiang Hao wouldn't meddle in these nosy matters

"What nonsense are you all talking about!"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from behind.

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Nanrong Chuyao!

"If it weren't for Mr. Jiang Hao, I'm afraid I would have been killed last night"

"Mr. Jiang Hao has sacrificed so much for us, and yet you are here making sarcastic remarks!"

Nanrong Chuyao looked at everyone, her little face full of anger.

After being scolded by Nanrong Chuyao, the voices of everyone talking suddenly stopped.

"Miss Yao, this guy is just an outsider, why do you have to defend him!"

The scarred man with an angry face stood up in dissatisfaction.

"I think it was after the investigator came that things became more serious!"

"That is, get out of our village!"

"Get out of our village!!"

All the people seemed to be persuaded by the scar-faced man, and they all roared.

But in fact, this anger did not come from Jiang Hao, but from their fear of the skinned monster.

They did not dare He went to roar at the skinned monster, so he chose Jiang Hao, who seemed easier to bully.

However, Jiang Hao still stood there with an indifferent expression.

At this moment, the safety of the people dropped in his heart. First level.

His primary goal has become to complete the task.

The life and death of the people has nothing to do with Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is not a saint, he cannot be despised by thousands of people, still these ignorant and stupid people!

"Leave me alone!"

At this time, Nanrong Dashan suddenly shouted loudly.

The people around him finally stopped when they heard Nanrong Dashan's voice.

But at this time, they were still staring at Jiang Hao with anger.

Now they have forgotten Why are they angry? All they need is an outlet to vent their fears.

Seeing everyone's silence, Nanrong Dashan turned around and looked at Jiang Hao,"Although I don't know the specific situation last night, I believe. None of the investigators of the Shenlong Bureau is a coward!"

"Little brother Jiang, I hope you don’t take their words to heart."

After listening to Nan Rong's words, Jiang Hao felt a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that this Nan Rong Dashan, who had always looked down on him, would not stand on his side...

Unexpectedly, this Nan Rong Dashan would actually speak for him.

But In fact, this is just due to Nanrong Dashan's early cooperation experience with the Shenlong Bureau.

Although he doubted the level of Jiang Hao, a novice investigator, he did not doubt the selection standards of the Shenlong Bureau at all.

Since Jiang Hao can Becoming an official investigator proves that he must be upright and fearless at heart!

"There's nothing I don't care about, I just want to complete the task."

Jiang Hao replied lightly and left the stone square alone.

Jiang Hao was still a little bit regretful because he let the skinned monster run away last night.

But he didn't expect this group of people to be so ignorant of appreciation. Jiang Hao seemed to be laughing at himself. Shaking his head.

Nanrong Dashan looked at Jiang Hao's back and felt very regretful.

It was obvious that he heard it.

Jiang Hao's subsequent actions may no longer be based on protecting the safety of the people. All he needs is to complete the task.……

"Jiang Hao……"

Nanrong Chuyao felt a pain in her heart when she looked at Jiang Hao's somewhat lonely back.

She wanted to follow him, but she couldn't move her feet.

Jiang Hao became like this all because of the accusations from the people in the village.

She was afraid that if she got close to him now, she would annoy Jiang Hao.

But in fact, Jiang Hao's mind was filled with information about the skinned monster at the moment.

For him, the most important thing now is to complete the mission.

More than half of the mission time has passed.

To be precise, Jiang Hao only has one night's chance now.

If he fails again tonight, he will probably fail the mission directly.

In this way, more than two days of busy work were all in vain.

But now there is a very acute question.

That is, after last night's incident, will the skinned monster appear again tonight?

If he doesn't show up tonight, then Jiang Hao will really be in vain.

However, Jiang Hao was not completely fruitless last night.

A glimmer of light flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes


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