"Are you really an investigator from the Shenlong Bureau?!"

After breaking out of the Yi Yao's airspace, the one-eyed captain finally couldn't help but ask.

Although he himself didn't believe this conclusion.

But judging from Jiang Hao's strength, it is probably correct.

"I told you so."

Jiang Hao sat back down helplessly.

Sitting on this flight, Jiang Hao didn't feel safe at all.

Normal flights should be escorted by strong people.

But this flight to Zhailuo, Not only was there no strong escort, but a one-eyed captain was sent.

This made Jiang Hao feel speechless.

"You haven't finished speaking yet. It's not what I thought. What is it like?"

Jiang Hao continued to cross-examine.

This one-eyed captain is very likely to be the breakthrough in this skinning case.

Jiang Hao naturally cannot let go of the clues that come to his door.

"Later... although he practiced some evil arts, he did not go astray. Instead, he became more enthusiastic about helping others and solving monster invasion incidents.……"

"As a student, he has surpassed many people. Unfortunately, one day, his practice of evil arts will be exposed.……"

When the one-eyed captain said this, he sighed.


Since you practice evil arts, you don't go astray.

This is extremely rare.

"His strength improved so quickly that he was doubted"

"After finding out the truth, the relevant departments miraculously let him go. You must know that people who originally practiced evil arts will have all their abilities revoked at the very least.……"

The one-eyed captain slowly narrated

"Looking at it this way, it seems that he has no reason to become a black man."

Jiang Hao's brows sank.

Since the relevant departments have let him go, the worst he can do is to continue living in a different place and keep a low profile.

He won't retaliate against society, right?

"No... Although the relevant departments let him go, the people did not……"

"Later, he was beaten to death by the angry people and thrown outside the Anjie City, allowing the monsters to drag away his body.……"

When the one-eyed captain said this, there was a hint of unexplainable meaning in his voice.

Jiang Hao also fell silent.

These people have indeed gone too far.

So what if he practiced evil arts? Instead of harming anyone, he did a lot of good deeds.

The fear in the hearts of the weak people turned into anger.

They did not dare to face the monsters, but instead dealt cruelly to the same kind...

In fact, there is no magic at all, but ignorant people always like to call them black and white.

The real magic lies in the human heart

"and after?"

Jiang Hao's expression also became a little dull.

"Later... later many people rumored that he died……"

"Some people also say that he has joined the monster camp. In my opinion, these are all nonsense!"

"He was completely changed beyond recognition and chose to continue practicing in the mountains to fulfill his early wish."

"However, gradually, the evil magic completely swallowed up his already twisted heart.……"

"You can probably guess what happened next."

When the one-eyed captain said this, he paused.

"Later, because his appearance was damaged, he became possessed and became obsessed with collecting human skins."

"Maybe he took this as some kind of psychological comfort……"

Jiang Hao paused for a moment and spoke slowly.

When the one-eyed captain heard this, a flash of horror suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Not bad at all.

This young man's wisdom and insight are definitely unparalleled by his peers.

Moreover, even some veteran investigators from the Shenlong Bureau would find it difficult to compete with them.

"Now I believe that you are indeed an investigator from the Shenlong Bureau."

The one-eyed captain began to control the plane and lowered the altitude.

Jiang Hao looked at the back of the one-eyed captain, but said nothing.

A large cluster of villages below began to enlarge in Jiang Hao's eyes.

Smoke rose from the village. There were people flying in the air on tamed exotic birds, and there were also children playing in a small stone square.

It seemed that the people in Qinshan Village were not affected by the shadow of the case.


The plane almost stopped at the dirt airport in an extremely violent manner.

"Now that you've arrived, you can go down."

The one-eyed captain parked the plane and lit a cigarette.

"Thank you, Mr. Captain, for not killing me."

Jiang Hao teased the one-eyed captain and got off the plane.

However, Jiang Hao didn't notice that there was a hint of murderous intent in the eyes of the one-eyed captain looking at Jiang Hao's back.

"Good luck to you, kid."

The plane took off and began to return.

Immediately, several villagers from Zhailuo walked towards Jiang Hao.

There were occasional tourists coming to Zhailuo before.

But since that happened, there have been no more recently. People are coming

"Little brother, you came at the wrong time."

A middle-aged man holding a scepter with colorful ornaments and wearing an animal skin coat came forward and looked at Jiang Hao.

"I came just in time."

Jiang Hao smiled faintly, took out a red notebook in his hand, and handed it over.

A trace of respect suddenly flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes.

He carefully took the notebook, took a look, and quickly handed it back. To Jiang Hao:"Where is the master of the Shenlong Bureau? Great, we can be saved this time."

The middle-aged man's face was full of joy.

"I am what you call me, the master of Shenlong Bureau."

Jiang Hao responded lightly.


The middle-aged man's thick eyebrows knitted together in an instant.

He glanced at Jiang Hao up and down, and the worry in his expression became deeper and deeper.

Judging from Jiang Hao's youthful appearance, he could only be an intern at most.

How can such an intern solve such a difficult case?!

"IWith only forty-four hours left, you'd better not waste my time."

Jiang Hao's expression suddenly turned cold.

Damn it, every time he meets others, they always look down on his youth.

Jiang Hao has lost his patience.

"snort! I think the people above have never considered the life and death of our people in Zhailuo!!"

The middle-aged man stomped the colorful scepter in his hand slowly, with a very dissatisfied tone.


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