"This is indeed one of the reasons why I don't want to touch him. Liu Yangfeihua said,"I can do it, but it's not necessary.""

The back of the file is all about Inoue Yu's personal events and some of his personality and methods of doing things.

Bai Ziyi has no intention of looking at the details now.

After closing the file, Bai Ziyi first asked Liu Yangfeihua:" But why did you touch him?"

"Because he doesn't belong to my faction."Liu Yangfeihua's answer was simple and crude.

"wrong."Bai Ziyi shook his head,"If he doesn't belong to your faction, he should never belong to your faction. If you wanted to take action, you should have done it long ago. Why wait until now?"

"I guess. Bai Ziyi said,"It should be related to this election for Minister of General Affairs?" Liu

Yangfeihua nodded and couldn't help but said:"Bai Ziyi, you are indeed very smart.""

"good. She confirmed again,"It is indeed a matter of the election. I, Iga-ryu, have been in control of the cabinet for a long time. There are a total of six people at the top of the cabinet. I can basically control four to five. This can stabilize my influence.""

"It's just that this time Inoue not only ran for Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications himself, but also led several people to run for other cabinet positions. I can't let him realize this."

Bai Ziyi had to be surprised again by Liu Yangfeihua's influence.

Before, she thought it was a joke that others said she controlled the cabinet.

But now she hears it, it's amazing.

Four to five of the six people are her people.

Isn't that right? Even if they, Iga-ryu, ask Country R to go wherever they want, Country R will have to go.

This penetration is too strong.

"The cabinet race is just one reason."Liu Yang Feihua said again,"Actually, I don't necessarily have to completely control the people in the cabinet. After all, they belong to the country. How they run, I will not interfere too much. However, during this election process, Inoue Yuu came in too much. There are so many external forces that I can’t stand"

"External forces? Bai Ziyi was confused,"What external force?""

"foreign power."Liu Yangfei Hua said,"Every change of cabinet will cause domestic chaos. The competition in the election is financial resources, influence, connections and heritage, and the relationships among them are intricate."

Bai Ziyi knows this very well.

Not only country R, ​​but any country in the world, the relationship between them is very complicated and it is difficult to delve into it.

"Then this time Inoue Yu knew that most of the domestic forces were under the control of Iga-ryu, so he brought some forces from abroad into the game. He did this very secretly. I still don’t know anyone he has in-depth cooperation with."

"So this is one of the things you want me to do?"Bai Ziyi guessed it right away.

Liu Yangfeihua had already said before that he wanted him to get closer to Inoue Xiong and get information from him. After talking to this point, it was obviously what he wanted to do.

"That's right. Liu Yangfeihua gave an affirmative answer,"You need to find out about this thing for me, and then kill Inoue Yu.""

"Don't use ordinary techniques, it's better to fake it and make it an accident."

Bai Ziyi nodded to himself, basically understanding

"Then my advice to you is to become his friend first. As the young master of the Legend Group, he is in urgent need of expanding his power. With such a huge force like you, it should be easier to get close to him."

"Then after you get off the plane, my people will prepare you a copy of Inoue Yu's latest itinerary, and from the first step you set foot on the territory of country R, ​​I will not contact you again."

"To prevent Yu Inoue from becoming suspicious, don't worry, I will ensure your safety. I will send a few bodyguards with clean backgrounds around you, and you will have to handle other matters yourself."

I'll go."

Bai Ziyi couldn't help complaining.

He's just a dog at the beginning, and his survival depends on Gou.

Isn't this just undercover work?

Although he is using his true identity, the conditions you provided are too few.

"How much does this trip cost for you?"

Bai Ziyi asked. After all, the company is also in difficulty now.

And it can be expected that it will cost a lot of money to go to Inoue Xiong.

"Didn’t I give you two trillion yuan, and the extra 700 billion yuan is not enough for your consumption this time?"


I guess that's how it came about?

But I handed over the 700 billion to the country, oh no, my wife, I didn't take it with me.

But then I thought about it, my personal tens of billions are enough.

I can't go back and go to Bai Qianqian to report the debt.

If you think about it this way, the cost of traveling to country R is as high as 700 billion, which is quite rich.

Not bad!

I started to feel a little hopeful, and about two more people passed by on the plane. Hours later, the plane finally landed.

Just as they said on the plane, Liu Yangfeihua pretended not to know Bai Ziyi at all after getting off the plane. After leaving the airport, he immediately ran away in his car.

Good guy, They didn’t even mention preparing a car for me.

What the hell, this is what the second generation of the richest man in the world is getting?

Well, even if we come here as undercover agents, then we can be considered the number one agents in the world. And we still need to take a taxi?

Of course. Well, it is still impossible to take a pure taxi. Just go to the R national website and click on a car rental company, lock in the car rental company's only Ferrari ST, and prepare to place an order. It's nothing, just nostalgia.

The ST owned by Mr. Bai After the car fell off a cliff and became a scrapped car, the young man was always very angry and wanted to buy another one.

However, there was no such thing as a limited edition.

But I saw such a car on the R Country Car Rental website. Why not place an order?

The price of renting a car is 30,000 Chinese dollars a day, which is super cheap.

But when I was about to place the order, a customer grabbed the order and actually raised the price to 40,000 Chinese dollars per day. Should

I go?

Even if I am nostalgic, someone will grab it. Stuff.

What kind of temper do you have?

Mainly because of the 700 billion budget, I am not timid at all. I immediately called the customer service:"No matter how much money the other party offers, I have 10,000 more than him."

Domineering, take it.

The electronic contract was quickly sent for signing. Bai Ziyi paid for two weeks first. He didn't know how many days he would be delayed in country R, ​​so he paid a little richer first.

Anyway, if you don't have enough time, you can pay later. Refund.

After paying the money and signing the contract, all that was left was to wait for the bus at the airport gate.

When I walked to the airport gate, I bumped into an acquaintance.

I was very excited.

Now I finally know what it feels like to meet an old friend in a foreign country.

As soon as he saw Yi Xingqian, Bai Ziyi quickly leaned forward and patted his shoulder from behind:"Old Yi!"

"Who?"Yi Xingqian was actually very angry,"Just say hello when you say hello, you idiot."

When he turned around and saw it was Bai Ziyi, he was instantly startled.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the bastard's skills had not deteriorated a bit.

He immediately started laughing:"Master Bai, why is it you?"

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