The matter has basically been exposed, and there is nothing to defend further.

It's just that the attitude of this landlady is very unruly.

The logic is also extremely blunt.

Bai Ziyi didn't care much, he just came to play.

But Bai Qianqian was very uncomfortable at the moment.

I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t catch the ring at the beginning, or because I have a strong sense of justice.

She said to the proprietress:"You can't set up a stall here."

The proprietress didn't have any other reaction after hearing this, and immediately started laughing.

"what are you saying?

Bai Qianqian continued:"You are lying. You are not qualified to do business here at all.""

It was a good thing, but everyone was a little annoyed by it.

Even the boss lady didn't expect that the matter would develop to this point.

To be honest, this woman was a bit nosy:"I just want to ask you a question. , are you from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau or the Urban Management Brigade? What does it have to do with you where I set up a stall?"

It's just that some of the onlookers nearby can't stand it anymore.

Many people have been watching here since Bai Ziyi hit the target every time. What they originally wanted to see was to watch Bai Ziyi's excitement and eat Bai Ziyi's melons. How could he hit the mark so that this woman lost all her money?

It turned out later that it was actually confirmed that this woman was using tricks to deceive people.

At this moment, many people around her were upset.

"I'll tell you why I couldn't get it right in the beginning."

"Damn it, it’s okay to make this ring extremely elastic, but the damn thing is that she actually uses tricks in other places, is she really treating us like fools?"

"What the girl just said is right, we must resolutely resist such behavior"

"You can't show up here anymore"

"That's right, get out now!"

"Don't trick people here!"

The crowd was excited for a moment.

But this woman didn't pay attention to what the onlookers said at all. Even if everyone said so, she still looked like a rogue.

A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water:"I said you guys from out of town. People really like to meddle in other people's business, right? It's really different in big cities, high-end? Does it have anything to do with you? She continued:"You guys are here to play for two days and then leave the day after tomorrow. Do you really think that you are angels and saviors who have to take care of everything?""

Everyone was even more upset by this woman's attitude, and they started to confront her:"I've never seen anyone so arrogant!"

"What's going on locally? Can you be lawless locally?"

"I just said you shouldn’t come to these places. Suddenly a show makes your place famous. Do you really feel like you’ve gone to heaven?"

"What qualities are there?"

"Just report it directly and let the urban management people take care of it!"

"Otherwise, call the police directly and she will lie!"

Everyone spoke more frankly.

Women also became more rogue.

They sat on the stool and crossed their legs without any fear.

"Yo yo yo, I’m so scared!"She said,"If you are able, call the city management over. I want to see if they will help you or me. You people are too rich and can't survive without enough food!"

The crowd suddenly became excited.

She added:"How about it? Do you still want to hit me? Come on, I will stand here and wait for you to hit me!"

She spread her hands. A real dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. She feels exactly like a rogue.

But at this time, there is a bad temper in the crowd.

That is Tian Yu.

To be honest, a woman is acting naughty here. Bai Ziyi is really difficult to take action.

Especially an old woman, it would be really troublesome if he hurt her anywhere.

Of course, with the financial resources of the Bai family, it would be as easy to kill this woman as crushing an ant.

But Bai Ziyi feels that it is not necessary. Such a big fanfare.

Tian Yu is different. She is also a woman, and she can't stand these styles. She is just a naughty girl, just go up and do it.

So I saw her entering the venue directly and kicking all the prizes on the stalls. Turn it over.

Be it crystal cups, ceramic dolls, or other miscellaneous things, they were all kicked out.

Real people don’t have many types of ruthless words.

Those things were kicked to pieces, and they were all broken into pieces. No.

This will kill the woman.

The woman suddenly stood up, pointed at Tian Yu and cursed:"You bitch, what are you doing?"

"ah? Tian Yu seemed not to have heard anything and spread his hands and said,"I didn't do anything!""

"Did you touch my things?"

"Is this your thing? Tian Yu responded,"I thought these were the stuff of liars. So you are a liar?""

"Damn girl, you did this on purpose, right?"The woman continued.

Tian Yu didn't care at all. He spread his hands and said,"What do you think?"

"Damn girl! The woman was furious, and she rushed over to settle the score with Tian Yu:"Pay me back, you damn bitch, you dare to expose me!""

The woman must be in her forties, at the age when she is used to seeing everyone and is not afraid of anything.

When she saw her things being smashed, she went crazy.

She rushed up, grabbed Tian Yu's neck and pinched her violently.

Although Tian Yu has a violent personality, he is no match for these shrews. He was so bullied that he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyi finally couldn't bear it any longer.

I can scold you, but you can't do it with force. You're wrong.

He took a few steps over and grabbed the woman's wrist. Bai Ziyi didn't hit her, but just looked at her coldly:"Don't do it."

At first glance, the woman saw Bai Ziyi's eyes, and she felt inexplicably frightened.

She took a step back and said,"What's the matter, you still want to attack me, a woman?"

"Depends on your level."Bai Ziyi said.

As a result, the woman suddenly used the topic and sat down on the ground. Then she burst into tears:"Come on, come on, my God, I'm beating someone!" A young man in his twenties actually attacked me, a woman in her forties or fifties. Is there any way to do this?"

Bai Ziyi:"……"

To be honest, Bai Ziyi was disgusted.

He had never known how disgusting such a person could be.

Now it seems beyond imagination.

Bai Ziyi never thought that someone could be so shameless.

It was obviously her deception first, and she felt confident in letting her go. Then she wanted to hit someone, but she just grabbed her hand, and then she beat her up.

Okay, pretty fierce.

I can only say that I am still too young.

But facing such a shrew, Bai Ziyi really didn't know how to deal with it. beat? Accident prone.

Give money? Too cheap for him.

In fact, it is best to let others do such things, and it is best to be alone.

Able to handle problems and be independent from things.

Just don't know the right person for this.

As a result, at this moment, the right candidate appeared. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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