Jiang Tong looked as gentle and elegant as ever, wearing a white suit that looked more formal than before.

In front of him was a middle-aged man dressed maturely.

A simple gray suit, simple trousers, simple makeup, and even the hair is just a simple round head.

There is no so-called aura, and it looks extremely ordinary and even gentle.

But it was just such an ordinary appearance, and many people who were already sitting on the field stood up to greet him.

Including those so-called big shots at department and ministerial levels

"Mr. Jiang, long time no see"

"Mr. Jiang, you are getting younger and younger"

"This must be your son. He is indeed a talented person."

"Mr. Jiang, we should keep in touch with each other in private!"

No one calls him with similar titles like Brother Jiang and Brother Jiang.

Everyone unanimously calls him Mr. Jiang. No one dares to be disrespectful at all, not even those cadres.

And his expression remains the same. Warmly, he greeted them one by one, nodding and smiling, very polite.

Bai Ziyi was now almost certain that the reason why Jiang Tong had such a good upbringing must be because of Jiang Mingzhou's good education.

The father and son seemed to be carved from the same mold. Yes, it’s just that Jiang Mingzhou seems to be more at ease than Jiang Tong.

"he came. Bai Qianqian also said at the same time,"The one next to Jiang Tong is Uncle Jiang. You can go and get to know him.""

"They should come."Bai Ziyi waved his hand.

And as expected, after Jiang Tong and Jiang Mingzhou dealt with all the people in front of them, they walked towards Bai Ziyi.

"Brother Bai! Jiang Tong looked very happy,"I thought you wouldn't come if you didn't like this kind of atmosphere.""

"I didn’t want to come originally."Bai Ziyi is also good at talking,"But I heard you were here, so I came."

"Here, my dad."Jiang Tong introduced it simply and casually.

"Dad, this is Grandpa Bai’s grandson I’ve been telling you about, Bai Ziyi"

"Hello Uncle Jiang."Bai Ziyi showed the etiquette that a junior should have when meeting his elders.

Jiang Mingzhou nodded calmly, but did not speak for now. He just looked at Bai Ziyi.

While he looked at Bai Ziyi, Bai Ziyi also reflected Come and see him.

What should I say about Jiang Tong's father, Jiang Mingzhou?

He is very humble, very peaceful, and his voice is very soft, which can even be said to be gentle.

The whole person is tepid, and his face is only average.

It's just that his eyes are as broad as the sea.

This is very strange.

It feels like he is just here without saying a word, but from his eyes, you can read millions of people. kind of content.

It's like having sailed through thousands of sails and seen all kinds of life.

It may also be that he has been in a high position for a long time and treats all living beings the same.

Anyway, Bai Ziyi can read a lot of content from his, but he can't read it. to any information.

This is to hide all the emotions under the surface.

As for whether it is the turbulent sea or the majestic mountains under the surface, it is completely unknown.

You can feel a kind of emotion from his body. Quiet.

This kind of quietness is like an aura, making people who come into contact with him feel quiet.

That's right, Bai Ziyi always felt that he had no aura at first.

But now he realizes that Jiang Mingzhou has a magnanimous aura. Boundless.

His exclusive aura is tranquility.

Unlike the overbearing domineering of other big shots, his aura is restrained, but extremely contagious.

Bai Ziyi has seen many big shots now..

Even in Bai Chengyun or Tian Yihai, I have never felt this kind of energy.

His aura is unique.

"I heard about you, kid."He laughed, without putting any pressure on others at all,"You have been very strong in Jiangcheng recently."

"No. Bai Ziyi said immediately,"It's just a coincidence. Many things on the Internet come from nowhere.""

"No need for humility."Jiang Mingzhou said directly,"I often tell Xiaotong that we should be humble in our attitude towards others, but we also need to acknowledge our achievements generously. This is to face ourselves calmly."

Bai Ziyi was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer the call.

Jiang Mingzhou didn't bother much. He turned to Bai Qianqian and said,"Qianqian, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Jiangcheng branch has done a good job. X source It's a big core project, your grandpa must be very happy"

"Uncle Jiang, thank you very much. Bai Qianqian said,"Actually, most of the credit for the Yuan project belongs to Zi Yi.""

"Good. Jiang Mingzhou smiled and nodded,"Male and female match each other and promote each other. You two are both young talents. I will look forward to you in the future.""

"Thank you Uncle Jiang."Bai Qianqian responded

"Ziyi, do you know Jiang Qin Xianghong?"Jiang Mingzhou suddenly turned to this again.

Bai Ziyi didn't know it clearly, but he got a rough idea from the analysis of four words:"Are these four families?"

"Hahaha……"Jiang Mingzhou smiled and nodded,"Yes, I'm pressed for time today, so I won't talk nonsense. When you have time to come to Kyoto in the future, we can have a good chat. Oh, by the way."

Jiang Mingzhou paused and suddenly pointed. A middle-aged man who had just entered the door of the auditorium said:"In the entire Jiangnan Province, the power of the Bai family is overwhelming. You just need to be careful about him. This is a meeting gift from me, uncle."

Follow Jiang Ming. With Zhou's gesture, Bai Ziyi saw the middle-aged man who had just entered the door.

Very thin, with broken hair, wearing a Tang suit, holding a folding fan in his hand.

And like Jiang Mingzhou's treatment, this middle-aged man received great courtesy, and everyone stood up to say hello to him.

He didn't quite understand, but Bai Ziyi knew that he must have touched a higher level beyond the secular world.

"Thank you Uncle Jiang"


Jiang Mingzhou nodded calmly and said to Jiang Tong:"Xiaotong, you stay here with Ziyi. I, an old guy, won't be here to add pressure to you. I'll go take a look in front."

"No problem dad."

Jiang Tong nodded and sat down directly next to Bai Ziyi.

Jiang Mingzhou and Bai Ziyi and Bai Qianqian said goodbye, walked forward with their hands behind their backs, and sat in the first seat surrounded by a bunch of"big people" In the middle of the row.

Bai Ziyi didn't pay more attention to Jiang Zhouzhou. He had a good sense of this person. What he was more curious about now was the middle-aged man who had just entered the door behind him.

Why should he be careful?

"Hong Qianxiang."Jiang Tong said calmly in Bai Ziyi's ear,"The head of the Hong family in Jiangnan is the biggest local snake in the entire southeast of China."

"The biggest local snake? Bai Ziyi narrowed his eyes,"What do they do?""_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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