Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 6 Chapter 153: After the war (1)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

After watching Victor's awe-inspiring look in the air for a while, Ryan and Faras suddenly felt bored. Now that the war is in the situation, even a group of edelweiss is enough to rely on Victor's ban to defeat, and even Moreover, the number of human armies is several times that of orcs. ... . First. The only thing that can be seen is the endless killing of the orc warriors who are defeated. What does it mean?

After Ryan and Faras returned to the imperial capital, there was basically no time to sit together like this, so the two men and women in love quietly left from people's sight, they snuggled in the royal family. In an inconspicuous corner of the viewing platform, Qing Qing and I are talking sweet love.

"Ryan, you are here!"

While Ryan and Faras were in love, Christina's voice suddenly sounded in their ears. Faras blushed and broke free from Ryan's arms and walked a few steps, while Ryan didn't care. Turned to look at Christina, who said to Ryan as usual, "Give it back to you!" After that, he handed Andrew's two-handed sword in front of Ryan.

Ryan nodded at the former battle, extended his hands to take over the weapon, and after carefully wiping it, carefully put it into his storage pocket. Christina silently watched Ryan finish all this. After the two-handed sword disappeared in Ryan's storage pocket, Christina said, "This is really a good sword."

After saying this, Christina thought about it and added: "But this sword is a bit evil, and there seems to be something hidden inside," Christina continued to say to Ryan when she recalled the battle: "When the sword is stained with blood After that, I seem to feel the satisfaction from the sword body, which is really strange. "

Lane smiled, he certainly knew what the reason was, but it was not convenient to tell others that in case some old-fashioned priest or holy knight had to purify the sword, then the king of Alexander, Andrew Is everything in this world gone?

Christina saw that Ryan's face did not have a particularly strange look, and immediately guessed that Ryan was already clear about the two-handed sword. She naturally couldn't say anything more. After thanking Ryan again, she turned back to Queen Catherine. Behind him.

Ryan followed Christina ’s back and suddenly saw Queen Catherine who was still standing at the top of the Royal Observatory. The beautiful lady had removed the defensive magic, and the whip of flame also disappeared. trace. Ryan saw Catherine, and suddenly remembered that she had been ordered to protect the queen. As a result, she rushed to the front line desperately after a fever, and also involved her female Faraday, but fortunately everything was safe and sound.

Ryan shook his head secretly in his heart. He had reason to go to the front line when he saw the crisis, but now that the war was not over, he and Faras ran aside, completely throwing the Queen Catherine to the side. Behind the head. "It seems that he really is not a bodyguard material!" Lane said secretly to himself

There was a huge wave of magic in the sky, and Ryan hurriedly looked up, but saw that Victor had left the battle and was falling in the direction of his own. After Victor landed on the ground, Ryan strode towards him, and then asked a very abrupt question: "Victor, why don't you directly attack with the magic circle core, but to separate so many What about the ball? "

Victor listened to this question and explained with a smile: "Lane, this is also a way to do it. If I face a powerful enemy, in order to completely destroy the opponent, I will of course direct the entire magic circle core directly Launching a powerful attack, the entire power of the curse is concentrated, and it should be able to destroy the opponent. But now I am facing a large number of orc army, these orcs are not possible in terms of individual or overall strength Contend with me, so if I directly launch a forbidden spell attack, these powerful magical forces are too wasted. "

"There is another reason. This is our emperor capital after all. If the entire banned curse is released without control, the city will almost become a ruin. This home has not been destroyed by the war, but it was banned by me. It ’s too much to destroy the spell ... "Victor said with a smile:" The essence of the magician is not to pursue powerful power blindly, but to use the power already mastered perfectly! "

"I get it!" Lane said excitedly. "I understand why Teacher Dranai and you will give me continuous ability to manipulate magic. It turned out that not only magic like fireball, but even powerful as a curse can be carried out. Exquisite operation, this is really incredible. "

Victor shook his head slightly and said, "Ryan, you're not completely correct. I can manipulate the entire banned spell precisely. This is really not easy, but if I want to manipulate an ordinary fireball, it may not be comparable to you. You work hard. One day, when your strength reaches my level, you will find that even if it is forbidden magic, you can still handle it like a fireball. "

"It turns out like this!" Faras snuggled beside Ryan, looking at Victor with a trace of admiration in his eyes: "Teacher, you are so amazing!"

"Cough ..." Victor couldn't bear the look of Faras, so he coughed a few times deliberately, and then joked to Faras: "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, in fact, I still have nothing to do all day before Guy, I remember someone telling me what ’s coming? "

Faras was suddenly stunned. When she was studying at the Royal Academy of Magic, because she was young and full of vigor, she did not know Victor's true strength. She complained a lot about Victor behind her. At that time, in her view, her magic teacher did have some skills in the manufacture of magic items, but she did almost nothing to do for herself, and more than once caused her to lose to that nasty beret.

Now Faras has certainly fully understood the power of her teacher. She has regretted more than once that she did not ask Victor a lot, otherwise Faras ’s magical strength is not just a junior magician. Faras always thought that Victor didn't know what he had complained about. He didn't expect that Victor was brought up in person today, which made Faras very embarrassed.

Seeing Faras, Victor smiled and said, "Well, Fanny, let the past things pass. After you met Ryan, your attitude towards me is getting better and better, it seems that love The power is far superior to the power of the curse. "

"I hate it!" Faras coquettishly said: "Victor, you bully me too."

"Haha, Fani, you now know that you are shy?" Luke's voice sounded around him, and Faras' face was flushed. The intimate gestures between her and Ryan were usually carried by other people. Now they are faced by their father. When I saw it, I was very shy anyway, so Faras quickly left Ryan's arms, walked a few steps towards the outside, and stood upright.

Luke looked at his little daughter with a smile on her face, but she didn't speak. Faras didn't understand what her father meant. She stood anxiously and looked at each other with her father. After half a ring, Luke said suddenly: "Our tradition of the Radia family is really ... well, Ryan, I gave you my little daughter."

Ryan did not know the implicit meaning of Luke ’s sentence. In fact, when Farath ’s sister Sophie Redia married Orlando, Luke only said such a sentence. Of course, Ryan ’s name was to be changed. Into Orlando. However, after experiencing so many things, Ryan has far more experience in dealing with people than when he just left his hometown. Hearing Luke said that, he also guessed a little bit.

There was a lot of pride in Ryan's heart. He suddenly pulled Faras away from himself to avoid suspicion, and then shouted loudly: "Follow the order! I will always be good for Faras!" Answer Lu Lu After Ke's words, Ryan still felt a little bit unsatisfied, so he shouted loudly: "Farassi, I love you! Let the banned mantra testify!"

Ryan's move surprised Farath. For the first time, she was held in the arms by Ryan for the first time. Farath just wanted to struggle, but she heard Ryan's words shouting loudly, and she was "intoxicated" Then, unconsciously leaning his head on Ryan's chest, immersed in the man's breath of Ryan's body.

"Head, we won!" Thomas's voice rushed around Ryan: "Just now Colin came back from the front line, the orc was unable to return to the sky, and General Jonas chased the soldiers down. The orcs cast out the emperor. "

"So fast?" Ryan asked. "How about our casualties?"

"Hey, those orcs simply ran out. Except for the north of General Jonas, the orcs in the other three directions didn't need to pursue. They stepped on themselves and lost nearly 30% of their troops." Thomas said with a frown: "But General Jonas is strenuous over there. The orcs in the north are very disciplined. From time to time, they stay on the initiative. Fortunately, with the support of Master Victor, head! When can you reach Victor like that, then we The Ryan Mercenary Corps can walk sideways across the continent. "

Ryan was overwhelmed. What a few words behind Thomas are really too much? No wonder that when he went to find the important person of Jonas, Colin and Thomas and other people came almost immediately, saying that they must follow their own way. At that time, Hulain thought that everyone was in the battle of the Thor Fortress. After a deep friendship, it turns out that these guys are counting on themselves to support them when they fight.

This collation is released.

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