Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 15: Inception-Dream Maker

"Look for an ant nest near your apartment, the closer the better! When you find it, dig up the ants in the dirt belt together and put it in a glass bottle. Then, if possible, put a locust tree in it. Leaves..."

   At that time, when he heard this strange request similar to the natural observation experiment of elementary school students, Charlize doubted whether Charlotte had ever been an elementary school teacher before. But it was strange. Considering that the matter of being possessed by a ghost itself could not be estimated by common sense, Charlize finally did it-although it did take a lot of effort to find such an ant nest.

  ——Fortunately, ants are not disgusting insects. If you need termites or cockroaches, or desert marching ants...

   Thinking so, Charlize took out the prepared glass bottle. There was a handful of mud in the bottle, and it was obvious that many small ants were crawling in and out. Perhaps out of boredom, Charlize had placed a locust leaf and a few sugar cubes in the bottle, quite a bit like keeping the ants as pets. Now, the industrious ants seem to have adapted to this transparent new home and are busy carrying sugar cubes.


   Charlotte nodded in satisfaction.

   "Speaking of which, let's leave the ant's nest aside, the leaves of acacia are hard to find, right?"

   "Yeah! Super hard to find!"

   Charlize complained,

   "The origin of locust tree is China! I have seen it before when I was in RB, but in Los Angeles, it is difficult to find such leaves. If it is a maple leaf, it is much easier to find."

   "Anyway, just find it!"

   Charlotte ignored the blonde girl’s complaint. He unscrewed the cap of the bottle containing the ants and directly stuffed the picture of Alexis into the dirt inside.

   "What are you doing?"

  Charlotte’s behavior makes Charlize very incomprehensible.

   "I never heard that ants can exorcise demons!"

   "You haven't heard of it much!"

   Charlotte is very disdainful of Charlize’s suspicion, quite a sense of superiority of professionals facing amateur players.

   "Don't say anything else, have you ever heard of Nan Ke Yimeng? This is a story about ants."


  Charlize naturally didn't understand the ghost hunt, otherwise she wouldn't have to face Charlotte's stinky face now. And the latter didn't stimulate her anymore, but instead explained:

"Nanke Yimeng is a story from the Tang Dynasty in China. A man named Chun Yufen, who was drunk under an old locust tree, dreamed that he had come to a kingdom called Dahuai Anguo. King Huai'an recruited him as a shark— —I don’t understand the meaning of “homo”? That is to let him marry the king’s daughter! — Then he was appointed as the prefect of Nanke. The so-called prefect, you can understand it as the governor. He has a very happy life in this country. It was only thirty years later that he suddenly woke up and found himself still lying under the locust tree. There is a huge ant nest under the locust tree, which is the Huai Anguo in his dream."

   "So, this person just had a dream?"

   "So...that's true!"

   Although I wanted to explain the specific meaning of "Nan Ke Yi Meng" to the blonde girl in front of me, after thinking about it, Charlotte decided not to ask for trouble.

   "The point is that this story is not completely fictitious. There is a magical method of casting a spell hidden in it."

   "What? There are real ways to cast spells in folklore?"

   Charlize couldn’t believe this.

   "According to you, I can open a treasure house full of treasures just by shouting "Open Sesame"?"

   "Maybe it really works!"

   Charlotte blinked at Charlize.

   "The premise is that you can find that treasure house."


   The blonde girl who was tricked couldn't help cursing. Charlotte said seriously:

"I'm not kidding. In fact, many ancient legends and stories hide some unexpected truths. In ancient China, people have said that fairy people have the ability to make people dream. Wake up some foolish people, but there has never been a story about how these immortals did it, except for this Nanke Yimeng!"

   "You mean, ant nest and locust tree?"

   Thinking of what Charlotte had asked herself to prepare, Charlize had a flash of inspiration.

"Yes! These two things are necessary for casting this spell! The Chinese locust tree, a magical tree believed to be able to communicate with ghosts and gods, is a medium. There is no need for the whole locust tree, just a part of the locust tree, such as a leaf. ; And the ant nest is the carrier of this spell! As the world, in addition to humans, a few animals with complete social behavior, a colony of ants, can evolve into a dreamland constructed by this spell one country."

   "Are you saying that in the dream you are talking about, every ant is a person?"

   "It can be understood that way!"

   Seeing Charlotte's head recognition, Charlize suddenly thought of a possibility, and his face turned green all of a sudden.

   "Should I thank you for not letting me catch termites, bees, or desert army ants?"

"You're welcome!"

   Charlotte unceremoniously accepted the blond girl’s thanks,

"In theory, all animals with social organization are fine, but in a society of large animals, except for people, there are too few individuals, and you can't put a group of lions in a glass bottle-so insects are more suitable. Of course. Compared to what you said, the ants do catch better."

  -Besides, the old ghost only told me about the magic usage in Nan Ke Yimeng. I don't know if it will work if I replace it with bees or termites.

   Charlotte hid her unreliable side secretly, put the re-tightened glass bottle on Charlize’s bedside, and continued:

"Although after obtaining the true appearance of Alexis as a ghost, knowing her real name, and asking her to sign a contract voluntarily, I have used magic to seal the ghost attached to you in the photo, But to be honest, this seal is not reliable. If left alone for a long time, Alexis is likely to get out of trouble. So, just in case, we have to do the last step—"

   Charlotte pointed to the glass bottle containing the photo of Alexis and the ant nest.

"We must introduce Alexis into the dream, just like the story I just told, let her live in the dream for many years, until she dies naturally. In this way, she will naturally dissipate and can no longer cause Threats, it can be considered as being overrun!"

   "Super? I seem to have heard the word, is it like a priest purifying ghosts and letting them enter heaven?"

   "Almost! This is Buddhism, and it is a similar meaning to Christianity that you are familiar with. However, according to the statement that suicides cannot enter heaven, the soul of Alexis can only go to hell!"

   "It seems to be so..."

   Charlize pondered for a moment.

   "But so what? Let God belong to God, and Satan belong to Satan!"

   "You have nothing to do with yourself, hang up high!"

   Even though Charlize was spitting out so much, Charlotte herself actually didn't have any thoughts of sacrificing herself. What's more, even if he knew the existence of spells and ghosts, he didn't believe that heaven and **** would be the final destination of the soul, and the final result would probably dissipate naturally!

  -even if there is heaven, how many people in this world can meet the standard of entry?

   "But, Sally, you won't be without you."

   Charlotte continued to explain to the blonde girl,

"In fact, Nan Ke Yimeng's magic of enlightening others with dreams is very advanced. Even with ant dens and locust leaves, it is difficult to do with my current strength. That's why I had to design such a trap before. The purpose of the trap is not only to seal Alexis, but also to create the beginning of a dream for her. In this way, when I cast the spell of Nanke Yimeng, she will naturally in order to continue this beautiful dream that fascinates her. Unconsciously lend me power-that is to say, I want to use Alexis as the power of a ghost to complete this originally difficult spell, and let Alexis lose himself in a dream."

   "That's it. It's a smart plan, but why does it sound evil to me?"

  Speaking of suddenly understood Charlotte’s intentions,

   "So when you lied to Alexis, you said she was auditioning and made her the heroine of James Cameron's version of "Spider-Man," what you call a dreamland—"

"For an actress who is poor but still persisting, what could be more intoxicating than the dream of successfully starring in a big production and becoming a big star? As for whether to take a statuette in the future, or to compete with the world-class Your handsome guy is here to fall in love, it's up to you, Sally!"

   "Look at me?"

   "Of course it's up to you! Why do you think I put this glass bottle on your bedside?"

   Charlotte has a natural expression,

"Just like I said at the beginning, a ghost of this level Alexis is chaotic when it is not possessed or activated. How does she dream like this? So, even though she is no longer It’s attached to you again, but this dream still needs you to do it! You have to write your own script, create a dreamland that will make Alexis addicted, and let her live in it endlessly. For half a lifetime, her life will eventually die--in this way, her own grievances will finally dissipate, and she will disappear in smoke."

   "Let me dream for her?"

  Charlize looked at the glass bottle on the side of his bed,

   "I think I only have nightmares!"

"Will not."

   Charlotte seems to disagree with Charlize’s concerns,

"You are responsible for creating dreams. It is only the carrier of dreams. It is Alexis who is really caught in the dreams. She will share the dreams you created with you, be activated in the dreams, and live in them. That's why she is The real dreamer, and you are the dream maker!"

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