Stark Industrial Building, New York.

In the president's office, Loki, the god of trickery from Asgard, is sitting proudly in Tony Stark's place.

He took the opportunity to get here after easily fooling his brother Thor into escaping from his cage and using the Psychic Scepter to throw S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier into chaos.

Now the human doctor controlled by him with the Mind Scepter is activating the space teleportation device that has been placed on the roof of the building, and as long as the energy of the Cosmic Cube is used to open the teleportation channel, the army of the Chiritas can smoothly descend on Earth.

"Third Princess, can you please get down from my seat?"

but when a familiar voice sounded, Loki's good mood disappeared in an instant.

Following the prestige, I saw Tony Stark walking out of the golden portal that appeared in the middle of the office, and he was joined by his brother, as well as the Avengers, and three unknown guys.

"Loki, it's too late to stop. "

Hah, has your brain been kicked by a donkey? The army of the Chiritas will arrive soon, and I will be the master of this planet by then, and you will let me stop?"

After all, the other party is the younger brother who grew up with him, so he naturally wants to try to make him lose his way, and now it seems that it is really like Tony said, he has to beat him first.

After seeing that Thor's persuasion was ineffective, Tony asked questions with a playful look on his face.

"Third Princess, do you think we can beat you up before the Chirita people come?"

"I said it!

Don't call me the Third Princess anymore!"

After hearing the title of Iron Man, Loki couldn't help but show anger in his eyes, he was obviously a man, but he didn't know why this group of guys kept calling him "Third Princess", and sometimes even the guy Thor would call him that.

After taking a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, Asgard's god of trickery smiled again.

"You're superheroes, so you shouldn't do anything that violates justice, right

?" "No, no, no, have you ever heard of a righteous group fight?"

After being scolded by Tony, Loki fell silent, he originally wanted to pretend to be in front of the Avengers, but now it seems that the situation is obviously wrong!

At this moment, a pillar of energy light shot from the top floor of Stark Mansion into the sky, and then a huge spatial crack appeared in the sky.

Seeing that the Avengers were distracted at the same time because the teleportation channel was opened, Loki threw himself into the floor-to-ceiling window not far away without saying a word.

With a muffled thud, the Asgardian god of trickery pressed against the glass window in a distorted pose.

Natsume and the others smiled after seeing this scene, and Tony made up for it with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Third Princess, my glass here is high-strength bulletproof glass. "

You wait for me!"

After a vicious remark, Loki, who had been hit by bulletproof glass and had a red nose, used illusion to disappear.

Seeing this, the others did not look for him, because the more important goal now was to meet the incoming Chiritas.

"Guys, let's get moving!" everyone

nodded after hearing Captain America's words, and Tony then gave the order.

"Jarvis, open the window.

"Yes sir.

As the artificial intelligence Jarvis responded, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that had just stopped a certain god quickly closed into the walls on either side.

Seeing this scene, Loki, who was hiding not far away, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and added another account to Iron Man in the small book in his heart.

"Let's recreate the famous scene!" After

spitting out a sentence with excitement, Tony jumped forward and jumped out of the building.

"Hey, hey, I'll give you a synchronous replica!" Natsume

raised his eyebrows after seeing his actions, and jumped out after him.

Accompanied by a series of mechanical transmission sounds, the two people who fell from a high altitude were simultaneously covered in golden-red steel suits.

"It's Iron Man!" With

an exclamation, the pedestrians on the street in front of Stark Industries, attracted by the high-altitude anomaly, began to look for the familiar figure.

"Wait!There seem to be two Iron Men!" "How could it be!The other must be a war machine?",

"No! It's two Iron Men indeed, and their armor is exactly the same!"

"Mr. Tony must have lent the suit to someone else, right?"I wonder if I'll ever get a chance to wear it once?"


With the sound of people's discussions, two Iron Men fell from the sky.

"Everyone, the aliens have invaded, you should quickly go to a safe place to take refuge!" After

hearing Tony's words, the passers-by were stunned for a moment, and then someone asked tentatively.

"Mr. Tony, you're not lying to us, are you?"

"Didn't you already see it? That crack in the sky is the passage for the alien invasion.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the spatial passage high in the sky again, and just in time to see a wave of Chirita people flying out of it.

"It's really an alien invasion!


"This is big news!",


!" "Iron Man, come on, knock those aliens!"

After confirming that Iron Man wasn't joking with them, people behaved differently, with most of them running away in panic and some of them looking anti-expectant.

Seeing this scene, Natsume frowned and asked.

"Tony, since you have decided to treat New York as a battlefield, you should have considered the safety of these ordinary people, right?"

"Of course, this problem has already been arranged,

you can fight with confidence.

"That's good.

After hearing Tony's answer, Natsume nodded slightly, so that some people in the province would make irresponsible remarks.

A loud bang rang out from the two of them, and a large crater appeared on the ground.

Following the prestige, after seeing the figure half-kneeling in the pit, Natsume immediately exclaimed.




That figure was the earthly form of Kamen Rider Ajito, but this one was holding a round shield in his left hand and a one-handed hammer in his right hand.

"Is it the captain?"

After seeing the familiar shield, Natsume asked tentatively.

"That's right, it's the power your brother Char gave me.

Steve nodded when he heard this, Char left this world to give himself a ray of light, and after the fusion, he successfully awakened this most suitable form for himself.

Boom! Immediately

after that, two more figures descended from the sky,

they were Ajita in the form of a storm and a form of fire.

With Captain America's previous experience, Natsume quickly recognized the identity of the shapeshifters based on the characteristics of the two bodies.

The shapeshifter of Storm Ajito, who is carrying a blue longbow on his back, should be Hawkeye Barton, and the one with a slender figure and two rounded bumps on the breastplate must be Natasha, the Black Widow.

Then two more figures slammed into the ground, they were Hulk Hulk and Thor, these two were the same as the film and television images.

A distinctly different voice from the previous ones when they landed, it was Angora Manuel, who jumped from Tony's office with the crowd, and was directly thrown into a puddle of black mud when he landed, and then reunited into a human form.

The last one to come down was Morax, the Rock King Emperor who landed silently and didn't look like he had fallen from a hundred meters in the air at all.

At the same time, the Chiritas who came out of the teleportation tunnel in the sky also landed towards New York City, and the battle was about to officially begin!

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