In the D∴G Order's stronghold "Paradise", a dark auction is about to begin.

Since the New Year has just passed, many high-ranking officials and wealthy people have come here, so the priest of the Order, who is in charge of "Paradise", arranged this auction.

The auction was not for sale with all sorts of curiosities, but for children who had just been abducted from the territory of the Republic of Calvard.

As for what those people bought these "goods" for, this can only be said and cannot be explained.

"Woo woo!" The

rapid alarm suddenly sounded, and the faces of the high-ranking officials and wealthy people sitting in their respective boxes changed, and the atmosphere of panic spread.

After a short time, the host of the auction below received the notice, and he immediately calmed everyone with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, my lords, it's just that some lost monsters have triggered the alarm, and our security personnel will be able to dispose of them quickly.

After hearing this, those big people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But is it really what the host said?

The answer is no,

because at this time, "Paradise" has been surrounded by countless Honkai beasts, and they are constantly attacking this stronghold in the name of the queen.

At the same time, Natsume had also changed his appearance, his skin was dark, and he was tattooed with hieroglyphs, and he held two alien short swords in his hands as weapons.

"Let's find someone to do an experiment!" he

whispered, and his figure turned into a puddle of black mud and melted into the ground, and the next moment he was in a box in the auction hall.

The black mud regrouped into a human form, but at this time it became the image of a seven or eight-year-old child.

The gorgeously dressed middle-aged man in the box was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then his eyes showed greed.

"Good boy, let Uncle love you well!" Hearing

him say this, hieroglyphs began to appear on the child's body, and the two swords with unique shapes also appeared in his hand.

"I feel the despair and curse that is entangled in you, am I ready to accept revenge?"

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's bodyguard immediately pounced.

In a short time, those bodyguards were all turned into cold corpses, and the Avenger Angora Manuel may be the weakest among the Servants, but no Servant can compare to the killing of humans.

Seeing his huntsman bodyguard easily killed by that young child, the perverted desire in the middle-aged man's heart turned into an unconcealable fear.

"No... Don't kill me!I have a lot of money!I can give you as much money as you want!"

When you abused this child to death, did you think about letting him go?"

the young boy asked, reminding the man of the last time he bought a "toy" in this paradise.

"I... I...

"Let's experience their despair!"

the toddler strode over to the middle-aged man, who was limp on the

ground, and then turned into a puddle of black mud and enveloped him.


", "It hurts

!", "Leave me alone!",


A cry of despair came out of his mouth, as he was suffering from the experience of being subjected to the "toys" he had inflicted on him.

After a while, the black mud regrouped into the image of a young man covered in hieroglyphs, and looked at the desperate corpse on the ground, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The experiment has been successful, let's make this a real hell!" the

words fell, and countless black mud emerged from under his feet, and it spread towards the surrounding rooms.

"What is this

!", "Be careful!",

"No!", "Help!",


Screams began to ring out in the boxes where the dignitaries and tycoons were, but the members of the Order outside could not hear them at all.

Because the sound insulation measures of these boxes are very good, the original purpose was to prevent the screams of the "toys" inside, and now the big people who auction the "toys" should not be called ineffective.

On the other side, the number of Honkai beasts besieging the stronghold is also rapidly decreasing, because there is a continent of magic and martial arts in Semuria.

After figuring out how the Honkai Beasts fought, the combatants of the D∴G Order naturally regained their disadvantage.

Seeing that the situation has been decided, the auctioneers in the auction hall have also received a notice of the official start of the auction.

However, when he introduced the information of the first auction item in high spirits and announced the start of bidding, none of the big people in the box bid.

After a moment of embarrassment, the auctioneer waved the "goods" down and replaced them with another.

"It seems that the toy just now does not echo the information of the adults, but the following one is different!...

However, there was still no one bidding for the second "goods", which couldn't help but make the auctioneer even more embarrassed, and hurriedly motioned to the staff next to him to replace it with the third one.

The result was still the same, and at this time he finally felt that something was not right, and then softly ordered a staff member in the audience to confirm the situation.

A short time later, the man came to the door of a box and knocked on the door to ask for entry, but there was no response.

After he dared to open the door, the bloody image inside made him stunned for a moment, followed by a frightened scream.

"Oh no! Kavala-sama has been killed!"

the big man who came to enjoy himself was killed, and this incident naturally attracted the attention of the

person in charge of "Paradise".

However, before he could send someone to investigate thoroughly, even more terrifying news came, that is, all the big people who came to participate in the auction today were killed without exception.

"Damn! Who did it! If the Order wants to reconnect its network, I will definitely be laughed at

by the other guys!" The

priest in charge of "Paradise" is scolding angrily, he doesn't care about the life or death of those big people, but after these guys die, he has to go to win over a new batch of high-ranking officials and rich people, which will be a big expense.

"Could it be the Devouring Serpent?"

the priest suddenly had a suspicion in his mind after thinking of the

information he had received from another Order stronghold not long ago.

"The one who can kill those guys quietly should be the handiwork of the recently famous executor 'Dark Fang', and he definitely hasn't left yet!"

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in the priest's eyes, and he immediately wanted to order the entire stronghold to search for the 'Dark Fang'.

"Wait! The Snake is targeting our medicine!"

But in the next moment, he realized that the reason why the Society killed those big people was precisely because they wanted to hunt down the murderers themselves, so as to take the opportunity to steal the information on Gnosis that the Order was developing.

"Hehe, if the Devouring Serpent wants to deal with you, can it use a trick?" a

mocking voice sounded, and Natsume condensed from the black mud on the ground.

Seeing his strange appearance, the priest's face couldn't help but change drastically, and he immediately picked up the wand beside him and put on a defensive posture.

"Who are you!"

"A passing Avenger has come to remove you garbage that shouldn't exist. "

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