Chastity Layman

Chapter 766 Surprise Chang'an

One day in early March.

It's time in the morning.

The prime minister in the political affairs hall, Zhang Liang, the censor who participated in political affairs, received urgent publicity, saying that he would immediately enter the palace to see his majesty.

Ma Zhou looked at the leaky clock, and then at the sky.

This is a bit embarrassing time, neither too late nor too early, the corona at the entrance has not yet been aligned, and the cafeteria has not yet started to serve meals, but the officials in the fifth room of the Zhengshitang have already started packing their things , ready to go to the cafeteria to eat.

He has already heard that there are still fresh seafood in the canteen of Zhengshitang today, and they are sent to Chang'an frozen from the East China Sea, and they are still fresh. I'll see you soon, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat this seafood.

But I don't know if the Holy Majesty will arrange meals in the palace, so Zhang Liang called Cardinal Lang Laiheng.

"Leave me a portion of the seafood in the cafeteria at noon, and I'll go to the palace for noodles."

Lai Heng responded with a smile, Zhang Liang simply picked up the towel, then got up and went to the palace.

Zhang Liang didn't know why the saint was summoned at this time, but it was probably urgent to summon him at this meal.

He claims to be the confidant of a sage, and now he is in charge of the Yushitai, and when he enters the political affairs hall, he is often summoned. He has long been used to it, and it is estimated that it is about the impeachment of officials.

As usual, the emperor summoned him in the imperial study room of Ganlu Hall, and the hall was very quiet.

When the little yellow gate on duty saw Zhang Liang being brought in, he led the way silently with the gentle catwalk characteristic of court servants.

The warm curtain was lifted, Zhang Liang entered, and the little eunuch stayed outside.

As soon as he entered the imperial study room, a wave of warm air rushed over his face, even a little hot.

There are two crane copper stoves in the corner of the study room, and the rich aroma sprays out from the beast stoves, permeating the whole study room.

Through the thick incense mist, Zhang Liang saw that the emperor seemed to be in a bad mood today, his face was gloomy and his brows were wrinkled.

Zhang Liang sniffed his nose lightly, a little confused whether it was ambergris, white dulcis, or other precious spices.

The Imperial Study Room is actually very large, it is a side hall of Ganlu Hall.

In the palace, apart from the emperor, there were several other palace servants standing and serving from a distance, and there was another person in front of the emperor's imperial case.

Li Junxian, the envoy of Zhenfu.

The eunuch at the gate of the hall sang, "Zhang Liang has arrived!"

Li Shimin didn't raise his head, but just nodded slightly to show that he understood.

The emperor was wearing a simple bright yellow robe, with a hood on his head, and a half-arm covering his casual robe, looking relaxed and casual.

"Are you on duty today?"

Zhang Liang responded quickly.

"There is one thing that the Zhengshitang should know." Li Shimin finished with a sullen face, and then handed a booklet to Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang quickly stepped forward to take it respectfully, and opened it up for a closer look, but the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

"Is this... will the news be wrong?"

Li Shimin snorted coldly, "Li Junxian is still here, how could there be a mistake, besides, besides the urgent memorial from the Zhen Fusi, I also received the Chen memorial from Youzhou Niu Jinda and Qin Lang."

After the news was confirmed, Zhang Liang's heart twitched, and You Zi couldn't believe the above facts.

Qin Lang was ordered to tour the southeast, but after leaving Chang'an, he didn't go out of Tongguan to Dengzhou via Henan, but went to Puzhou via Tongzhou, passed Taiyuan to Youzhou, and then went to Shanhaiguan in Pingzhou. That's not counting, he It also went to sea from Qinhuangdao.

What is even more incredible is that he actually directly attacked Changdao, the Goguryeo people on the Liaodong Sea, annihilating a thousand Goguryeo troops on the island, and then sold thousands of captives on the island into slavery, and occupied Changdao and renamed it Changxing Island. .

If it's just that, it's okay, after all, Qin Lang is in the name of suppressing pirates and smuggling, so there is a reason for his success. But then Qin Lang mobilized the soldiers of Youzhou and Mizhou, and the Jiemeng detained Goguryeo Dadulu, the eastern lord Quan Gaisuwen, the western Qisa, the Liaodong city lord and other important figures, and sent troops to raid Beisha City. understood.

Zhang Liang secretly peeked at the emperor, could it be the emperor's secret decree?

Otherwise, even though Qin Lang is the prime minister and has an imperial order, he wouldn't dare to mess around like this, right?

Goguryeo is not a small country. It is the overlord of the Northeast that once made the former Sui Dynasty fall into the sand. It can pull out 300,000 soldiers and horses at any time. It is said that the limit can mobilize 600,000 soldiers.

Compared with Turkic, which had 400,000 string controllers at its strongest, it is not weak at all.

Such a fierce tiger has surrendered to the Tang Dynasty in the past few years, returned the people of the Han Dynasty, and presented the map of the feudal domain. Its attitude is more submissive, but its strength is still very strong. Goguryeo treats each other as equals.

After the current sage succeeded to the throne, he also tried to appease Goguryeo. He sent envoys several times to confer and reward him, and he didn't want to lightly provoke the war with Goguryeo.

The two sides have a tacit understanding that the Liaohe River is the boundary, and the well water has not violated the river water for many years. What is Qin Lang doing now? Zhang Liang believed that Qin Lang should not have the guts to dare to act recklessly.

But looking at the emperor's expression, something seemed wrong.

"Duke Wei really uses his troops like a god. With only one thousand officers and soldiers plus one thousand sailors, he was able to outwit Beisha City." He considered his words, and secretly looked at the emperor as he spoke.

Li Shimin couldn't help cursing, "Shit, Qin Lang is lawless. I let him go to the southeast to patrol the provinces, but he went to Liaodong to attack the city. He is so powerful that I can't help it. However, the Ministry of War dared to order troops to be transferred to Youzhou and Mizhou, and Niu Jinda of Youzhou did not see the order to transfer troops, so he really sent troops, which is going against the sky!"

Zhang Liang took a deep breath, and couldn't believe that Qin Lang really did it all on his own. And Niu Jinda dared to go crazy with him.

At any time, the army is the most sensitive existence. Now Qin Lang can mobilize the army only by his own name, and can make a governor of the governor Shi obey orders to send troops. How can this make the emperor not annoyed.

Even frightened.

Li Shimin scolded non-stop as soon as he opened his mouth, and kept scolding for a long time, all kinds of ugly words came out, Li Junxian and Zhang Liang didn't dare to say a word, they all lowered their heads.

After scolding for a while, Li Shimin asked the two of them.

"What do you think should be done now?"

Li Junxian spoke first, "Saint, Wei Gong's self-reporting book explained the cause and effect very clearly. The Goguryeo people were wolfish and ambitious. They ran amok on the Bohai Sea, plundered and smuggled, seriously endangering the interests of our Tang Dynasty. The three kingdoms of Baekje and Dongying tacitly besieged Silla. Now Silla has lost all battles and lost more than a dozen cities. After conquering Silla, the strength will inevitably increase greatly, and the huge loss caused by the three previous conquests will also be quickly recovered."

"Wei Gong also sees such threats, so he will seize the opportunity to act decisively. The sage bestowed Wei Gong with double banners and double festivals. This is to patrol the coastal provinces and counties of the province. The Bohai Sea also belongs to the East China Sea. Youzhou and Mizhou are all in Weigong Within the scope of the public patrol province, although the Duke of Wei did not ask the court for instructions first, he can still order Niu Jinda and other orders by virtue of his power of observing customs. .”

"Even though Duke Wei cut it first and played it later, he did play the auspicious feeling right away. After all, it happened for a reason."

Li Shimin stared at Li Junxian, making his scalp numb, but Li Junxian still bit the bullet and finished speaking.

Zhang Liang hesitated again and again, planning to say a few words for Qin Lang.

"I think Li Zhenfu's words are reasonable. Goguryeo is obedient and obedient on the surface, but it has always been hidden dangers and has to be guarded. Wei Gong took the action because he also considered the overall situation. Now that he has succeeded in a surprise attack and won the important city of Beisha, this move was unexpected. But a knife was inserted into the back of Goguryeo, Goguryeo must not dare to attack Silla with all its strength..."

"So, I still have to reward Qin Lang?" Li Shimin said bitterly.

Neither of them dared to speak.


Zhang Liang came out of the palace, his back was wet, he had to admire Qin Lang, he was really good at making troubles, it's not good to patrol the southeast province properly, he insisted on picking this shit up.

Back at the Zhengshitang, my stomach growled with hunger.

Lai Heng came in and left seafood for him.

Zhang Liang ate the big crab and said, "Qin Lang is doing something wrong in Liaodong. His mother even led troops to capture Beisha City and detained Goguryeo's great opponent Lu Quangai Suwen and the Liaodong city lord. You should send someone to inform All the ministers of the lower political affairs hall, there is an urgent meeting in the afternoon, and His Majesty wants us to come up with an opinion on how to deal with it."

When Laiheng heard that his righteous brother Qin Lang had an accident, his face turned pale with fright.

After inquiring a few words quickly, I felt uneasy and sent someone to notify.

The prime ministers usually discuss matters in the political affairs hall in the morning. If the discussion ends early, they will go back to their respective yamen directly. If the discussion is late, they will go back to work in their own yamen after lunch. Generally, there is only one prime minister in the afternoon.

After receiving the notice from Ma Zhou, the Prime Minister of Bingbi today, all the prime ministers had to rush to the Zhongshu Provincial Yamen again. "real or fake?"

As soon as several prime ministers came in, they asked directly.

"Well, it really can't be more true. Qin Lang is very capable. He just took down Shilibeisha City with a thousand guards. His mother Niu Jinda is also a mess. He actually transferred three thousand Youzhou frontier troops, and five thousand regiments are still there. Twelve thousand civilians, rushed to help fist."

"Damn it, the whole of southern Liaoning is in chaos now. Those merchants transported slaves and livestock from Eastern Liaodong one by one. Qin Lang directly arrested 30,000 to 40,000 Goguryeo people and sold them all to the merchants as slaves. .”

"Now Qin Lang also said that he will recruit poor tenants from Hebei, Shandong and other places to settle in Beisha, and he will also transfer Hebei frontier troops to station there..."

Fang Xuanling, the left servant, couldn't help being stunned, while Gao Shilian, the right servant, was speechless.

However, Hou Junji, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, patted the table excitedly, "It's too lawless, why would Qin Lang dare to do this, where does he have the power to be good at mobilizing troops, how dare he be good at provoking sidelines? He also robbed the alliance , where is the face of my Tang Dynasty?"

"Qin Lang must be removed from office immediately, and sent to lock him into Beijing for questioning!"

Wei Chigong, Minister of the Ministry of War, didn't pay attention to these things. What he paid attention to was Beisha City, "One thousand people broke through Beisha? How did you do it? It's impossible!"

"I conquered Liaodong back then. I didn't fight Beisha City, but I fought Liaodong City. Hundreds of thousands of people surrounded Liaodong City. It was still a plain city. Do you know how long it took? Lai Huer once led an army After attacking Beisha City, it was a night attack and a strong attack. Tens of thousands of troops besieged on all sides. It took seven days and seven nights to attack Beisha City, and tens of thousands of people died. Only then did they break Beisha City. At that time, half of the defenders in Beisha City were transferred With reinforcements from Liaodong City, Qin Lang captured Beisha with a thousand people in one night? Nonsense!"

A stone can start a thousand waves.

All the prime ministers in the Zhengshitang are in a mess.

Ma Zhou asked Zhang Liang for the specific details, but Hou Junji put hats on Qin Lang's head one after another, insisting on punishing Qin Lang, but Yu Chigong beat him to death and did not believe that Qin Lang had the ability to do so. Take Besar...

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