Chastity Layman

Chapter 727

Qin Lang was originally a master of making money, so he used stamps as banknotes in a disguised form, and made a lot of financial money.

"If the imperial court allows officials to pay with stamps for accommodation and meals at the post station, and then your post station will regularly take stamps to the government to settle the fee, what do you think?" Qin Lang asked the station chief.

The fat postmaster thought for a while, "It's quite convenient."

Although there are relevant regulations for officials on business trips and reception at post stations, such as what treatment different grades enjoy, etc., there are still many loopholes in the management. And if stamps are given, they are actually equivalent to later post coupons.

Officials of different levels, on business trips, are given different standard quantities of stamps according to the distance, etc., so that post stations in various places use stamps for reception, food, accommodation and transportation.

If there is no official business dispatch, you will not be able to receive stamps, and you will not be able to go to the post station to enjoy hospitality, food and travel.

In addition, if the official’s entourage and family members, etc., the post station will only receive stamps, and how much service is provided for as many stamps, which is equivalent to tokens. You can entertain one person for the fee you give to one person. It is impossible for an official to bring as many entourages as he wants. Wait, you can enjoy the hospitality service of the station.

"Why don't you send the money directly?" the postmaster asked.

Qin Lang smiled at the postmaster. If the post station paid the officials directly, how would the imperial court know how much it had collected? How could it be compared to the invoice. If the post station took the ticket, it must be settled by the government. It is all settled by ticket, and it is impossible to make a fake.

Similarly, giving money directly to officials will also be problematic.

According to the standard, the officials are given stamps, and the officials pay the stamps to the post station to enjoy the standard service, and the post station finally takes the stamps to the government for settlement. After such a circle, it is undoubtedly better.

Xu Jingzong came in to meet Qin Lang and joined the discussion on this topic.

He thinks that postal stations are privately owned, and the stamps they issue are similar to bank notes and bank notes issued by banks and money houses. If post stations also use the name of postage stamps, it is easy to confuse, so it is better to change the name to Post Coupons.

Officials use coupons for accommodation, meals, and carriages.

Qin Lang did not say that I am the major shareholder of the post office, and it is good for me to use stamps. It doesn't matter whether I take advantage of this small advantage, and I didn't plan to take it, but the concept of stamps is very good.

In fact, it is the same as changing the name of post coupons. It can even be subdivided, such as post food coupons, post house coupons, post car coupons, and post horse coupons. What kind of horses can be used, how much will be settled by the post station at that time, etc., and it will be easier to reconcile and check.

There are nearly 2,000 post stations across the country, and tens of thousands of post horses are raised. The expenses are very high. In the past, the expenses of receiving officials, boarding and lodging, and using chariots and horses were very high.

Mainly because of the lack of careful management.

"Actually, I think the main duty of the post station is to transmit official documents and military information, and the rest, such as reception, are secondary. However, the imperial court spends a lot on the post station every year, and the remaining one-third of the taxes in the local states and counties are two Thirty percent of them have been used in this post."

"In the future, we need to clarify the role of post coupons. When officials travel on business, they must have clear standards for board, lodging, and rides. According to the rank of the official, the standard for food, lodging, carriage, horses, and the number of entourage and cost standards must also be formulated. The number of days should also be fixed, and post coupons should be issued strictly according to the regulations."

It is necessary to provide board, lodging, carriages and horses for officials traveling on official business, but also to strictly regulate duty consumption. Post coupons paid in various places must be separately listed in a minister’s money account book. At the end of the year, the prefectural government will make a unified settlement and report to the account for audit. If there is any violation or exceeding the standard, heavy penalties will be imposed to change the serious problem of the current post station system.

Qin Lang originally planned to let the post station separate the board and lodging, and contract it out. The imperial court can still collect rent and contract fees every year. May be too big a step.

When officials go to privately contracted post houses for board and lodging, there may be situations of disturbing and deceiving the people, and it may also lead to insufficient reception standards.

"Old Xu, I came here specially to welcome you into Beijing today. I originally planned to entertain you here for a light meal, but I think it's not in compliance with the rules. How about I go to the cafeteria of the postal station next door to entertain you, and I will pay for it myself."

Xu Jingzong felt overwhelmed, the fat postmaster really wanted to keep the two purple-robed bosses to entertain him warmly, but Qin Lang didn't want to save face, so he dragged Xu Jingzong to the canteen of the post station next door.

The size of the postal station next door is no smaller than that of the post station, and it is even much larger. There are more warehouses, larger stables, and more postmen.

The cafeteria is also more lively, and many passers-by regard it as a restaurant. The post station has a good reputation, and the store does not deceive customers, so pedestrians and business travelers on the road are willing to eat at the post station. The service is warm and thoughtful, and it is relatively cheap .

There will never be a phenomenon of bullying foreigners passing by, especially the food here is still very good. You don't need to go to the city, you can have such a good meal, who would not want to come.

Xu Jingzong looked at the cafeteria that had already started queuing up before meal time, and couldn't help being surprised. This post station cafeteria was busier than many famous restaurants in the city.

"Go to the second floor." Qin Lang directly dragged Xu Jingzong to the second floor on one side. The second floor is a private room with a minimum consumption. It can be regarded as a small cafeteria, mainly for rich businessmen and scholars. There are also many wealthy passers-by on this road, and they prefer a quiet environment.

The food in the small cafeteria is more abundant, and of course the price is more expensive. Not only does it have a minimum consumption, but there is even a box fee. You can even order music here, and you can listen to music if you want.

Qin Lang ordered two sets of four dishes and one soup, Sixi meatballs, stewed chicken with mushrooms, braised Yellow River carp in braised sauce, fried mutton with scallions, and then a three delicacies soup, and a piece of consistent money.

Order another pot of tea, consistent.

The minimum consumption is 688 yuan, 3 yuan for a meal for two people, the environment is good, and the service is also very good. If the price is only for meals, it is a bit expensive, but if you are on the road outside the city, you can still have this quiet and comfortable The environment, and the good taste, are actually quite worth it.

Especially for people with status, this price is already very close to the people. In Pingkangfang, Chang’an City, there are some well-known big wine shops and restaurants. They order a box to invite table guests, and none of them are consistent enough. It’s really not enough for the minimum consumption standard .

If you order a seafood banquet, it will be even more serious, at least it will cost a hundred and eighty, but at this price, there are many people in Chang'an City who want to eat, and you have to make an appointment in advance to queue up.

"What's your plan when you come back to Chang'an this time?" Qin Lang asked while holding a teacup.

Xu Jingzong went out for a circle, and he calmed down a lot. He was very respectful to Qin Lang who was once his subordinate, but it was not that kind of pure flattery. After going down to do practical things for two years, he knew very well that Qin Lang is a very capable person, and also a person who likes to do practical things.

"I was raised by Saburo. Without Sanlang, I would still be a Sima of Hongzhou. It would be difficult for me to turn around in this life. How could I expect to return to the capital, let alone the third rank of the official residence." Xu Jingzong first stated with a correct attitude loyalty.

"When I return to Beijing this time, I will definitely assist Mr. Qin. If the transfer department is handed over to me, Mr. Qin will not be disappointed."

Qin Lang smiled.

Getting along with smart people is sometimes so worry-free.

Xu Jingzong was an absolutely smart man. He was famous for his talent and learning in his early years, and entered the Literature Museum of Prince Qin's Mansion. He does not lack practical ability, but he used to be a little arrogant, and he used his cleverness in the wrong place, which violated Li Shimin's taboo. But in the past few years, he has matured.

"The transshipment department is called the planning department, and what they hold is the money bag of the imperial court. The Taicang of the Sinong Temple is in charge of the world's grain storage, and the Zuozang of the Taifu Temple is in charge of the national money and silk, but their grain and money are all sent through transshipment. And the following Changping Division collected and transshipped from all Daozhou and counties in the world. In addition, the transshipment department was in charge of monopoly, and buying, in charge of market ships, tribute trade, in charge of minting coins, and in charge of Changping warehouse. The imperial treasury all came from transshipment The company enters."

At any time, the economic base determines the superstructure.

"As long as you can take care of Ji Si, sooner or later, you too will be able to become Ji Ji!"

A plan made Xu Jingzong's breath short of breath in the end.

Xu Jingzong is actually still very young. He has gone through many ups and downs, but he is not yet forty years old. At this age, being able to be an official at the third rank is absolutely extraordinary. After all, although the emperor is only in his early thirties, among the prime ministers who follow the emperor to conquer the world, there are many who are prime ministers in their thirties or even in their twenties , such as Changsun Wuji, Qin Lang and so on.

But on the other hand, the third rank has already been able to rank among the prime ministers of the central government. Ma Zhou's Zhongshu Shilang is only the fourth rank, and the addition of the casual rider is the third rank. When Wei Zheng participated in political affairs, he was just a job as the secretary of the third rank.

However, there is still a big gap between the third rank and the prime minister. Xu Jingzong has already entered the third rank in his forties, but it is not easy to go further and become a prime minister.

There are many third-rank officials in the imperial court, and there are more than 20 official third-rank officials, not including foreign officials such as Zhongdudu and Shangduhu. There are even more third-rank officials, and there are dozens of Beijing officials. There are also many Shangzhou governors, lower governors, and chief governors of the metropolitan government, etc., who are also from the third grade.

However, although the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang were conferred by other officials or even lower than the third-rank officials, there were only a few prime ministers in total.

If you want to be a prime minister, you need not only qualifications and achievements, but also noble people.

Xu Jingzong understood this truth after he fell down from the position of inspecting school Yongzhou Zhizhong last time.

"If I can become a planner, it must be the time when Wei Gong has already been in charge of the left servant." Xu Jingzong did not hesitate to flatter him.

Although Zuo Pushe is no longer the Prime Minister, Zuo Pushe is still very honorable. Qin Lang's current title of prime minister is the same as that of the same chapter. This title is called a false prime minister, and it is still somewhat different from the real prime minister among the three high-ranking officials.

"As a defender, if you need something, just order it."

Qin Lang nodded, "Well, don't be so polite to me in the future, you should still call me Sanlang, and I'll call you Brother Yan Clan, how about it?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, Xu Jingzong changed his words, "Sanlang!

Qin Lang smiled and took out an imperial seal book from his bosom, and handed it over.

"The founding man of Gaoyang County, Doctor Jiayin Qing Guanglu!"

As one of the earliest Eighteen Scholars of the Prince Qin's Mansion, Xu Jingzong just passed Xuanwu Gate in the ninth year of Wude, and was hated by the emperor when he was about to be rewarded with pride. He had to be awarded a third-rank real position, but he didn't even have a baron, and this rank was only a fifth-rank rank.

Qin Lang helped him get a founding baron directly, and then promoted his rank to Cong San, which made Xu Jingzong's face flush with excitement.

Xu Jingzong got up, then bowed ninety degrees, crossed his hands in salute.

"Thank you Saburo."

This time, Xu Jingzong had no reservations, the master almost called out.

Ye Ye is willing to spare no effort to support him like this.

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