Chastity Layman

Chapter 493

When I went to Luoyang, I was still depressed all the way.

After returning to Chang'an after more than a month, the villages along the way have already smoked. Although there are still many fields in the fields that are too late to cultivate, the people who have returned to their hometowns are still working hard to cultivate. If you miss the season, then rush to plant some soybean sorghum.

The common people standing in the fields with hoes in hand looked at the fields in front of them with hope in their eyes.

But Qin Lang knew that everyone's life would not be easy this year. Affected by the previous famine, the common people still delayed a lot of spring plowing, and the harvest this summer would not be much. According to Taishi Ling's observation, there will be early frosts this autumn, and this winter will be even colder.

This cold snap is estimated to last for three to five years, and this autumn is only the third year.

Don't expect to harvest this autumn, you can only plant some drought-resistant and cold-resistant crops. Of course, the imperial court has already begun to have a plan, and this year it is impossible to be caught off guard like last year. The biggest impact of the cold current is on the northern regions, especially the frontier fortresses, while the south of the Yangtze River, especially Lingnan, is hardly affected.

Now the imperial court has organized the transfer to the coastal states of Guangxi, Qinhang and Ming, mobilized ships, loaded with grain, and set sail northward as soon as the trade wind blows.

The grain boats enter the sea, and the grain from the southeast supplements the Central Plains.

This is a very bold plan. In the past, the imperial court never counted on the food from the south of the Five Ridges, and the food from the south of the Yangtze River was only auxiliary. Now, the imperial court places all its hopes on the south.

The Yangtze River, the Grand Canal, the Yellow River, Jishui, and the sea are doing their best to transfer grain.

The transshipment envoys have established new large transshipment warehouses in the coastal ports. The six major ports of Guangzhou, Jiaotong, Hangzhou, Qin, Deng, and Yang can store millions of grains in the transshipment warehouses.

Countless officials went south and went to various states. They had only one task, to urge all regions to collect food and transport it to the Central Plains.

In the imperial court plan, there is no expectation that the Central Plains region will be self-sufficient this year, let alone handed over to the country. This year, it is all counted on the South. Except for rations, every grain in the South will be shipped to the Central Plains this year.

Various transshipment grains, main warehouses, regular warehouses, social warehouses, righteous warehouses, and military warehouses in the frontier fortress in the Central Plains are also undergoing a new round of inventory checks.

The investigation team composed of Dali Temple, Yushitai, Xingbu, Taifu Temple and other ministries was dispatched to various places. It is necessary to comprehensively rectify the granary system and dig out all corrupt officials and moths. out hamster.

The official road from Luoyang to the west was originally a busy commercial road. In the Sui Dynasty, starting from Luoyang, it could go directly to the countries of the Western Regions, Gaochang Yanqi, Shule, Dawan, Kangju, and go west to Tianzhu, Persia, and Rome.

There are always camel caravans on this road, but now there are few cars and horses on the road.

Guozhou, originally Hongnong County, is outside Tongguan and south of the Yellow River. When the world was first divided into various roads, Guozhou was originally assigned to Henan Road, and Guozhou was originally the land of Henan. However, in the adjustment not long ago, Guozhou was assigned to Hedong Road, which is a tail of Hedong Road on the south bank of the Yellow River.

Guozhou reaches Fengling Pass on the Yellow River in the north and Zhuyang Pass in Funiu Mountain in the south.

At the same time, the three prefectures of Shangzhou, Dengzhou, and Tangzhou that originally belonged to Henan Road were all assigned to Shannan East Road.

The reason for the division of the imperial court is that it is convenient to divide by the shape of mountains and rivers, which is conducive to supervision and inspection.

Originally, the various roads were divided, and they were firstly used as supervisory roads. Each road sent permanent supervisory officials to observe and interview envoys, and then set up Changping Divisions to promote Changping envoys. There is also a point of criminal justice.

There are three divisions together, but these three divisions do not belong to each other.

The transfer of land, money, food, taxes and taxes to Changping warehouses belonged to the Changping Division, while criminal and prison proceedings to arrest thieves belonged to the Criminal and Prison Division, and the Observation Division was in charge of the supervision and inspection officials, who had the right to dismiss them.

Observation and interview envoys are equivalent to imperial envoys sent by the emperor to monitor across states.

At the same time, the three divisions at the Dao level have the right to supervise each other.

In order to ensure the authority of the observation and interview envoys, the emperor not only changed the observation envoys who were supposed to be inspectors and interviews into permanent residences, but also gave them the concurrent post of governor of the most important state in the province.

It is under this kind of policy that the divisions at the provincial level have also changed.

Guozhou was originally located in the south of the Yellow River, and it belonged to Henan Road, but the imperial court assigned him to Hedong Road. Originally, on the north bank of the Yellow River on the Hedong Road, Zhongtiao Mountain and Hebei County, Ruicheng County, south of Wangwuwang, and Huaizhou Directly rowed to Henan Road.

It is said that some officials believed that both Guozhou and Shangzhou should be assigned to Guannei Road. They believed that these two places were very important and should be assigned to Guannei Road to better protect Chang'an. Later, several generals of the military objected, thinking that all the places of shape should not be classified as one place, otherwise it would be even more unsafe.

We should try our best to adopt a canine-toothed approach. You have me in you, and you in me. The strategic points cannot be complete, otherwise it will be easy to close the separatist regime.

Therefore, on the basis of the division of lanes, the shape of mountains and rivers has added a line of criss-crossing.

The natural dividing line of the Yellow River did not become the boundary between Hedong, Henan, and Hebei. Instead, there is land in Henan in Henan, and land in Henan in Hebei.

Although Guozhou is a tail protruding from Hedong Road, its status is very important because it is located between the three roads.

Zheng Shanguo, the observer of Hedong Road and the governor of Puzhou, is the incumbent. However, the Yamen of the Criminal Prison Office in Hedong Road is located in Taiyuan.

But to mention Changping Division is located in Hongnong City, Guozhou.

The East Road in Hongnong City mentioned that Changping envoy was Qin Lang's patriarch Jia Wuben. He was the father of Qin Qiong's original spouse, the Jia family, and also Qin Qiong's boss under Zhang Xutuo's tent. Old Jia was Zhang Xutuo's deputy.

Of course, the most famous family in Hongnong City is not the Yang family. The Yang family in Hongnong is the largest family in Kansai.

The emperor of the Sui Dynasty was also the Yang family of Hongnong, and the Yuesu family of the Sui Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty had perished, but the Yang family of the Sui emperor was still preserved, especially the Guanwangfang family is now more powerful. There were two great Tang prime ministers in a row.

On the contrary, it was Yang Su who was so powerful back then, but because his son rebelled against Yang Guang, his ancestral grave was dug up and his descendants were almost killed.

The promotion of the Changping Si Yamen was established in the mansion of the Yang Su family.

Taolin Changping Warehouse in Shanzhou, one of the six transshipment warehouses in the Sui Dynasty, is now also included in the whole of Taolin County as part of Hedong Road.

In recent years, the imperial court has set up transshipment envoys in the court, and each province has set up Changping envoys, and the transshipment envoys of each province have also become local important officials. Make the best of the best.

In addition, the three roads converge here, and they are connected to Chang'an and Luoyang. As the saying goes, if you are close to the water, you will get the moon first. It is still very good to be a Changping envoy here.

When Yang Su's mansion was converted into Changping's yamen, Jia Wuben entertained Qin Qiong and his father who passed by.

Lao Jia had been a soldier for half his life. After Zhang Xutuo was defeated and died, he took his son-in-law to vote for Pei Renji, and then followed Pei to vote for Li Mi. After Li Mi was defeated and surrendered to Tang, he also went to Chang'an. Later, Li Mi went to Shandong to surrender, and Li Yuan recalled him halfway. Li Mi refused, and wanted to take the opportunity to go out and stand on his own, looking forward to a comeback.

But it was also a blessing in disguise, Li Mi was killed by the Tang army soon, and Jia Wuben and his son persuaded Li Mi not to avoid disaster. Although they didn't have much use after that, they at least survived in troubled times.

Many years later, the son-in-law of that year is now an extremely powerful minister, and even his grandson has already paid homage to the prime minister twice, and Jia Wuben is not envious.

People who came from troubled times made him willing to be ordinary.

A jug of old wine, a handful of roast lamb.

Although guarding Taolin Cang, a large warehouse with tens of millions of stones, there was no food in the warehouse during famine years. Even if the situation is better now and there is a lot of grain in the warehouse, it is all grain ready to be transported into Guanzhong.

The grain transported from the south of the Yangtze River is relay-transported from one station to another. This kind of transshipment and storage is undoubtedly more advanced than the whole transportation.

"Songzhou, that's not a good place."

Jia Wu's beard and hair are half white, but he is still very energetic. He has been a soldier for half his life and has maintained a good body, but now he is suffering from some injuries.

"Back then, I went to the Southwest Rong with Zhang Shuai, and I went to that ghostly place, snow-capped mountains and grasslands. It's hard for people who haven't been there to imagine. In that ghostly place, you are as tired as wearing two layers of armor with your bare hands. If you move a little, you will feel ashamed. I can’t breathe. Besides, to go to Songzhou, you have to cross the snow-capped mountains. Not to mention the towering snow-capped mountains, there are some passes. There are ten months of a year when the mountains are covered by heavy snow. The snow lasts for ten and a half days. In the moon, the snow can cover the top of the head, and it is difficult for people to pass, and it is even more difficult for mules and horses."

Qin Qiong took the charred mutton skewers and put them in his mouth silently. He didn't really care much about the fiefdom.

Good or bad, that is the emperor's reward.

"Why don't you ask the emperor for a fief in Lingnan? If you were closer to Sanlang's fief, wouldn't it be better for each other to take care of each other? I heard that Sanlang went to Lingnan last year, and he was very impressive in the fief. All the masters bowed their heads and surrendered, honestly." Lao Jia held the wine glass and sipped it.

Qin Lang filled Lao Jia with wine.

"My grandpa has always been ashamed to compete for rewards, not to mention that the imperial court can't let my father and grandfather join together."

Jia Wuben immediately understood, yes.

The feudal land in this world is not like the previous Shiyi, which only has some rent and tax income, and has no control over the people. And now the emperor's world seal law, although it is sealed to the frontiers, it actually decentralizes a lot of power, not to mention taxes and taxes, but also the territory and the army population.

Although it is too biased, the general vassals will not get much land, and under the policy of pushing favors, the fiefdoms in this world will continue to be divided and weakened. In fact, there will be no real threat to the court. Instead, they can use these heroes From the hands of those savages, open up the wild land.

But after all, it is still a real fief, how could it be possible for the fiefs of father and son to be next to each other.

Lao Jia shook his head and smiled, "Let me tell you, at worst, we should not give up the fiefdom of Lao Shizi. Only those Qiang Di who have lived there for generations can stand firm in that ghostly place of Songzhou. Think about it, there are ten months in a year If you can’t connect with other places, this kind of place will not develop if you want it. Qiangdi is barbaric, and it will cause chaos when it moves, it’s really not worth it.”

Qin Qiong with a calm face ate a few large skewers of roast mutton, picked up his wine glass and drank a few sips, and said calmly, "I am a soldier, and I am much luckier than countless comrades who have not died in battle and returned with a horse leather shroud. Feng, I never thought how good it would be there, I just want to be able to defend the frontier for the Great Tang, that's enough."

When Lao Jia heard Qin Lang's words, he could only sigh helplessly. This son-in-law's temper was sometimes too straightforward.

"Sanlang, your grandpa insists on going to that ghostly place of Songzhou, you should do more work as a son."

Qin Lang could only nod his head helplessly, the bottomless pit in Wu'an Prefecture has just entered the pit, and now Songzhou is about to open the pit again. Thinking about it now, those guys like Changsun Wuji Fang Xuanling are resolutely unwilling to implement the feudal system, so they probably think it's too foolish.

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