Chastity Layman

Chapter 474 Fighting poison with poison

Tai Chi Palace.

The emperor stood on the Xuanwu gate, a little lonely.

The insomnia became more and more serious, and the nightmares became more and more frequent. These torments made the young emperor emaciated. I was sleepless again tonight, and finally came here unknowingly.

Qin Qiong stood not far away wearing a golden armor and holding a golden mace, silently guarding the emperor.

The Thousand Bull Guards stood far away.

Let Shuofang from the north blow his face like a knife.

No one saw the teardrops falling from the corners of the iron-blooded emperor's eyes.

The eleventh son of the emperor, Li Xiao, just passed away.

Even when he died, Li Shimin was unable to see his son, who was less than half a year old, for the last time. According to the imperial doctor, Li Xiao looked terrible when he died, with festering pustules and blood scabs all over his face and body. Li Xiao eventually died of hemorrhage.

Li Jian, the twelfth son of the emperor, was also out of control and was getting worse.

Li Zhi, the ninth son of the emperor, was in better condition, with headache, fever, nausea, back pain, occasional convulsions, and constant nightmares. Crimson spots began to appear on his face, and slowly appeared all over his body.

But now the fever has subsided, and his body is clearly feeling better. Half-year-old Li Zhi has regained his appetite and sleep, and is getting better.

But with the examples of Li Yuanfang, Li Xiao, and Li Jian, the imperial doctors couldn't guarantee that the ninth son of the emperor was really getting better.

The queen insisted on taking care of Li Zhi personally despite the persuasion of the imperial doctors.

Li Shimin and his wife have been separated for a long time and haven't seen each other for a long time.

He also wanted to see his children, but no one agreed.

Prince Chengqian is still in isolation in the East Palace. His condition is better than Li Zhi's. He has returned to normal. Except for the light red spots on his body, there is nothing abnormal. But no one is sure, he has already survived.

The East Palace is still under quarantine.

The Xuanwu Gate under the night is silent.

Two and a half years ago, I entered the Taiji Palace from here and seized the power that should belong to me. In the past two years, he didn't dare to slack off for a moment, and worked hard to be a good emperor, wanting to prove to everyone that he was worthy of the throne.

He felt he did a good job.

Especially after he wiped out the Turks, he felt that he was great. But before he was happy, reality slapped him so hard.

He implemented the New Deal and reformed the tax system, which greatly increased the court's finances, but still could not solve the famine.

He wiped out the Eastern Turks and made everyone in Mobei and Lingnan kneel down, but he couldn't keep his young son from contracting smallpox and dying painfully.

Isn't what he's doing good enough?

Why all this?

Is it true that God wants to punish him?

Lightning strikes Chengqian Hall, sky fire destroys Wude Hall, and a solar eclipse appears in the sky.

All of this, why?

Li Shimin was very angry, he wanted to ask God, why?


"His Majesty!"

Qin Qiong came over, "The maid came to report that the Twelfth Prince of the Emperor had a sudden hemorrhage, the imperial doctor was helpless, and the Twelfth Prince of the Emperor had already left."

The emperor swayed a few times and almost fell down.

Qin Qiong hurried forward to support her.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"Why, why do you want my white-haired man to give me a black-haired man?" Li Shimin asked tremblingly.

"Is it because I personally killed Jiancheng here on the first day of June two and a half years ago? Is it because I killed my own brother? Is that so?"

Qin Qiong comforted the emperor, "Your Majesty, this has nothing to do with that. Acne is a kind of disease. This is a disease, not a punishment from God!"

"In this outbreak of acne, countless children in Guanzhong were infected and died young."

Li Shimin couldn't listen, he was now caught in a strange circle.

I can't get out anymore.

"Have you found Sun Simiao?" Li Shimin asked through gritted teeth.

This is already the last hope. Sun Zai is known as the king of medicine among the people. It is said that he is a nearly 100-year-old senior doctor with first-hand medical skills.

However, no one has seen Sun Simiao for many years, but rumors of his appearance can be heard from time to time.

From the Northern Zhou Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, to the Tang Dynasty, from Wude to Zhenguan, the emperors of all dynasties respected this medicine king very much. They wanted to invite him to come down from the mountain and give him an official position, but he refused.

With such severe acne, the imperial physician in the palace is incapable of treating him, so Li Shimin can only hope to find Sun Simiao.

"Li Xiao and Li Jian have both died young, I hope to keep Cheng Qian and Li Zhi."

"Especially Chengqian, he is my crown prince, the heir apparent of the country, and there is no room for loss."

"Both the crown prince and the ninth prince have recovered, so there is no need to worry too much, Your Majesty."

"How can I not worry!"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, "If all this is really due to the Xuanwu Gate change that happened here two and a half years ago, and the heavens punished me, then if I abdicate, can this punishment be ended?"

Qin Qiong was shocked, how could the emperor have such an idea.

"Your Majesty is tired, it's time to rest."

"I can't sleep. I haven't had a good night's sleep for a month. When I close my eyes, I always see Jiancheng and Yuanji trying to kill me."

"I'm so tired, I want to abdicate."

"Return to the Supreme Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, there has never been such a precedent since ancient times."

Qin Qiong couldn't help persuading the emperor. If he did this, the consequences would be even more dangerous. Once the restoration of the Supreme Emperor is successful, what situation will Li Shimin be in then? Can the Supreme Emperor tolerate him? Will it not be settled?

Not to mention him at that time, even Chengqian, the eldest grandson, etc., and even the heroes of the new dynasty who participated in the mutiny back then, which one can escape the result of the liquidation?

"Your Majesty is tired." Qin Qiong sighed.

Li Shimin really wanted to look up to the sky and yell loudly, scolding the sky.

Li Junxian arrived.

"Your Majesty is in a very unstable mood now, what's the matter with you?"

"Sanlang has arrived in Beijing. His Majesty has told you earlier that once Sanlang enters Chang'an City, he will report it immediately."

Qin Qiong was surprised, "He arrived in Chang'an so soon?"

"Well, it's dark and the city is going forward."

Li Shimin asked over there, "Is Sanlang back? I heard you mentioned Sanlang."

"Your Majesty, Duke Wei entered the city before dark."

"Tell him to come here." Li Shimin said.

After thinking about it, he changed his mind, "Forget it, I will go to his house in person."


After soaking in a lukewarm soup, finally, under the provocation of Yu Xuanji, Tianlei set off the fire on the ground, and there was a fierce battle.

When he came out of the bathroom, Yu Xiao had ordered the kitchen to prepare dinner for him.

After going south for a few months, Qin Lang really missed Chang'an's delicious food. Although he could cook it himself, most of the time he could only deal with it simply.

After the war, the hungrier was getting worse, but the appetite was getting better.

With a big appetite, he looked at a table of delicacies like wind and clouds.

While eating, the butler suddenly came in next to several people.

Qin Lang saw Qin Qiong at a glance.

"Why is Grandpa here?"

Qin Qiong was still in armor. After looking at him a few times, he found that this kid was a little dark and thin, but he was still very energetic. He had no missing arms, legs, or scars on his face. Pick up!"

Over there, Li Shimin came in wearing a yellow robe.

"No need for those."

He stepped in and saw a table of dishes, "I just didn't eat, I'm hungry, so add two more bowls and chopsticks, and Shubao and I will eat together."

Qin Lang looked at the leftover dishes, "I ask the kitchen to cook again."

"No need, there are so many hungry people in the Central Plains, why do I dislike it? Do you have the face to dislike it?"

After saying this, Qin Lang was a little embarrassed. There were hungry people everywhere outside, but he had a table full of sumptuous meals here.

Li Shimin was indeed hungry.

For many days, I couldn't eat or sleep well, I was overwhelmed with worry, and my heart was exhausted.

Now, as soon as I sit down, I pick up the chopsticks and pick up the bowl and eat vigorously, and I don't care about the so-called image of the emperor at all. Qin Qiong was also very hungry. Seeing that the emperor was eating so hard, he let go.

Qin Lang was already full, but seeing the appearance of these two, he couldn't just sit and watch, so he had no choice but to pick up the bowls and chopsticks again, and started to eat.

When the father-in-law and father were full, Qin Lang finally put down his chopsticks. He only ate 70% full just now, and now he is really full.

Ask the servants to clear the table.

Holding the tea, Li Shimin stared at Qin Lang, making Qin Lang feel a little nervous.

"I urgently call you back to Beijing, you should know the current situation in Beijing, right?"

"I have heard some things, one is famine, and the other is acne."

"Say your solution!"

Li Shimin stared at him like a tiger, which made Qin Lang very uncomfortable, and he was not a god, and he hadn't recovered from it just after he came back, so there was no way to solve it.

But the emperor's gaze was enough to convince him.

"Your Majesty, there is an old saying that a catastrophe is often followed by a catastrophe. This shows that the catastrophe is associated with the catastrophe. After the catastrophe, the catastrophe is the source of the catastrophe. Because of the catastrophe, some conditions are given for the outbreak. For example, after a flood, Breeding epidemics, or not being buried in time after starving to death, breeding plagues, etc..."

This kind of statement is not new, and Li Shimin didn't want to hear it, "I'm asking about the solution, not for you to explain the ins and outs."

Qin Lang was helpless.

"I think that in the current situation, we have to deal with the famine and the epidemic together."

"Specific methods!"

Qin Lang wanted to cry, but so many people in the court couldn't think of a way, so he had a fart way. But seeing the expectant eyes of the emperor and Qin Qiong, he could only bite the bullet and say, "When I was in Zhen Fusi, I had contact with a disciple of the King of Medicine. I once talked with him and learned that the King of Medicine also Digging deeper into acne, he seems to have found a way."

Li Shimin's breathing became heavy.

"Tell me, what is the solution!"

Actually Qin Lang had no contact with any disciple of the Medicine King. As far as he knew, Sun Simiao should still be alive, but he lived in seclusion in the mountains and wrote medical books, so he was indeed old.

However, from some records of later generations, it seems to be mentioned that in his later years, Sun Simiao did research on acne, and he was the first to propose that pus taken from smallpox patients' mouth sores should be applied to the skin to prevent smallpox.

This is an epoch-making new direction.

It's just that Sun died before he came and studied it in depth.

Later doctors conducted in-depth research based on the direction proposed by Sun Simiao, and then came up with the vaccination method to prevent acne.

The smallpox virus introduced from Lingnan in the Han Dynasty, after thousands of years of infection in the Central Plains, by the Tang and Song Dynasties, adults basically had immunity, and acne could only attack children, so it was included in the category of pediatric diseases .

Until the Ming Dynasty, the smallpox vaccination method was very mature, and the success rate of smallpox prevention and treatment could reach more than 95%.

It can be seen that it was indeed very mature at that time, and it also proved that Sun Simiao's research direction was indeed correct. This is indeed a pediatric disease, and the vaccination method is even more feasible.

But now, who knows!

This grandson medicine king Shenlong is so indifferent, his research is probably only a theory, and has not been officially spread along with his medical books.

But Sun Yaowang couldn't find it, so the emperor came to ask for a solution.

Qin Lang had no choice but to bring up Sun Yaowang as a shield, and fabricated a non-existent apprentice of Yaowang, saying that he had mentioned this vaccination method.

In this way, even if the King of Medicine is found, there is indeed a way, and there will be no doubts.

One more thing, if this method doesn't work, it's because the medicine king made a mistake in his research, and it's impossible to blame him on Qin Lang.

Of course, he believed that this method would definitely work, but if he had come up with this method, it would be a bit too cross-border, and it would be difficult to be convincing. After all, acne is such a terrible thing, how can it be actively vaccinated? , isn't this contagious?

Under the banner of Medicine King, he is persuasive, and it also exempts him from the amazing fact that Qin Lang is omnipotent.

"Your Majesty, according to the research of the King of Medicine, after nearly a thousand years of infection in the Central Plains, it is difficult for acne to break out in adults. Basically, it can only affect children. Their resistance is weak, so if they can be vaccinated in advance to prevent infection, then Don’t be afraid of being infected again.”

Li Shimin felt a bit like a fairy tale, but Qin Lang was always reliable in his work, so he said this, which made him look forward to it.

"I have sent people to search for the King of Medicine for a long time, but they have not found any trace of him." The emperor stared at Qin Lang, "I will send people to continue to look for the King of Medicine, but before you find him, you have to organize the imperial doctor to discuss with him about how to inoculate him." Folk medicine should be studied first."

"I can also give you some child slave experiments."

When the emperor said this, he gritted his teeth.

Although they are slaves, they are still lives. Once the experiment fails, it will kill them.

"About hunger, what solution do you have?"

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and I don't have a good plan. I suggest that Your Majesty lead the soldiers and civilians in Chang'an to move to Luoyang for food."

"Yes." Li Shimin nodded. In fact, there were already many voices in the court, suggesting to move to Luoyang temporarily. This would at least solve the food problem of the more than 70,000 soldiers and horses of Chang'an's monarchs and guards.

The monarch and ministers were silent for a while.

The emperor's ministers and the forbidden army went to Luoyang, there was food waiting, and they would definitely be able to get food supplies along the way, but it was impossible for other people to receive such treatment.

Even the people in Henan have to go to Huainan, Jiangnan and other places to beg for food. Luoyang's grain is also transported from the south, and the grain transported through the canal is also limited. It is impossible to supply the emperor's hundred officials and the imperial army. for the people.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince, and Princess Changle, are you alright?" Qin Lang asked.

"Chengqian was also infected with acne before, but the reaction was mild, and he is still under observation in isolation. Changle is fine, and there is nothing wrong. Concubine Yang is taking care of her now."

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