Chastity Layman

Chapter 468 Nightmare Invasion

Li Shimin was exhausted.

His Majesty the Emperor, who had just passed his thirties, had just captured Jieli and surrendered Tuli, and wiped out the Eastern Turks, but the emperor's face did not show the slightest joy.

The emperor's ninth younger brother Zhou Wang Li Yuanfang suffered from smallpox and died in less than half a month.

The official historian made a heavy note that Zhou Wang Yuanfang was stained with bitterness. Ranlu sore died of illness in the twelfth lunar month of the second year of Zhenguan, at the age of ten, childless, and the country was eliminated.

The emperor who was only thirty years old had frost on his temples.

The ninth younger brother of the emperor died of smallpox, and the fatal thing was that the crown prince Chengqian and several princes were infected with smallpox. Although Chengqian's condition was not so serious, it made Li Shimin very nervous. This is the prince of the country, Chengqian has always behaved, It also satisfied Li Shimin very much.

But now he is actually infected with smallpox. You must know that the people in Shangyao Bureau and Tai Medical Bureau are helpless against smallpox. They can only resign themselves to fate.

It may even become a pockmarked face if you carry it over.

The entire East Palace was quarantined and entry and exit were prohibited to avoid further infection.

But it was still too late to isolate. In the harem, Li Zhi, the ninth son of the emperor, born to Empress Changsun, Li Xiao, the eleventh son of the emperor, born to Concubine Yan De, and Li Jian, the twelfth son of the emperor, were also born one after another. Infected with smallpox.

Both Li Xiao and Li Jian were only a little over half a year old, and they were both infected, and their condition was serious, very similar to Li Yuanfang's condition before his death, and the imperial doctors had already hinted to the emperor that there was no way to recover.

The emperor had already lost his second son, Li Kuan, last year, and now four of his sons have contracted smallpox, even the crown prince, and the eleven and twelve sons may not be saved.

In just half a month, the emperor seemed to be ten years older.

But in Chang'an City, there are still various rumors at this time, and some people say that this is retribution.

It was the ghosts of King Xiyin Jiancheng and Chaothorn Wang Yuanji who came to claim their lives, and some people said that it was the emperor who suppressed the Buddha and Taoism, and made the Buddha and Taoism come down.

Plus a solar eclipse in the sky.

The Wude Hall caught fire, and the Chengqian Hall was struck by lightning.

As a result, it was even more rumored by the public, and many people had already said that Chengqian could not escape the catastrophe this time, and that if Chengqian died young, it would be for his father.

Li Shimin felt even more uncomfortable after hearing this.

He would rather be the one who gets sick, and he doesn't want his sons to suffer in his place. But the princes were all sealed off and isolated, and he couldn't even see them.

The ministers even thought that the Taiji Palace was very dangerous, and asked the emperor to leave the palace and temporarily move to live in the palace.

Jian Jiancheng and Yuan Ji, the two brothers had been far away in his heart, but now they reappeared, appearing in his dreams all night, and every time they looked like ghosts and spirits, shouting for their lives.

Chengqian's condition fluctuated from good to bad, and the imperial doctors did not dare to say that it was under control. Some small red rashes had already appeared on the Prince's face, and they hadn't gotten worse yet, but there were already bad signs.

This is his heir.

Li Shimin is full of hope for Chengqian. He made a bad start himself, mutinied to seize the throne, killed his brother and imprisoned his father. He hoped that Chengqian and his father and son would be kind and filial, so Chengqian was still young, and he still married him. The most luxurious East Palace lineup.

Chengqian Xuezheng was asked to hear the lawsuit very early, and he was given thousands of pro-military troops.

He hoped that his crown prince would not have sibling disputes over the heir apparent, nor would there be jealousy between father and son, but who would have thought that the ten-year-old crown prince would encounter such a catastrophe.

This is all my fault, these days, Li Shimin has fallen into this deep self-blame.

Everything is caused by him.

He shouldn't have murdered brothers and brothers, You father should not have seized the throne, he shouldn't have destroyed the Buddha and restrained Taoism, he shouldn't have used troops one after another to increase the number of murders, the emperor is in constant self-denial.

"Uncle Bao."

"The minister is here!"

The emperor raised his head, looked at Qin Qiong who was standing at the entrance of the hall, and sighed, "Shubao, you just came back from Taiyuan. You have worked hard, standing in front of my hall with your helmet on every day. How can I bear it?"

Qin Qiong is fully armed, wearing golden armor and holding a golden mace, like a glaring king.

"Your Majesty is nothing more than worrying. No matter what kind of monsters or monsters, they can't offend the lord of the world. As your Majesty's military minister, I must guard the palace gate for Your Majesty, fight monsters, and block all monsters and evil spirits!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will never let any monsters in with my minister here. In my life, I have fought thousands of battles, and my whole body is full of murderous aura. The pair of golden maces on this armor are stained with the blood of countless enemies. The monsters dare not close."

"Your Majesty is here, please sleep peacefully."

The emperor was very moved when he heard this.

He couldn't help but think of Qin Qiong as the number one general under his command when he was fighting everywhere. Every time he went to fight against the enemy, with Qin Qiong around, he would never let the enemy general be arrogant.

With Qin Qiong around, there is absolutely no need to worry about his own safety, even if he goes to the enemy city to observe the military situation in person, there is no need to worry at all.

Later, after he got the strong general Yuchi Gong, Yuchi was given more personal guards, and Qin Qiong commanded the front army for him.

Qin Qiong has never let herself down.

Thinking of the change of Xuanwu Gate, at the critical moment, it was the father and son of the Qin family who conspired and ran desperately. But he worshiped Qin Qiong as his prime minister, but he refused again and again, even after worshiping his prime minister, he didn't have any love for power. But now that he has something to do, Qin Qiong rushed back from Taiyuan regardless of his hard work, and stood guard for him in armor.

"I just received Sanlang's urgent report from Jiaozhou. He said that Wu'an Prefecture has almost been resettled, and Huoxidongman has been attached to Datang. There are more than 28,000 registered households and more than 137,000 people. There are eleven counties in Wu'an Prefecture and one hundred and eight townships."

"Shubao, tell me about this kid. He is really talented. Just after crossing the city, he met the mountain barbarians. As a result, he calmed down tens of thousands of mountain barbarians in two or three times, and then cracked down on Sima's rebellion in Guizhou. Immediately after that, he went south to Xunzhou to appease Tan Dian and other scumbags who wanted to make trouble again."

"When I first entered Wu'an Prefecture, I encountered many strong and powerful Xidong Manwu Fortresses. I never imagined that this Wu'an Prefecture, this blank space on the maps of previous dynasties, actually housed hundreds of thousands of people. But Qin Lang calmed down these more than a dozen local chieftains who dominated one side in March, and asked them to register as a household of Qimin."

Li Shimin is also very concerned about Qin Lang's actions in Lingnan.

The secret letters between the monarch and his ministers were constantly exchanged, so he had a lot of further understanding of the real situation in Lingnan, and he was willing to fully support Qin Lang's many ideas and policies.

Qin Lang's performance made him very satisfied.

A Wu'an prefecture was originally a blank land. There was not even a Jimi prefecture county in the past, but now Qin Lang just sorted it out, cleared out 130,000 registered households, and set up ten a county.

Li Daliang looked at Qin Lang's actions in Jiaozhou, and he was envious. He also told the court that he wanted to imitate Qin Lang's method and attack the two barbarians in the northwest, the Heman tribe and the Liaozi tribe, so as to expand the court's ruling area.

"This is all with the support of His Majesty. Saburo is in Lingnan, and he can command the barbarians only by relying on the banner of the imperial court. If there is no imperial court, he is nothing." Qin Qiong commented on his son to the emperor.

"You, you are still too strict with Sanlang. In fact, you also know what Sanlang is capable of. Now he is also a father, not a child. Sanlang is in Wu'an Prefecture, but he has two more concubines."

Speaking of Qin Sanlang, both the emperor and Qin Qiong seemed to be in a better mood, and they were not so depressed.

When the emperor first introduced the world feudal system, the Manchu dynasty opposed it almost one-sidedly. Some ministers opposed the world feudal system, thinking that this move would lead to the split of the Tang Dynasty, and there would be endless troubles in the future. Some ministers who have the qualifications of enfeoffment are also opposed, thinking that if enfeoffment is far away from the wilderness, it is exile and relegation.

In short, everyone is afraid of the wilderness like a tiger, and they are determined not to go.

But Qin Lang was the first to receive the fief, and the first to go to the fief.

Although the fief is far away, five thousand miles away from the capital, and although there is no one there, Qin Lang has never complained, never rejected the emperor's will, no matter what the emperor decides, he first complied, and then worked hard to solve those difficulties.

No one, went to Jingzhao Mansion to conspire to clean up the dungeon, and then consulted with the Ministry of Criminal Justice to move prisoners from various prisons to Wu'an Prefecture. This not only reduces the cost of custody and management of prisoners, but also allows these people to reform themselves.

If the barbarians refuse to accept Wang Hua, then they will.

After the conquest by force, Huairou will be appeased, and the new policy will be promulgated, so that the barbarians can feel the benefits of the new policy, and take care of the interests of those handsome barbarian kings, so that they will submit to the table and follow them willingly.

The establishment of counties and townships, the registration of households, the conferring of knights and fiefs to knights and warriors recruited from the Central Plains, and the same granting of official positions to barbarian kings, please confer titles, etc., so that the barbaric land of Wu'an Prefecture has changed rapidly. Sample.

The structure of Wu'an Prefecture has been stabilized.

When the news of what Qin Lang did in Mandi spread to Chang'an, the voices that were originally unanimously opposed to Shifeng gradually diminished. Many people were shocked when they saw that Qin Lang's far-flung and large fief managed to produce hundreds of thousands of people.

And when they heard that these savages had accepted Qin Lang and were willing to set up households and pay taxes, they were all envious.

With a population of more than a hundred thousand, no matter how wild it is, it is at the level of the top counties in the Central Plains, or even at the level of ordinary Xiazhou or even Zhongzhou, and Qin Lang can enjoy one-third of the tax revenue as the income of the world. That's a lot of money.

Not to mention, with such a large fiefdom, it is possible to reclaim wasteland for cultivation, mining, breeding and so on.

The voice of opposition has disappeared, and now the discussion of the world fiefdom has become hot again. Many ministers who are qualified for the world fiefdom have even begun to consider whether they should also accept a piece of world fiefdom, and maybe they can get as good a harvest as Qin Lang. .

"San Lang made a tour of the south on behalf of the sky, and failed to mobilize enough food to enter Beijing. It is still dereliction of duty."

This year, another early frost hit the north. The autumn harvest in many states was almost complete, and food was in crisis again. In addition, in order to crusade against the Turks, the imperial court dispatched a six-way army of 180,000 horses and mobilized hundreds of thousands of civilians.

This made the previous reserves exhausted.

Although they also robbed a lot of Turkic cattle and sheep, but after all, they are still outside the Great Wall, and the number is actually limited.

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