Chastity Layman

Chapter 414

Under the night, the summer breeze blows.

Between Phoenix Mountain and Shiziling, a strict pass prevails.

The city walls on both sides are connected by mountains. The walls are one foot seven high, fifteen feet long, and nearly three feet thick. Blue stones are built inside and outside, and soil is filled in the middle. There is the word 'strict'.

Behind Guanyuan, there are post stations, hotels, restaurants, etc., as well as many common people's houses and shops, etc., as the only way for the Central Plains to go south to Lingnan. Also very prosperous.

Although it is not as prosperous and lively as Linyuan County, which is 20 miles to the east, and Guilin City, which is a hundred miles to the south, there used to be a constant flow of people.

But at this moment, a group of mountain barbarians stood on the Guanyuan, holding knives and axes and waiting on it to blow the wind.

The inside of the pass is even more dotted with lights.

More than 3,000 barbarians guard this pass, and there are as many as a dozen villages of mountain and barbarian alliances. There are not only young and strong men, but also hunched old men, immature teenagers, and even many bold and sturdy women. Also in between.

Compared with those famous cities in the Central Plains, Yanguan is actually very simple, without enemy towers, horse faces, archery towers, forts, and caves for hiding soldiers.

But because of its special terrain, there are dangerous mountains on both sides, and it only takes a section of a city wall of more than ten feet to block the entire mountain pass.

If one man is in charge of the gate, ten thousand men are not allowed to open it.

Even if you have thousands of troops, the terrain in front of the pass is narrow and dangerous on both sides, and you can't deploy soldiers and horses, and you can't deploy siege equipment. Only a small number of soldiers and horses are needed on the pass to firmly guard the pass.

Originally, when Li Xizhi was guarding Guizhou, a battalion of soldiers and horses was stationed here, but after it was attached to the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court cut down the soldiers of Guizhou, so Li Xizhi withdrew the defenders here, leaving only one in Yanguan Post. For the post station, let the post chief take charge of Yanguan, and the guards of Yanguan will be guarded by Lizheng from Yanguan Township with the villagers on duty.

Usually there are only ten people guarding the gate. The gate opens at dawn and closes at night.

There are only ten farmers guarding such an important Lingnan gate, so it is known that it is empty, and this also provides convenience for the mountain barbarians to take down the strict gate.

Or maybe it was because it was so easy to win Yanguan, so the barbarians didn't pay much attention to defense.

There were only a dozen barbarians in the city, and there was a group of barbarians chatting behind the city gate.

Close the door.

The post stations, private houses, and shops in the pass are full of barbarians, and groups of them are still dancing, drinking, and eating meat with bonfires.

Very lively.

The barbarians on duty in the city were all leaning against the city wall, looking at the fires inside the pass, and no one was staring at the outside of the pass.

Feng Shan and Xian Hai had already put their horses on the side of the pass, and walked to the pass.

A mountain barbarian prisoner even yelled several times from below before someone poked his head down from the Guan Yuan.

The mountain savages yelled there in barbaric language, and didn't say anything in secret, just chattered like greetings at the market.

Feng Shan listened nervously to their conversation.

The city asked why they came back so late. The captives said that they found a cave in a valley, and there were many Han people hiding in it. They encountered some resistance and took a little time, but the harvest was good, and they robbed a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Many prisoners were also taken.

The people on Guancheng said they were lucky in an envious tone, and asked if there were any casualties, so the captives said that two people were killed by the resisting Han Chinese.

Someone else asked if there was a woman?

They just opened their voices and said one sentence to another, and then the people in the city called the people behind the city to open the door.

After a while, the city gate was slowly opened.

Feng Shan and Xian Hai looked at each other, both of them were a little excited, they didn't expect that it would go so smoothly, and these mountain barbarians would be so careless.

Without even checking carefully, just such a conversation, unexpectedly opened the city and released people.

The captives outside the city were still shouting, "Thanks, I'll give my brothers two jars of wine later!"


Under the dark night, Feng Shan and Xian Hai took a few brothers, pretended to be mountain barbarians, followed behind the captives, led a group of 'captives' into the customs.

No one doubts.

The laughter in the pass came from afar.

"Do it!"

After entering the pass, the barbarians guarding the pass came to beg for wine and watch the harvest of their captives. As a result, Feng Shan let out a low cry and immediately drew his sword.

However, the Han captives who were supposed to be tied up with ropes all shook their hands, and the ropes fell to the ground. One by one, they took out their hidden swords and moved their hands directly.

Swords and swords, accompanied by some bows and crossbows flying.

The group of mountain barbarians guarding the gate were caught off guard, and most of them were cut down in an instant.

By the time they let out a shrill cry, it was too late.

Xian Hai led the men of the eagle shooting team, and they had already killed on the pass wall which was only less than two feet away with the hidden bow and crossbow. stand up.

The other half of the team members who were hiding not far away rushed over immediately.

At this time, something was wrong in the pass, and barbarians began to hear the sound. In the dark night, both sides hacked and killed. .

More and more mountain barbarians came.

At this time, there was finally a dull thunder outside the pass.

A mountain man looks up at the sky, is it going to rain?

But the moon and stars are sparse, it doesn't look like it's going to rain at all.

The next moment, two hundred Qingqi galloped towards Yinan Tieludu and Fulilangweidu.

These are all born knights on horseback. Although the heat in south of the Five Ridges made them a little bit overwhelmed, they had a day off during the day and the weather was cold, which made them recover a lot.

One by one, the knights waved their sabers and rushed through the Yanguan gate.

Feng Shan and the others had already moved to both sides.

The mountain barbarians who didn't know it still hugged and stepped forward, but they were knocked to the ground by two hundred riders one after another.

The saber slashed across, and the head fell to the ground.

The war horse collided and flew directly.

When the horse's hoof stepped on it, it even broke hands and feet, and the internal organs were ruptured.

Qingqi was like a hot knife, piercing through the few barbarians with ease like butter.

"Turn around!"

The cavalry stopped their horses, turned their heads, rearranged, and charged again.

On the not-so-broad road inside the pass, the scattered mountain barbarians were ruthlessly crushed once again.

Many mountain savages are rushing over, but the ignorant ones can't squeeze through.

The battle lasted less than half an hour, and Qingqi had completely defeated Yanguan, and there was no more complete group of barbarians.

The barbarians couldn't figure out the situation at all, but the barbarian captives who led the way kept shouting that Qin Lang, Duke of Wei, led the army to quell the chaos as soon as they entered the pass.

Qin Lang, official soldier.

Facing the fierce cavalry, the barbarians collapsed.

The mob is, after all, just the mob.

When Qin Lang arrived, Yanguan had already changed hands.

His subordinates are searching everywhere in Guancheng, catching those mountain barbarians hiding everywhere like mice.

Standing in front of the pass city, Qin Lang looked at the Yanguan, which was as bright as daylight under the light of the fire, and looked at the two strong and powerful characters Yanguan on it.

There was a satisfied smile on his face.

This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

A mob of mountain barbarians underestimated the enemy and occupied the dangerous position for nothing, but they didn't know how to defend.

He, Qin Lang, only used a team of pro-army to take down the closed door.

Two hundred Qingqi came after them, and killed the three thousand mountain barbarians.

This was actually expected, his only worry was not being able to trick the city gate into opening.

If there is this forty to fifty meter long and five meter high city wall blocking it, then Qin Lang's soldiers and horses will be useless no matter how strong they are, but once the city wall is gone, it will be like a tiger like a tiger.

Feng Shan and Xian Hai came to meet and welcome them.

"My lord, Yanguan has been captured!"

Qin Lang nodded to the two of them in satisfaction, "You've done a good job, you should be rewarded! The first to log into the city will be rewarded with hundreds of strings."

Regarding the prisoners who led the way, Qin Lang did not break his promise.

"Each person will be rewarded with 10,000 qian, 100 bolts of silk, and 10 captive women from the mountain barbarians."

Feng Shan was a little dissatisfied, "These barbarians are too cheap for them."

"It's a bone of gold."

Qin Lang not only rewarded the five captives, but even asked them to persuade the captured mountain barbarians, and asked him to be responsible for organizing them separately.

There are quite a few Shanman who didn't come and escaped, thousands of them.

Not many were killed, less than a hundred people.

Qin Lang ordered that for those barbarians who were seriously injured, their heads would be cut off directly, and those with minor injuries should be bandaged up by themselves. Whether they survived would depend on their own destiny.

"Just kill them all." Xian Shan suggested.

"What's the point of killing? I believe that although these barbarians are doing chaos, they are also deceived or coerced by others."

Qin Lang asked to pick out the young and strong among the captives, and pick out the old and weak. The young and strong are also arranged according to the team fire, while the old and weak women live in another battalion.

The young and strong are used as servants to help transport food, supplies, clean the battlefield, etc.

The night remained.

The hustle and bustle of Yanguan is gradually quieting down.

But the strong smell of blood still lingers.

Most of the 2,000 or so people who escaped went to the Qincheng camp, and some might flee back to the mountain tribe.

Qin Lang ordered not to pursue, but only sent a team of Qingqi to scout the enemy.

In Guancheng, many Han merchants and civilians from Xiangyuan and Linyuan counties were also found, as well as merchants and postmen from Yanguanli.

These people are very poor. Some have been hungry for several days, many women have been ruined, and some were killed or injured because of their resistance.

When they saw Qin Lang wearing a brocade robe and a jade belt Tang official gown to condolence them, they were both surprised and happy, and many of them cried out.

They accused the mountain man of being hateful one after another, and also told their own pitiful experiences.

Qin Lang asked for water and food to be brought to them.

Among those prisoners, some claimed to be the magistrate of Xiangyuan County in Yongzhou and Linyuan County in Guizhou. The two parents were extremely embarrassed and had no official appearance at all.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

But the two surviving survivors, who were like frightened birds, didn't know what to ask. As they gobbled it up, they shook their heads from time to time.

They didn't know why the Shanman made a surprise attack, why they dared to attack the county seat, and took the officials and the people to rebel.

"Those barbarians are all crazy. They rebelled and wanted to kill them all!"

Qin Lang didn't bother to pay attention to the county magistrate's words, and let them retreat after a few words of comfort.

Qin Yong, who was still wearing his armor, came over and asked, "What shall we do next?"

"The thieves fled to Qin City, and the thieves over there knew we were coming, and it would be impossible to make a surprise attack."

Qin Lang smiled, "We won the strict pass. We can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. We have the initiative. There is no way to do this kind of sneak attack again. Qin City is nearly a hundred miles away from here, and we can't go further They are attacking Qincheng, and the situation in Guizhou is unclear at the moment, so we have to be more careful."

It's not a bad thing for Yanguan's barbarians to flee to Qincheng.

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