Chastity Layman

Chapter 392

It is not unusual for Li Shimin to want to enfeoff.

After all, although some people say that after the Han Dynasty, there was no real feudal dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty is still called the feudal era.

In fact, the essence of the imperial power society is the family world. No matter how much the emperor wants to centralize power, he will not be able to break away from the foundation of the family.

Just like the Guanlong Group created the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang Dynasties, these four dynasties were actually established by people from Daibeijun Town, and their policies and systems were also inherited and used, but this is not true. It will change the fact that the world has changed hands.

After everyone becomes an emperor, especially the founding king, they will think about how to make their country and country last forever, and their descendants will last forever. Although this is impossible at all, they also want to make it as long as possible.

Li Shimin is a very capable emperor. Although he is young, although he has just become emperor not long ago, he has already done many important things. Although his princes are still young, he has already started to consider the matter of entrustment. In fact, he has a long-term vision. The layout is big.

No matter how you look at it, Li Shimin's considerations are actually correct.

Although from the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Central Plains has been advocating the centralization of the dynasty, the centralization of the monarchy, and the big court, especially those Confucian scholars and civil servants, they prefer this system.

They advocate great unification and centralization.

From Qin Lang's point of view, the centralization of power in a unified state is certainly a historical inevitability, but it also has many limitations of the times.

After all, any system must have the soil to adapt to it, otherwise it will be a castle in the air.

There are thousands of benefits to centralization, but it cannot be said that the enfeoffment system is useless. At least in the eyes of the emperor, enfeoffment is an important insurance for consolidating the imperial power and consolidating their family.

An important reason for those emperors and courtiers in favor of the feudal system is that the Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed its children for 800 years, the Han Dynasty enfeoffed them, and guarded the country for 400 years. Seal, death does not come soon.

Although enfeoffment will make the enfeoffed clan princes a threat to the central court, it cannot deny their role in shielding the imperial court, let alone their role in deterring the ambitions of ministers of different surnames.

If Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty hadn't entrusted his children, the Liu family would have changed their surname to Lu long ago.

However, Cao Wei was too harsh on the clan and restricted the clan everywhere, which led to the usurpation of Cao Wei by the Sima family.

"Teacher, do you think it's good to be divided?" Chengqian asked.

Qin Lang patted Cheng Qian on the shoulder, this kid is a bit precocious and sensitive.

"His Royal Highness, you don't need to worry too much. Distribution itself is a good medicine. Specifically, it depends on how to distribute the distribution. If the distribution is good, it will be the wings of the imperial court. If the distribution is not good, it will naturally cause endless troubles."

Just like the enfeoffment in the Han Dynasty, the prefectures and states were established side by side. The princes and kings surnamed Liu made great contributions in abolishing Lu and rebuilding the Han Dynasty, but later it also led to the chaos of the Seven Kings.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abolished the martial arts of the princes and kings by pushing grace, which also led to Wang Mang being able to usurp the Han.

Cao Wei's family was too wary of the clan, which led to Sima's usurping the throne. Sima's family was also very wary of the clan at the beginning, but later the emperor's path went astray. Originally, the clan was forcibly expelled from the Jingjiu Fan.

However, the later emperor made an exception to entrust his princes with civil and military powers to check and balance his brothers and uncles.

In the end, the suzerains and vassals were in chaos, which also led to the Eight Kings Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, which ignited the fuse for the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty.

Many systems or policies are often not wrong when they are formulated, but they are often changed when they are used later, and mistakes are made.

The Sima family's enfeoffment system at the beginning was actually quite good, but later the emperor messed up, so they laid mines.

Li Shimin is going to entrust now, but in essence, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enfeoffment. It is definitely better for the emperor brothers and princes to be entrusted out. The imperial court even played an insurance role.

The power of the clan is naturally an insurance for the stability of the imperial power.

But this is also a double-edged sword, and it depends on the level of the player.

He comforted Chengqian, told him not to worry, just sit back and watch the changes, and just keep the same to cope with all changes.

After returning home from the East Palace, Yu Xuanji came up to change his clothes, "Qinren Square sent someone to pass a message, saying that something good is coming today, and told you to go there as soon as you come back."

"What good thing?"

"There are several cases. The first one is that Qinrenfang asked Zhao Guogong to write a book for Liulang to the third wife of the Wu family. Today, the Wu family entrusted Yang Shizhong to deliver the birth date."

Yu Xuanji smiled and said, "The second good thing is that Concubine Feng and Princess Changsha invited Wen Linggong to be a matchmaker to send back the birthday horoscope for Mrs. Feng to our Shiro."

"Could it be that the third good thing is that the eldest grandson's family also came to send a birthday horoscope?"

"Indeed, grandson asked the house servant to shoot over."

The Qin family made three marriages at once, the fourth eldest son-in-law was engaged to the father and daughter of Mr. Feng Shaoshi, the prince of the party, the fifth son was married to the second daughter from Zhao Guogong's eldest Sun Wuji's family, and the sixth son was married to the third daughter of the royal warrior Xun Wuji.

The marriage letter is issued, the date of birth is accepted, and the two families make a marriage contract.

The Qin family also made a lot of fun this time. The three families directly issued a marriage letter to send the wild goose, and the three families returned the gift together. This is indeed a lively event in Chang'an.

Yu Xuanji smiled and said, "People who are only two or three years old have already booked daughters from famous families. The Qin family's name is really famous now."

Qin Lang could only smile, he could only say that all famous families operate like this. Although the Qin family is an upstart, they are the leaders among the upstarts.

However, the three families that the Qin family married this time are actually upstarts. Although Feng's family is called Jingzhao Feng's family, in fact, their ancestral family came from Shangdang several generations ago, and they used to be a humble family. Later, they joined Wuchuan Military Town and followed a group of military leaders to become the Guanlong Group, so they suddenly became Jingzhao. The Feng family.

As for the eldest grandson's family, his family was originally Xianbei, the clan of the Northern Wei Dynasty, who went south to Luoyang on behalf of the north. Changsun Wuji was also down and out when he was young, so Changsun Wuji is actually an upstart of the new dynasty.

Not to mention the samurai Yuding, an upstart from a merchant family.

If Qin Langshang Princess Changle is counted, in fact, the four sons of the Qin family, regardless of whether they are the Dukes of the State or the Dukes of the County, but the wives they marry, in this era of aristocrats, their marriages can only be regarded as ordinary.

After all, no woman with five surnames was married.

Fortunately, Qin Qiong married a daughter of the Cui family from Boling, which added a lot to the Qin family's lintel.

Previously, the eldest grandson Wuji proposed marriage, wanting to marry his daughter to Qin Lang's son, Qin Qiong agreed at the time, but Cui was very dissatisfied when he heard about it, because Cui planned to marry Boling Cui's natal daughter for his son, No matter how bad it is, the Lu family in Fanyang, the Wang family in Taiyuan, or the Zheng family in Xingyang, or the Li family in Zhaojun, the Zheng family in Qinghe, and the Li family in Longxi.

Fortunately, this time Qin Qiong was hardened once in a while, and this matter cannot be changed, so Cui went back to her mother's house in anger and stayed for several days.

Cui felt that the Changsun family in Henan was firstly from Xianbei, and secondly, the Changsun family had no background.

She wholeheartedly wanted to find a daughter with five surnames for her son in the future, but it was a pity that Qin Qiong randomly accepted the eldest grandson's family.

When Qin Lang arrived at Qinrenfang, he found that it was really lively here, the house was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and everyone was beaming with joy.

"Why didn't you see the eldest lady?" Qin Lang asked Qin Qiong with a smile.

"I'm having a temper tantrum. I keep saying that I shouldn't agree to Zhao Guogong's marriage proposal."

Qin Lang smiled, women and Taoists have long hair but short knowledge. For the current Qin family, marriage with the five surnames can gilt their names, but it is far inferior to marrying the eldest grandson's family. If the Qin family marries the eldest grandson, then It is the strong alliance of the upstart civil and military leaders, especially the marriage of the two families, which will form a solid and powerful alliance of new princelings.

The Qin family and the eldest grandson's family have become the civil and military leaders of the new princeling party respectively. This alliance is very important. It can stabilize the status of the two families and plan for a new dynasty in the future.

Now that the Cui family and the Zheng family are all looking for the Qin family to marry, there is no need to be in a hurry to curry favor with the five surnames. Now it is not after the early Tang Dynasty. The five surnames have not recovered their blood yet, and it is not their turn at all. When the power is insane, it is still the era of the heroes.

It doesn't matter how strong the five names are, what the Qin family needs most now is to stabilize their position in the court. This is the foundation of the Qin family now, and the reputation of the marriage of the five names is something illusory.

"Grandpa, a woman has to be coaxed. You can coax her well and it will be over. She is a smart person, and she can't be really angry with you."

Qin Qiong shook his head very straight, he is good at fighting, coaxing women is not his strong point.

"It's actually quite simple. Grandpa just needs to tell Mrs. Cui how many sons-in-law to have. When the time comes, all the daughters of the five surnames and seven clans will marry one. This will satisfy Mrs. Cui's desire."

Old Qin Qiong blushed a little. How could his son say to Lao Tzu, "Go away and entertain the guests for me."

"Grandpa, I'm not joking. You are actually still young, in your forties. In your prime of life, it's no problem to give birth to seven or eight sons. Even Mrs. Cui can still give birth to seven sons." Eight. Our Qin family is thin, and Grandpa has worked hard. You see, the Supreme Emperor is in his early fifties, and now he still has a few children a year. Your Majesty has more than a dozen sons. Even the eldest grandson, There are twelve sons, and there is also Yuchi Laohei. I heard that after going to Xiangzhou, I didn’t do much business. The concubines took several rooms, and all of them got pregnant. Yuchi Laohei belongs to Grandpa. You're defeated, now you can't lose to Lao Hei in the matter of having a baby!"

Qin Qiong couldn't help shaking her head and laughing when she heard this, "You just don't have a good shape. I'm old, but you are still young. There are so many concubines in your house. Hurry up and give birth to a few more. It's a matter of business, you are also a separate family now, you should have more children."

"Grandpa, let's work hard together. I will work hard to give birth to 20 or 30 sons after you have ten more sons. In this way, our Qin family in Licheng will have children and grandchildren within three generations. The hall is full and the branches are flourishing!"

"Get out!" Qin Qiong, who was still a little angry with Cui Shi, was relieved by his son's nonsense.

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