Chastity Layman

Chapter 343 Walking in the Snow

It was snowing all over the place.

In the middle of Chile River, in a valley, in a big tent in the middle, a large piece of firewood was burning, the fire was raging, and the inside of the huge tent was as warm as spring.

on the carpet.

A group of barbarians were sitting on the ground eating their own meat with knives.

"I never imagined that this rock sugar would be fried in an iron pot and then stewed. The meat is both beautiful and delicious. Especially with the addition of some tea and wine, it's amazing."

A fat guy with a big ear has a big gold ring hanging from his left ear, a piece of bone in his left hand, and a sharp knife in his right hand, his mouth is full of oil.

"Those Han people really know how to eat it. I have eaten beef and mutton for so many years, and I don't know how to eat it like this."

A stout man was holding a golden wine bowl in his hand, savoring the fine wine in the bowl carefully.

This wine bowl is a bit special. Upon closer inspection, it can be found that it is actually made of a human skull, and it is inlaid with gold to make a wine vessel.

Everyone in the tent knew the origin of this wine bowl, it was made of the skull of this man's father, his biological father. The man is a tribal leader. His father was the old leader at the time, but as he grew old, he planned to pass on the position of leader to his youngest son. According to the tradition of their tribe, the eldest son would separate the family and start a business, while the youngest son would inherit the family business.

The man refused to accept it, so he led his subordinates to kill his father and brothers, and finally adopted his father's concubine as his own woman, and used his father's skull inlaid with gold to make wine vessels.

With this move, no one in the entire tribe dared to speak out from the tradition, and no one dared to oppose him.

"Have you heard what the Gaoche man brought?" The man put down his drinking vessel and glanced at everyone.

The fat guy with the big ear and the gold ring said, "Who is he? He said he asked us to send the slaves of the Han family, so we will send them? Why?"

A bearded leader also said, "I don't care what you plan, Chief Afuluo, but I can't let go of the Han slaves in my tribe. These are my property."

"Chief Qiongqi is right, and I can't let him go. Can General Tang scare us with a few words?"

Another person said flatly, "If you want me to say, this person surnamed Cheng is too ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth. He actually went to Jinhekou to build a stronghold, and even sent troops to Yulin City. These sites were all owned by Jieli Khan. Why did they occupy the pastures for our grazing?"

"If you want me to say, we have to work together to kill them, otherwise, they won't leave in the future, how can we go there to graze next year?"

Drinking fine wine and milk tea bought from Tang people, eating beef stewed with rock sugar and tea leaves, even the meat knife in hand was bought from Tang people.

But these people don't have much respect for Tang people because of this.

"Don't let the Tang people stay there any longer!"

"They must be driven away!"

Others simply pointed out that there were many merchants in the stockade of the Tang people in Jinhekou.


Cheng Chumo turned his head back, with the banners unfurling behind him, the red flags were like blood-stained.

Five hundred riders is actually not a lot, but when they are out on patrol, everyone is on two horses, so it looks like a lot. In addition, Cheng Chumo has visited many tribes during his patrol, and some small tribes of miscellaneous beards are very interested in Cheng Chumo. The generosity and boldness, and the sharpness of the armor are very impressive.

So he didn't refuse Cheng Chumo's request to call their children to practice.

So now behind Cheng Chumo's five hundred scouts, there are also a thousand disciples from different tribes.

Fifteen hundred riders is actually quite a force.

In front of them, in a valley, was a tribe of Turkic people, a tribe of more than a hundred people.

A few days ago, they attacked a caravan coming here, took the caravan into slavery, and looted all the goods.

One of the guards narrowly escaped reporting.

"Do you really want to do it? Should you report it to Governor Qin first?"

Cheng Chumo's face was cold.

He can drink and joke with the herdsmen, and can do business with them, but the premise is that these people are knowledgeable and sensible.

Now someone is robbing goods and killing people on his territory.

He narrowed his eyes, eyes full of murderous intent.

"Could it be that my Zhenwu Army can't even do this well? Report it to the governor?"

"Military envoy, this is the territory of the Turks after all."

There was indeed only a small tribe in front, but according to the information received, this incident was not an isolated incident. Many Turkic people had refused to return the slaves of the Han family, and even robbery incidents had occurred one after another.

Now the Zhenwu Army has informed the caravan not to go east to trade in Hubu for the time being.

"Kill for life!"

Cheng Chumo only spit out four words, and then picked up Ma Qian, "Kill!"

A small tribe of more than a hundred people has no idea of ​​the horrible consequences of offending Datang.

Fifteen hundred riders rushed directly into the camp.

In less than a moment.

The whole camp was filled with a smell of blood.

The camp tent was dragged down, and the Turkic people rushed to the ground.

The bright red blood stained the white snow on the ground.

The cattle and sheep are screaming in panic.

There were also some women who were hiding in the sheep pens of the cattle pens, but they were also dragged out at this time.

Cheng Chumo walked through the camp with a bloody horizontal knife in his hand, looking at the fallen Turkic corpses indifferently.

"Have you found anyone from the caravan?"

"I didn't find it. We found a few Han slaves. They said that after the caravan was attacked, the people in the caravan were only held here for one night, and then they were sent away."

"Where did you send it?"

"It was said that it was sent to the leader."

"Kill all these damn Turkic thieves."

The captain persuaded, "The seriously injured ones can be chopped off, but the slightly injured ones can be kept, and the uninjured ones can't be chopped up. It's very valuable to send them to Toyosu."

Cheng Chumo glanced at the panicked Turkic man.

"It's okay not to kill them, but each of them will cut off two thumbs, and brand me a slave mark on their faces, and tie them up and take them away."

The slaves of the Han family were personally received by Cheng Chumo, who gave them warm clothes.

"I will send you back to Dongshoujiang City. When you get there, you will go home. You will no longer be slaves, and you will be free again. I will also report to the court and contact your hometown to find relatives for you. Just find your relatives." Sending you home, it’s okay if you can’t get in touch, you can resettle in Dongshoujiang City, distribute the land, and start your life again.”

A dozen or so slaves of the Han family couldn't believe it. They just recovered from the fright. When they heard this, they knelt down and kowtowed excitedly.

The soldiers of the Zhenwu Army cut off the thumbs of the Turkic prisoners one by one with horizontal knives, screaming one after another.

The women and children survived, but they too were branded slaves on their faces with red-hot irons.

The other slaves of the Hu nationality did not receive the same treatment as the Han people. Their masters disappeared, but they immediately became the spoils of the Zhenwu Army, and became the property of the Zhenwu Army. The horses were sent back to Dongshoujiang City together.

Cheng Chumo announced that he would give credit to the followers of the Miscellaneous Hu Association, and also said that some of the spoils captured this time would be rewarded to them and be recorded in the account for the time being.

The beards are happy.

They slaughtered cattle and sheep, and stewed the meat directly in the valley.

After a full meal, Cheng Chumo led his troops to kill the next tribe.


Moved to fight for seven days.

Cheng Chumo selected seven small tribes, killed more than a hundred Turkic thieves, captured more than a thousand, and rescued more than a hundred sons and daughters of the Han family.

Thousands of cattle and sheep were seized.

The prairie is bleeding.

The Turks are paying the price for their arrogance.

However, the Turks finally came to their senses.

Afuluo and Qiongqi finally united several tribes, assembled soldiers, braved the wind and snow, and began to surround and pursue the Tang army.

In the snowstorm.

Cheng Chumo stared at the enemy opposite him.

There are tens of thousands of Turkic thieves, some of them are wearing leather armor, some are wearing robes, some are holding spears, and some are holding knives.

Densely packed, like a sea of ​​people.

"Military envoy, we were fooled. The rangers just now were his mother's bait."

"There are too many Turkic people, let's withdraw."

Cheng Chumo looked at the opposite side and estimated that there were 10,000 horses. As a qualified general, judging the number of enemy troops is the most basic.

Ten thousand people should be right.

However, he did not believe that the Turkic people were all elites. According to his in-depth understanding of the Turkic people during this period of time, the ten thousand people probably went to battle together except for the old and the weak, and there were probably young and strong women among them.

This is not unusual, the grasslands claim that all the people are soldiers.

When fighting between tribes, the whole tribe often goes to the battlefield together. Except for children who can't ride a horse or old people who can't ride a horse, no matter men, women, young or old, the whole tribe will fight desperately when they start a war.

If you win, you will grab, if you lose, you will run away.

Cheng Chumo also regretted that he was greedy for credit. When he saw a group of Turkic cavalry, he wanted to annihilate them. He didn't expect this to be a simple trick to lure the enemy.

Fortunately, they were also vigilant, and they reined in their horses as soon as they chased to the mouth of the valley. Otherwise, if they really chased into the valley, with so many ambushes on the other side, more than a thousand of them would not be able to escape.

"Withdraw, go back to the East Surrendered City!"

Cheng Chumo wasn't careless, and he didn't want to fight ten thousand with two thousand.

Even if the opponent is obviously a rabble, the huge advantage in numbers can sometimes win.

What's more, among his own 2,000 people, 1,500 of them are all bearded disciples who joined the army.

The only problem now is that even though they are not surrounded, it is impossible to retreat quickly in the snow, for fear of being overtaken.


Order it.

As a result, the Xie Congjun army of 1,500 horsemen with mixed beards ran faster than rabbits, and they still fled in all directions.

He almost blinded Cheng Chumo's eyes.

Damn, these people are really unreliable.

"Military envoy, what should we do now?"

"What are you panicking about? Those bastards are not good birds. It doesn't matter if they run away, they will crash into our formation. They run away from theirs, and we withdraw ours."

Cheng Chumo couldn't care less about scolding these cowardly guys at this time.

Fortunately, after all, he is also a disciple of a general, and a disciple of the Son of Heaven who has been trained by the imperial court. He has been taught by a lot of famous court generals such as the emperor and Li Jing.

The five hundred Zhenwu troops under his command turned their horses around one after another.


No one wants to fight.

The war horses brought countless snow powders, and the 1,500 bearded men scattered and fled in all directions, while the 500 Zhenwu troops kept order and retreated to the southwest at a gallop.

Behind him, tens of thousands of Turkic troops roared and yelled and chased after him.

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