Chastity Layman

Chapter 341 North Country

Hundreds of thousands of slaves come to Toyosu every day.

They took off the shackles and shackles of the slaves, threw away the tattered clothes, bathed and changed clothes, and reborn.

There is no longer a whip or a stick, and they don't have to huddle with the sheep to keep warm when they sleep at night. They have a warm and clean tent, and they can chat around the charcoal stove at night.

Although the smell of black charcoal was not pleasant, after all, the orange flame brought them warmth.

Many slaves who came to Fengzhou went to interview for work after only a day or two of rest. Although Qin Lang personally told them when he inspected the camp, he could take more time to rest and recuperate. They contacted the government in their hometown, looking for their relatives, etc.

But everyone still wants to do things earlier, and work by themselves in exchange for food and wages, which makes them feel more secure, and also feels that this can reduce the burden on the Toyosu Metropolitan Government.

The workshops in Toyosu are bustling again.

Slaughterhouses, wool farms, and leather farms, a large number of former slaves have poured in now, and many of them are still good at it.

A head of cattle and sheep was slaughtered and divided.

Shearing, skinning, deboning, and fleshing out.

In addition, in the south of Fengzhou, several open-pit coals have been proven, and the open-pit mining can be done directly, and the coal dug out will be directly transported to Fengzhou.

It not only provides heating for the military and civilians, but also provides fuel for the workshop.

Qin Lang ordered the slaughtered beef and mutton to be stewed, dried after cooking, and then packed and shipped to the south. Such cooked meat can be preserved better and reduces the amount of transportation.

In addition to rough processing, Qin Lang also has workshops for fine processing, such as processing beef and mutton into jerky, or using clay pots to make meat into canned meat. The meat cooked at high temperature is put into clay pots and then sealed, which can be stored for a long time.

On the other hand, Qin Lang is still producing meat floss. Boil the meat and make meat floss, which is easier to store and carry.

Meat floss has also become the standard dry food for the Fengzhou frontier army. It is served with fried noodles and is easy to carry and eat.

Qin Lang didn't try to squeeze these poor Nangui people, and the wages he gave were quite reasonable. After a busy day, he could get a hundred dollars in wages, board and lodging, and work clothes.

They are too pitiful, so no one will oppress them.

Qin Lang even arranged a lot of extra-curricular activities for them, such as organizing a bonfire party for everyone, singing and dancing, grilling meat or something, or recalling bitterness and sweetness, talking about the tragic experience of being a slave, or telling everyone Some anecdotes about humanities in their respective hometowns.

Officials were also organized to write family letters to them reluctantly.

Qin Lang even organized a few group blind dates.

Because among the many people returning to the south, there are also many poor women and so on. Some of them were married by their masters to other slaves there. If they are lucky, they will be married with a Han Chinese, which can be regarded as some common comfort. If they are unlucky, Matching another slave might not only be bullied by the master, but also bullied by the slave husband.

This time the children of the Han family were redeemed. Some women had to come back on their own because they married slaves from other tribes, and even their children were not able to come back.

There are also some who have never been married.

Or some who have been bullied by their masters.

Few of these men remained clean during their days as slaves.

They come to Toyosu now, but they are very confused about the future. They don't know if they can find their family members, and they don't know if their family members will accept them again. Or some people have already lost their families and know that they have no home at all.

They are also working in the workshop now, using their busyness to temporarily avoid these problems.

But dreaming back at midnight, how many people are crying in the dark night.

Qin Lang also knew about these problems, so he simply held a group blind date party.

Everyone volunteers.

If the two match each other, the Fengzhou Dudu Mansion will be a matchmaker to witness the marriage. Qin Lang even announced that those homeless people can choose to settle down on the spot after they get married here.

Next year, Qin Lang can still grant them land.

Not to mention, there are really many people who are willing to participate in this blind date.

Everyone has the same tragic experience, and they can understand each other better, and they don't mind each other's experience. They are about the same age, and they can form a new family if they see each other well.

"So far, there are a total of 23,747 descendants of the Han family who have returned to Fengzhou from the south." Li Daliang exclaimed to Qin Lang while holding the report.

"Why are there so many? It's beyond our previous estimate." Qin Lang said.

"Since the first few batches of Nangui people arrived in Fengzhou, the treatment they enjoyed, after the word spread, those Han families were all tempted."

Some Turkic people were not willing to let people back.

Now the news is spreading everywhere, and the court has arranged it so well, which one is not tempted, so the sons and daughters of the Han family from all over the country have tried their best to go south.

Even now, not only the Han slaves in Fengzhou Yusheshe Department, but also Shuofang Liangshidu, Monan Jieli Khan, and the Turkic Department outside Langshan Pass, many Han slaves have set off a frenzy of running away.

And Qin Lang reached an agreement with Qin Guosheng, Minister of Qin, to redeem all the children of the Han family, so as long as they are in Houtao territory now, if the Han family wants to come to Fengzhou, the soldiers of the Tang army will actively support them, and the Turkic herdsmen will not Dare to block the pursuit.

As soon as the Han family from other tribes fled into the defense area of ​​the Fengzhou frontier army, the Tang army would meet them.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many descendants of the Han family living in Beidi!" Li Daliang sighed.

Qin Lang was not surprised at all, one must know that since the Yang Guangyan Gate was surrounded in the eleventh year of Daye, the northern Turks have invaded the border every year, taking away countless people every time.

Not to mention, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, how many anti-kings of the Central Plains paid tribute to the Turks.

Even Li Yuan and his son borrowed troops from the Turks in the past. The Turks could easily go to Taiyuan, Youzhou, or even go straight to Chang'an or Luoyang.

It's like coming and going whenever you want, and how many innocent people suffer every time you come.

That is, when Yang Jian was in power, the northern border was truly established, and the emperor's prosperity was established, and it was also a rare era when northern Hulu dared not cross the Great Wall.

When Yang Jian dealt with the Turkic people in those days, he relied on power and tactics to divide the strong and unite the weak. He split up and attracted the Turkic people. Fighting with agents, he also guarded the northern gate for the Sui Dynasty.

It's a pity that Yang Guang's level in this area is not good, which made the watchdog Yang Jian raised back then, but his successors unified the tribes of the grassland and threatened to attack the Sui Dynasty in turn.

"Mr. Li, the Central Plains are unified, the Tang Dynasty is rising, and the tragic suffering of the Han family on my northern border is finally over. Now that we have become stronger, we must recover Hetao, Shuofang, and even open up again in the future. In the Western Regions, the history of the grassland riding on our heads to shit and pee is gone forever.”

"Today, more than 20,000 Han children return to Fengzhou in the south. In the future, there will be more Han children who fell into the hands of the Turkic people, fell into the hands of the Tuyuhun people, and fell into the hands of the Goguryeo people. "


It's getting colder every day.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger every time.

Jieli Khan wanted to send troops to destroy Ashina Momo who betrayed his ancestors and defected to Tang Dynasty, but he was blocked by the snow after all.

Little Tuli Khan in the east, Yugushe in the north, and his uncle and those old guys, none of them were willing to send troops. And Yu Sheshe's younger brother, Tuoshe Ashinasheer, even directly claimed that if Jieli hadn't wanted to be unfavorable to Yu Sheshe, he would not have forced Yu Sheshe to surrender to Tang Dynasty.

This made Jie Li very angry.

However, the leaders of the ruling party refused to support sending troops, and Na Jieli did not dare to act rashly, not only because if everyone did not send troops, he could not send many troops, but more importantly, he was worried that when he sent troops, he would be killed by others. people calculate.

In addition, the snowstorm was too severe, how could the herdsmen have the heart to listen to orders and gather to fight at this time.

Even many nobles such as Ashina Simo and Zhisi Shili in the Khan Court advised him not to send troops for the time being.

But Princess Dun Yicheng believes that one cannot fight unprepared battles.

Jieli could only resentfully canceled the plan to send troops, and turned to envoys sent by Qin Lang to reprimand the people of Tang for many things that should not be done.

Cheng Chumo had already arrived at Jinhekou, and successfully built a small village there.

As expected, the tribes of nearby Jieli came to this newly opened border market to trade. This year's life is too sad, and the Tang people are willing to take away their fur animals in exchange for the salt, wine and even some food they need. They are very happy.

As for Xieli's ban, everyone obeyed and violated it, because Xieli would not compensate them for the snow disaster, so he didn't care about their lives.

Yulin City, Shengzhou, on the south bank of the river, also has 500 frontier troops stationed there. The dilapidated city has undergone simple repairs. Although there are no people, at least there are troops.

On the city wall, the red flag of Datang was raised again.

Some people who were originally hiding in the mountains ran down secretly again when they saw Tang Jun and Tang Qi.

After confirming that the Tang army really came back and seeing the Zhenwu army flag raised on the north bank of the river, they believed that Datang would not give up Shengzhou again this time.

So people began to return to Shengzhou City.

Cheng Chumo originally thought of many future scenarios, many of which were when Xieli would come to pull out his nail, and he would lead the soldiers how to fight back and resist, bloody battles on the battlefield, and capture the flag...

Unfortunately not, only the vast white snow, only the whimpering of the north wind, only the frozen ice of the Yellow River.

Only the Turkic people who came secretly to trade.

Those caravans that ventured over made a fortune.

The caravans came and went several times, each time under Qin Lang's order, they used 20% of the caravan's camels to transport food and supplies for Cheng Chumo and the others.

In fact, Cheng Chumo is not short of food. After all, when the market opens here, large herds of cattle and sheep come here, and it is very cheap.

Many Turkic people also sell the frozen beef and mutton, which is even cheaper.

In fact, Cheng Chumo and the others ate meat every day, and they were getting bored with it. What Zhenwu Jun wanted to eat most now was actually a bite of green vegetables.

The loneliness makes people go crazy, if Qin Lang didn't write letters every few days, telling him not to mess around every time, Cheng Chumo would have been unable to hold back and ran to Jielihan court to scold him.

Can't you, why are you acting like a turtle, you are here.

Let's order soldiers and horses, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, let's do a good job.

Touching his swollen belly, Cheng Chumo found sadly that it was almost the Chinese New Year, and he had actually gained weight and had a belly.

"No, I can't go down like this!"

Cheng Chumo jumped up from the kang, "I'm going to patrol and lead the team myself."

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