Chastity Layman

Chapter 332: Guozhong's Gift

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty didn't say to let Qin Guozhong go back to Hetao, so of course the newly crowned king of Huaihua County couldn't shout to go back. Now that he came to Chang'an, changed his surname and name to become a courtier of Datang, of course Mo Mo still has this self-knowledge.

Since it has come, it will be safe.

Anyway, Hetao has 10,000 accounts, which cannot be taken away by others, so as long as the tribes are there, it doesn't make much difference whether he stays in Chang'an City or Hetao.

What's more, if others stayed in Chang'an City, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty could not just sit back and watch Jieli attack his tribe.

"Brother, this house is really beautiful. Compared with my house in Fengzhou, it is really a cottage in the countryside." Qin Guozhong held a teacup in his hand, although the tea soup in the cup was as light as water, compared to milk tea with rock sugar and mare's milk , the difference is not a star and a half, but he still pretends to be happy, as if he has long been used to this kind of tea.

"Your Majesty gave me 80 acres of land in Huaiyuanfang, South of Xishi City. I also want to build a beautiful house like Sanlang's." Qin Guozhong treated Qin Lang with the same enthusiasm as brothers who had been with him for many years.

He proposed to ask Qin Lang to help introduce a house repairer.

"money is not a problem."

Qin Guozhong looked like a nouveau riche, but he was really rich. 10,000 tents, although not as many as the 100,000 he claimed, are not too many. People raise cattle, sheep and horses, not one hundred and two hundred, and they are calculated according to the valley.

I never knew how many cows and horses I raised. I only knew how many valleys I needed to shelter from the wind in winter, so I always counted in units of valleys.

A Turkic nobleman like him owns the entire Houtao area. The so-called Yellow River has all kinds of harm, but only the rich. One can imagine the fertility of Hetao.

Regardless of whether it was the Qin Dynasty or the Han Dynasty in history, or the Sui and Tang Dynasties at this time, the Central Plains always wanted to manage the Hetao area.

Hetao is far away from the Guanzhong Plain and hangs alone in the north, but the imperial court has to work hard to manage it, the purpose is nothing more than safety. If the strength of the Central Plains is not strong, if the Hetao is controlled, it can naturally be defended according to the Hetao, with the Hetao as the main point of defense in the north. If the Central Plains is strong, it will also occupy the Hetao, and it will be the base camp for the forward attack.

Because of the richness and fertility of the Hetao, it is extremely important for the Central Plains that this is an important place that can directly provide the food and grass needed by the army.

It is precisely because of the fertility of the Loop that the Loop is so important.

As soon as the northern prairie people became more powerful, they would definitely go south to fight for the Hetao. For them, the Horse-Wrangling Hetao was both offensive and defensive.

It was precisely because Qin Guozhong occupied the Houtao area that he dared to make a complaint against Xieli.

The entire Hetao is actually the large zigzag area of ​​the Yellow River in the north of Guanzhong, which is roughly divided into Dongtao and Xitao. The section on the side of the zigzag is the Lingwu area, called Xitao. And the horizontal line above the a few characters is called Dongtao. The one on the left is also called the back cover, and the one on the east is called the front cover.

Now these three sets, Lingwu is controlled by Datang and guarded by Qin Qiong. The back cover is in Qin Guochang's hands, and the front cover is in Xieli's hands.

Sitting on a set, Momo is indeed extremely rich, especially after opening a border market with Qin Qiong, he made a lot of money, which made Jie Li extremely jealous.

But money is not enough, what is important on the grassland is hard fists.

Qin Guozhong is used to fighting with Jieli, but in the past, everyone was on the same boat as one, and they often banded together to rob south. Usually, Jieli would tolerate small conflicts, but now Qin Guozhong hugged Qin Qiong's thigh, flirted with Tang Chao, and If you engage in Jieli everywhere, Jieli will naturally not be able to bear it.

As soon as the fight started, Qin Guozhong found that Jieli was still very ruthless. He had no choice but to be killed by Jieli, or he would simply vote for Tang, so in the end Qin Guozhong chose to vote for Tang.

Anyway, his grandfather Qimin Khan was just a small Tuli Khan at the beginning, and later he got the support of the Sui Dynasty and fell out with the big Khan. Dingxiang, south of Yinshan Mountain, built a city for him, and gathered tribes for him. In the end, Qimin Khan married two princesses of the Sui Dynasty, and finally had the last laugh. Min Khan hugged Khan's father's thigh, a sage in the Sui Dynasty, and had the last laugh, becoming the Great Khan of the Turkic Grassland.

Therefore, Qin Guozhong actually sees clearly that it doesn't matter if he votes in Tang Dynasty, it's just a name, especially in the current situation, Datang needs him as a Turkic Yushe even more, he doesn't have to worry about his tribe being annexed or something Yes, maybe one day Datang will really support him to be the Turkic Khan.

Qin Lang was quite polite to this "yi brother" he knew well.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, not to mention that Qin Guozhong is really a motherfucker, giving Qin Lang a gift, it must fill a gift list instead of a page.

And from what he said, he not only gave gifts to Qin Lang, he gave gifts to many people.

The emperor, empress, prince, and even the Supreme Emperor all gave generous gifts, and the prime ministers and princes of the current dynasty also gave gifts one by one.

Even the emperor has spoken, since the king of Huaihua County is so caring, everyone just accept it.

But this Qin Guozhong is also very powerful. His gift list is very rich, and there are beauties, slaves, cattle and sheep on it, but he said that he came to Chang'an in a hurry, so he only brought a small amount of easy-to-carry and valuable gold and silver jewelry, cattle and sheep. The slaves are still in Toyosu for the time being.

But he said it would be delivered right away.

He is the only one who still owes this kind of gift.

Qin Lang wasn't greedy for cattle, sheep and slaves, but he also valued Qin Guozhong's strength, so he took the initiative to propose a business cooperation.

"Frost and snow disasters in the north, many cattle and sheep froze to death, brother Yi lost a lot. It happens that I do fur and milk business here, do some processing and so on, I can send people to Fengzhou to report to Yixiong tribe The herdsman opened a processing workshop, bought cattle and sheep, slaughtered and processed them, and then transported them back to the Central Plains, which also reduced some losses.”

This weather is suitable for slaughtering and processing, and there is no need to worry about it being damaged in hot weather.

Wool can be processed into sweaters and blankets, leather can be made into leather clothes, meat can also be made into dried meat, etc. In this cold snap this year, many people are suffering from the cold, and fur is the best shelter from the cold. .

Qin Guozhong was very happy to hear that.

In the past, before the snowfall, the herdsmen would slaughter the bulls and rams, or some old ones, and freeze the meat for the winter. This also reduces the demand for winter forage, so that other cattle and sheep can have grass for the winter.

Similarly, killing before winter can also ensure meat fat.

It's just that it was too cold this year, and the grass froze to death early, so many cattle and sheep had no grass to eat, and the herdsmen had to slaughter them in advance, but they couldn't finish eating too much.

Although he has a good relationship with Qin Qiong and trades in the border market, Dingyuan border market can't consume so much.

But now what Qin Lang proposes is a package plan, no matter how much fur, milk and meat there is in Fengzhou, he will buy them all, and the price will be quite good.

Qin Lang exchanged Tang handicrafts such as salt, tea, silk cloth, pottery bowls, and iron pots for Turkic fur, milk and meat, even live ones, and the price was relatively reasonable.

This made Qin Guozhong unavoidably overjoyed.

"Sanlang is really closer than my own brother!" Qin Guozhong hugged Qin Lang, his fat body made Qin Lang feel bored.

Qin Lang thought to himself, your brother Ashinasheer is in charge of Tuoshe in Mobei, and together with Shibi Khan's son Yugushe, he is in command of the tribes of Tiele in Mobei.

In the past, Qin Qiong was restricted in setting up distant markets, merchants could only trade in the border markets, but now that Qin Guozhong has become a courtier of the Tang Dynasty, Qin Lang plans to make a big move.

In the name of the Eastern Palace, organized Cheng Yao Jinniu Jinda and even Li Jing, Li Ji and other families to pay money to sweep the goods from the Central Plains, then leave Xiaoguan, transport them by land to the Yellow River, and then take Qin Qiong's Lingwu water transport boat along the Yellow River, Go directly to Jiuyuan, Fengzhou, and go deep into the Houtao grassland to trade with the herdsmen.

Bring back the cattle and sheep that can't survive the winter at the end of the touch, as well as the fur and herbs they have accumulated over the years.

Qin Guozhong was very happy.

very happy.

He happily drank several large bowls of wine to thank Qin Lang, but he didn't expect that the pot of wine on Qin Lang's table was Wuliangye, which was sold as a luxury in Donggong Huimin Drugstore, and its characteristic was its high alcohol content , good taste, full-bodied.

Usually, small crystal cups are used, and one cup is only one or two.

Qin Guozhong took a bowl to drink, and drank three more bowls. When he first drank it, he thought the wine was strong, but it suited his taste. Who knew that after the third bowl, his whole body was on fire, and a raging fire rose in his stomach, making him His face was flushed.

People can't help but feel a little dizzy.

"Sanlang's wine is strong."

"If Brother Yi likes it, I will give it to you, and I will send you two bottles later."

"What's the name of this wine?"


Qin Guozhong shook his head and couldn't control his mouth, "Sanlang, you are a good maid, so give her to me too."

"Wine can be given as a gift, but this person can't." Qin Lang smiled and shook his head and refused.

"Sanlang is so stingy, I can't bear to have a maidservant, so let her sleep with me, just because I'm sleepy." Qin Guozhong said, handing his whip to the maidservant.

The maid looked at the whip, then at the fat Turkic man, her face turned pale with fright.

She knew that many Hu people had this tradition. If a nobleman took a fancy to a female slave, he would hand her the whip directly. The female slave not only had to clean and oil the whip, but also went to sleep with her at night.

Even nobles who are guests in other people's homes will also ask for it if they see other maidservants, and the master will not refuse.

Of course, the situation in the Central Plains is much better. Although some distinguished guests will sometimes give away slaves, maids and concubines if they like them, but this is rare.

"Saburo, please."

The maid, Xiao Lian, begged Qin Lang in panic, life in Duke Yi's mansion was good, there was no need to be beaten or scolded, there was no need to worry about food and clothing, life was very happy.

Qin Lang helped Xiaolian up.

"Brother Yi, my Qin family has never had the habit of giving away people like cats, dogs, cattle and sheep. Brother Yi, if you like my wine, I can give you more, but this person cannot be given away. I think My brother-in-law is also drunk, how about I arrange for my brother-in-law to go to Pingkang Fang for entertainment? The girls there are far better than me as a maid."

Qin Guozhong's face was unhappy, it could be seen that Qin Lang's expression was not hesitant, but he had regained some sense.

"Hahaha, Sanlang treats this servant really well."

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