Chastity Layman

Chapter 322

on the pitch.

Although the Royal Salu Purple team is very aggressive, it is obviously not as good as the Hulei Leopard team in terms of defense. Not only is the Qin family good at attacking, but their defense is also impeccable.

The Qin Family Hulei Leopards are now a star team in the Super League. They have many well-known players, and their performance on the court is indeed excellent. All kinds of extraordinary personal skills and tacit teamwork, the more they play, the more they press down. Sa Lu purple head.

Li Shimin originally thought that Sa Luzi was the team he personally guided, and the players were composed of outstanding cavalry officers from the Flying Cavalry of the Forbidden Army. They should be able to stabilize the Qin team, but they couldn't win.

"Why is the Qin family team so good?" Li Shimin asked.

"Because there is a reward for winning!"

"That's it?"

"This is enough. A good incentive system is very effective. Of course, the premise of all this is to have a good economic foundation. For example, for every goal they score in the league, players can get ten consecutive rewards. The ball player can get five slams, other players can get 3 slams, and the goalkeeper can also get 10 slams every time he saves a goal. In addition, there are rewards for good performance in daily training, etc. There are many rewards. This is a lot of work. Money, if there is no money, it will be difficult to maintain this high fighting spirit."

This is like fighting a war. Whether an army is strong or not depends first on whether it has money or not. Why the imperial court chooses the government soldiers, it must first choose the middle household or above, and it must first look at the financial resources, then the health, and finally the number of soldiers, because the government soldiers You must bring your own equipment, and all the middle and upper households with money can guarantee that they are well-equipped.

The next thing to look at is physical fitness. The last choice for Duo Ding is to choose those who have no worries. After all, if you are an only child, you must have more worries when going to the battlefield.

On the other hand, the imperial court also needs to have money. The spears, hard crossbows, iron armor, food and grass are all supplied by the imperial court, not to mention the construction of siege equipment. How can it not cost money and food?

Qin Lang has given several lessons in the martial arts lecture hall, each time emphasizing the importance of food logistics.

In a battle, before you actually start the fight, you have to guarantee a 70% chance of winning before you start the fight, otherwise it is a risk. Unless someone else is coming to fight you and you have to fight, otherwise, don't start the battle lightly, and don't fight unprepared battles.

The battle is all about comprehensive national strength, especially in that kind of national war, it is even more of a competition for overall strength. If you have no strength, it is best not to provoke easily.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unbearable.

Li Shimin is an ambitious emperor, but now he has a son-in-law who likes to talk about money, so he gradually has a deeper understanding of the role of money.

To fight wars, destroy the capital of Liangshi, destroy the Turks, and even restore the Western Regions of the Han Dynasty, clean up Goguryeo in the Northeast, and restore Liaodong. These long-term and great goals are inseparable from money.

So now Li Shimin is no longer tempted by Li Jing. He fights wars. He doesn’t have enough money to fight any wars. After all kinds of searching, I barely survived.

In the end, he had to commit a crime in his later years. Li Shimin envied Han Wu's achievements, but he didn't want to be as embarrassed as Han Wu, so he had to be more prepared than Han Wu.

Qin Lang often told him to set goals.

Therefore, after repeated consideration, Li Shimin set the goal of destroying Liang Shidu in three years, destroying the Eastern Turks in five years, opening up the Western Regions in eight years, consolidating Tuyuhun in ten years, killing Goguryeo in fifteen years, and standing on Mount Tai in twenty years. On the top, Fengtian Zen Land, like Emperor Qin and Hanwu, stand proudly in the world, and report his great achievements to heaven.

For this goal, he is working hard.

Regardless of the objections of the ministers, he insisted on establishing the Sixth Army of the Beiya and insisting on training military officers in the Forbidden Garden, all of which were prepared for these goals.

Recently, Li Shimin has been studying the five surnames and seven families very seriously, because the art of war is known as the known enemy. And the more he researched, the more shocked he became.

Thanks to the high efficiency of the third division, the intelligence in front of Li Shimin is still very accurate.

In the east and west cities of Chang’an and the current North City of Pingkangfang, there are actually more than ten thousand shops of all sizes, with more than 360 rows of shops, each row has its own rules and regulations, but if you look carefully, you will find that these Commercial firms are actually in the hands of those aristocratic families.

The imperial courts of all dynasties have suppressed business and emphasized agriculture, but in fact, this powerful industrial and commercial power is still very strong, especially in the hands of the gentry, and a large part is in the hands of the Guanlong nobles. The rising Beishi is dominated by Shandong generals headed by Qin Lang.

Li Shimin found that whether it was the Guanlong nobles, the Shandong nobles, the Shandong military nobles, or other powerful nobles, all of them were very rich.

These people are not only big landlords, but also trade in goods. The last time the imperial court banned the hoarding of copper coins, the housing prices in Chang'an immediately doubled. It was all these people who bought, bought, and bought, and even the land prices around Chang'an rose five times. become.

The lenders are all these guys, and they're all raking in money.

This made Li Shimin very upset.

Compared with the salaries and rewards he gave to the noble officials, compared with the money they make, it is really not worth mentioning.

After Li Shimin figured this out, he was envious, jealous.

Why do you make money like this?

Therefore, Li Shimin pays much attention to Neifang now, because the money earned in Neifang is his money, and there is no need to go through the household department and the prime ministers.

But Neifang has just been involved in a few industries, and as a result, the gentry headed by five surnames and seven families will jump out one after another, saying that a gentleman does not talk about profit, and the emperor should not compete with the people for profit, and the court can't do it either.

Li Shimin was very disgusted by these words, but there were too many of these guys, so he had to be careful.

Only now did he realize that Qin Lang was much more wild in his actions.

And he can always find some very tricky angles to attack strongly, or sneak in, but he can quickly bring about decisive changes.

Not only can this guy make money, but he can also forcefully suppress those people he doesn't like.

Li Shimin even regretted several times that he shouldn't dismiss Qin Lang as prime minister, and even dismissed him from the position of transfer envoy.

This guy's ability to make money is much better than Dai Zhou.

Now Li Shimin likes to follow up with Qin Lang. Whatever Qin Lang is doing, he first asks Neifang to follow up, and then asks the Imperial Transit Department to follow up.

For example, when Qin Lang sells sugar, Li Shimin immediately asked Neifang to build a sugar warehouse shamelessly. He asked Qin Lang for an index to grab white sugar.

In essence, they are all robbing Qin Lang of money.

Although it's embarrassing to grab too much money, Qin Lang's money is easy to grab, and this son-in-law has never complained and is very cooperative. Li Shimin is now addicted to snatching, whenever Qin Lang comes up with something good, he immediately wants to follow up.

This Jiade pawnshop model is very good, so he is also planning to let Neifang start pawnshops and open them all over the country, and even wants the transshipment department to use the money from the treasury to follow up and open stores.

For this kind of shameless old man, Qin Lang had nothing to do. Of course, he was helpless on the surface. In fact, he didn't really object. The emperor's follow-up was actually a way of expressing his support. Anyway, he always believed in not being afraid of competition.

The market is so big, are you afraid of competition?

I am not afraid of competition, but I am afraid that others will eat alone or overturn the table.

Now the emperor joined the table with a plate, and Qin Lang was able to eat safely beside him.

As for the words that business is a cheap industry, it is actually just talking to the outside world. In fact, none of the nobles and scholars personally go to the counter to greet guests. Everyone is manipulating behind the scenes. Naturally, there are many managers in front of the stage. , and even some people simply ask their relatives to come forward, and they don't even touch their names, but this does not hinder the fact that they actually control, nor does it hinder the fact that they collect money every year.

Qin Lang likes to form partnerships in groups, so that everyone can carry things together, and everyone can earn money together. It can also quickly form a scale effect, reduce costs, and expand profits. Li Shimin, on the other hand, is just the opposite. He can get involved wherever his inner workshop is the most profitable, but he only cares about sole proprietorship.

All the money in his small treasury was used, and all the money he earned naturally went to his small treasury.

As for the money-making model of the transshipment company, it is easier to buy.

If you make money, the court will come to ask for a share, which is essentially to divide the money.

If you don't give favor fees, then you will be restricted by policies.

This set of rules was actually formulated by Qin Lang, and it is still used now. It is essentially the same as relying on power to collect protection fees. Of course, Qin Lang still used the money earned by the transshipment department playing hooligans for the people.

Salt, grain, tea, wine, sugar, silk, porcelain, and other warehouses in Changping warehouses earn money from reselling these in short supply. Apart from keeping some as capital, the rest is used to store food. When grain prices are low, appropriately increase the price to buy and store in storage to prepare for a famine year. When the price of food in a famine is high, the price will be lowered appropriately, and the price will be opened to release grain to stabilize the price of food.

It is precisely because the money robbed from Hemaizhi was finally used on the common people, so this new law can still be implemented.

After all, the money did not enter the emperor's internal treasury, nor was it used for the emperor's extravagant enjoyment.

What's more, with the emergence of the law of reconciliation and purchase, Qin Lang also petitioned for the abolition of the previous disturbing usury public money.

This is also one of the keys to being able to pass this and buy a new law.

Although the practice of forcing others to borrow money at high interest rates has filled the government's expenditure gap, it is indeed a bad practice.

The old father-in-law, the emperor, and his son-in-law, the Duke of the State, watched the game and discussed privately there for a long time. After a long debate, they finally reached an agreement.

Qin Lang helped the emperor establish a bank and a pawn shop under Neifang. As for the name, they are called Royal Bank and Neifang Pawn. Simple, within three years, at least one pawnshop and money shop should be established in each of the 15 prefectures and more than 300 prefectures across the country, such as Chang'an, Luoyang and other places, and the surrounding populous cities should also be established.

Of course, all of this is rewarded, and the reward is that the emperor allowed Donggong to also start to enter the bank industry and run the bank business, and allowed Donggong to lead, and Qin Lang and others to operate in partnership.

The agreement was negotiated, but Li Shimin suddenly proposed that Qin Lang help Neifang to build a paper and ink workshop, a book printing workshop, and a bookstore. Get a foot in this hot industry and make a fortune.

What can Qin Lang say about the emperor's shameless behavior.

Naturally, he could only agree with a wry smile. The emperor also wanted to make this money, so that couldn't stop him.

It's just that the patent fee couldn't be collected by the emperor. Finally, under Qin Lang's insistence, the emperor agreed to pay 3,000 Wen.

But don't accept it, Qin Lang thinks it's even worse, so it's still a symbolic fee.

Li Shimin still doesn't want to give the three thousand money, how dare the courtiers accept the emperor's money? But Qin Lang said that it was not the emperor's money, but Neifang's money, which was different.

"Sanlang, the perfume you sent to the palace a few days ago is very good."

When Qin Lang heard that, the emperor was too greedy, so he hurriedly talked about him, but didn't answer.

Li Shimin chuckled.

"Why are you panicking? I didn't say yes."

Li Shimin originally wanted it, but looking at it like this, he didn't mention it for the time being.

"I see that your boy is also loyal, so how about it, I posthumously bestow upon your great-grandfather the governor of Qizhou, the state of Shangzhu, and the county magistrate of Licheng, and the eldest son born to you by your concubine will be born for a hundred days. This son is specially given to inherit the Dukedom of Licheng County."

Qin Lang was moved.

This is not easy. Qin Lang's great-grandfather, Qin Fangtai, was originally a small official in the Guangning Palace of the Northern Qi Dynasty, but the emperor bestowed the title of county duke. This counts, in fact, it has been bestowed for three generations. Qin Lang's father, Qin Qiong, is now Qi Guo's fair rules are still there, so there is no need to give them back. Grandfather Qin Ai had been posthumously given the titles of Duke of Jinan County, Governor of Yingzhou, Governor of Shangzhu, and Shangzhu Kingdom.

This time, it will be given to Qin Fangtai as a posthumous gift, which is the posthumous gift of three generations.

You must know that when the Great Tang gave gifts to the ancestors of officials, generally those who were above the fifth rank and had a noble title would be given to one generation, and those who were above the third rank and even had to be prime ministers and have the title of duke and marquis would be given to two generations.

As for the posthumous gift for three generations, there are very few of them. You must be a prime minister, a prince, and someone who has made great contributions.

Both Qin Lang and Lord Qin Lang were conferred the title of Duke and Prime Minister before, and they were only conferred to Qin Ai. Now they have been conferred for three generations.

Qin Lang secretly speculated, could it be because the emperor wanted to reward his eldest son?

Qin Lang's eldest son was born more than two months ago. Qin Qiong named his grandson Qin Jun. Although he was the son of a concubine, he was the eldest son and also Qin Qiong's eldest grandson.

At this time, Li Shimin bestowed Qin Fang with the title of Duke of Taili City, and it was logical that Qin Jun would be bestowed with the title.

Qin Fangtai's Duke of Licheng County and Qin Ai's Duke of Jinan County are both false nobles, which are quite different from the real titles of Qin Qiong and his father, but they are still nobles anyway.

Qin Qiongshu's fourth son, Qin Li, had taken over the dukedom of Jinan County, and now the Duke of Licheng should let Qin Lang's son, Qin Jun, take over the dukedom.

But it's still quite outstanding. Before the 100th day, he was a county magistrate. Even if it was a false title, he was a noble after all.

"Your Majesty, I thank God on behalf of the dog, and dare not accept the title."

A posthumous gift to the great-grandfather is a great honor. Qin Fangtai's tombstone can be changed, but his son has just been born, even if it is the title of his great-grandfather, it seems too amazing.

"Once you get the reward, you will receive it. Just do your best for me. No matter how you say it, this child will call me Lizhi's mother and my grandfather."

Qin Lang glanced at Li Zhi, who was watching polo next to the eldest grandson empress. She was only five years old, and her head grew big.

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