Chastity Layman

Chapter 171 Far Water Can't Quench Near Thirst

The emperor even took back all the real seals of the most beloved princess of Changle County, and everyone saw the emperor's determination to cut the seal.

We'll discuss it later, but there's nothing to worry about.

"Emperor brothers and princes are all enshrined as princes. The crown prince's son is the county king. The prince's son, the heir is the heir king, and the sons are the county princes. The one who advances with kindness is the county king. , Feng Guogong."

After discussing for a long time, they finally came up with a method of enfeoffing the lineage of the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan.

"The prince eats 10,000 households, and 800 households are sealed. The heir king and the county king eat 5,000 households, and 300 households are sealed. I have no special rewards, and I will not give seals."

Following the great reduction of the real seals of the princesses, those of the princes and princes have also been reduced. There are no more than 800 households of the prince, and only 300 households of the heir king and county king. And like the princesses, they are only given false titles when they are crowned kings, and they are not given real titles until the prince, heir king, and county king leave the cabinet and open the mansion.

If you want to be crowned king as soon as you are born, it will be impossible in the future.

Of course, the key is how to cut down the nobles of those clans who are close relatives. For example, Li Shentong's brothers are both county kings, and all ten of his sons are also county kings. And Li Shenfu has seven sons, all of whom are county kings.

There are only nineteen county kings in Li Shentong's family alone.

Li Shentong and the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan are cousins, and have the same grandfather, so they can be regarded as close relatives of the clan, but Li Shimin is also extremely dissatisfied with a family of nineteen county kings.

"Not the brothers of the emperor, the prince's close relatives and offshoots, can be crowned king by special decree!" Changsun Wuji put forward a standard.

Li Shimin immediately liked it.

"Among the clan, Huai'an Wang Shentong, Jiangxia Wang Daozong, Hejian Wang Xiaogong, Xiangyi Wang Shenfu, Changle Wang Youliang, and Yi'an Wang Xiaochang all contributed to the founding of the Tang Dynasty and can retain the title of county king."

The emperor's words mean that other kings are no longer qualified to be kings.

For those non-direct lineal clans that have already been conferred kings and dukes, Fang Xuanling suggested that they be granted special decrees, with the highest title being the county king, and the eldest son of the eldest son being the duke of the county, and the rest not being named. Sun Chengjue, the eldest son of the third generation, was the county magistrate, and the rest were not granted titles.

It can be hereditary!

This is a downgrade!

As for the real seal, the county king can enjoy three hundred real seals, and below the county king, there is no real seal if there is no merit or special reward.

As for other unconquered kings today, and those who are not the grandchildren of the princes of the six counties, they will be granted according to their merits.

In the imperial clan, Li Xiaogong sealed 300 households, and he also received 1,200 households for his military merits, so the total is 1,200, and no additional seals are added.

Li Shentong's two brothers retained the title of county king, and the brothers' seventeen sons all took back the title of county king. In the future, after the two of them die, their eldest son will be named Duke of the county, and the other sons will not be named unless they have a special purpose.

In the third generation, the eldest grandson will be the county magistrate.

In the fourth generation, the great-grandson descended to be the county marquis, until the fifth generation county uncle, and then beheaded for the fifth generation, and not granted the title for the sixth generation.

In this way, of the sixty-four kings who were close relatives of the original clan, only six kings remained.

The various numbers of real-sealed households that they originally rewarded were also cut or collected according to the new system.

Of course, after the reduction of the title, there is another important impact, which is Yongyetian.

According to the system, titles have corresponding Yongye land, such as 10,000 mu for a prince, 5,000 mu for a county king, 4,000 mu for a state duke, and 3,500 mu for a duke of the county.

The title of Li Shentong and Yongyetian will remain the same, but his ten sons will all be taken over by the king. Therefore, the five thousand acres of title given to each of them will be taken back from Yongyetian. No accumulation, just take the highest value.

As long as Li Shentong did not die, his ten sons would not be granted titles unless specially ordered. After his death, the eldest son would be degraded to the next rank, and the rest of his sons would not be granted titles.

The title of Yongyetian was given to the knight after he was attacked.

Fifty-eight kings were cut at one time, plus Qi Wang Yuanji who was killed by Xuanwumen that day, and his ten sons with Jiancheng, the imperial court will actually reduce the actual title of sixty-nine kings, and the title of eternal career Field expenses.

These add up to almost 40,000 households, plus nearly 400,000 mu of noble title Yongye farmland.

This is an astonishing figure, which will bring back hundreds of thousands of shi of grain and hundreds of thousands of silk for the court in one year.

"All the kings granted rent and half of the food, one-third of the heroes were granted to the state, and two-thirds were granted to the government. They returned to the court."

The 800 households of the prince and the 300 households of the county king are sealed off, and they can only get half of the income from the rent adjustment, which will be returned to the court. Other Shifeng dukes and dukes of Bozinan can only enjoy one-third of the household rent transfer, and two-thirds belong to the imperial court.

"Each household is limited to three dings."

Originally, the prime ministers also planned to refer to the Wei system, the king’s food is half, the public’s food is one-third, Hou Bo’s food is one-quarter, and the son’s five-point food. In the end, Li Shimin considered that there are not many real heroes, so he just It is no longer subdivided, and unity is three points and one food.

However, all of them were still brought back to the imperial court, and the feudal lords only enjoyed the rent and adjustment of the household, that is, the millet and silk that should have been handed over to the imperial court.

The number of households per household has been changed from the original maximum limit of seven households to the upper limit of three households.

Those doll cousins ​​and nephews, Li Shimin fucked to the end this time.

However, considering that they are also members of the royal family, Li Shimin finally planned to confer honorary officers or loose ranks on those who were expelled this time, which can be regarded as giving some comfort. Compensation, but it must be awarded after becoming a child.

Although the title of the Tang Dynasty was not an important weapon in the Han and Jin Dynasties, it will not be easily handed down. If you want to grant it, it's just a false title.

False titles and actual titles will become a completely different set of things, which are only equivalent to a rank plus official.

In the Hall of Xiande, a brand-new Datang nobility system is being completed, but Qin Lang, the Duke of Yi, is still at the side of the White Canal in Weibei at this moment.

After only two days at Zhang Zhen's house, Qin Lang bid farewell to him and went to his own manor. The Qin family had 3,000 mu of land beside the Baiqu, but because the land beside the Baiqu was rich, the 3,000 mu of land was also divided into several pieces. , the largest piece of land is 300 mu, and it is also Qin Lang's only manor in Baiqu.

Zhuangzi was only a few miles away from Sanyuan County, and the next Zhuangzi belonged to his neighbor Li Jing's in Pingkangfang. Li Jing's Zhuangzi is his ancestral property, and his family is originally from Sanyuan.

While inspecting the fields, I happened to meet Hong Funu, the heroine of the neighbor Li's family, who used a canal as the boundary, also came.

"Why did Lord Yi come down to the land?" Hong Fu Nu would often come to the Zhuangzi to stay for a while, this land was changed to Qin Lang's name, and it was the first time she saw the new land owner.

Separated by a canal, the managers of the two villages are holding whips and directing the slaves to work. Compared with Zhang Zhen and his family who have to rely on manpower to cultivate, the villagers of Li and Qin's family are driving horses to plow the land .

Although they were also invaded by the Turks, these big families undoubtedly have strong self-protection capabilities. They received the news in time and withdrew to Sanyuan County as soon as possible, taking away all the things they could take away, so the loss was not large. big.

Even when the Turkic people came, the stewards of the Li family and the Qin family sent people to guard Zhuangzi, guarded by Zhuang Ding of the Zhuangmen with an earthen wall, and Zhuangzi hardly suffered any damage.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Zhang to come to the field!" Qin Lang smiled and crossed his hands in salute.

With the end of this war, Li Jing will also usher in the spring of his career. In his previous performance against the Turks, Li Shimin was very satisfied. Although the previous list was to block Jieli, Li Shimin still felt that Li Jing was available.

According to Qin Lang's internal information, Li Shimin is planning to let Li Jing succeed Du Ruhui as Minister of the Ministry of War.

"I heard that your Zhuangzi doesn't seem to plan to grow wheat this year?"

Zhang Chuchen wears a forehead scarf and a sarong, looking like a landlady, with a shovel in his hand.

The Baiqu area is an important wheat-producing area in Guanzhong. Since the Han Dynasty, wheat has been planted more and more in the north. The yield of wheat per mu is higher than that of traditional millet, but the demand for water is large. The water in Baiqu just makes this place a High-quality wheat producing area.

Zhuangzi of the Qin family did not plan to rush to plant winter wheat, which undoubtedly surprised the nearby Zhuangzi farmers.

"Well, I plan to plant rapeseed on the 300 acres of land."


"Well, when spring comes, then this place will become a sea of ​​golden flowers, how beautiful, isn't it." Qin Lang said with a chuckle.

Zhang Chuchen stood there holding the shovel, shaking his head.

"Now that Chang'an is full, who would believe that Saburo Qin is stupid? You are better than a thief. How could you grow rapeseed for the sake of flowers!"

Qin Lang smiled.

Of course, rapeseed is not for viewing flowers, and there will be no tourism these days. In fact, his proposal was strongly opposed by the village chiefs at the beginning, and those village chiefs who had been managing Zhuangzi all the year round almost knelt down to Qin Lang.

If you seize the time at this time, you can still plant winter wheat, which will be harvested next summer. If you don’t plant this good wheat, what kind of rapeseed will you plant?

Food is the most important thing for the people, not to mention there will be famine this year, and it will be even worse next year.

But Qin Lang was determined to grow rapeseed, not only rapeseed, but also radishes.

These villainous actions seemed to be irresponsible, but in fact Qin Lang had thought about them carefully, and the village chiefs were thinking about next summer's harvest.

What Qin Lang was thinking about was the situation this year, it would be difficult to survive until next summer's harvest, so he had to find a way to get food from the land earlier.

But now there is no food that can be harvested in a short time.

After thinking about it, rapeseed radishes are pretty good. If rapeseed radishes are planted, they can grow into radishes years ago, and they can be harvested at that time.

Although radishes are not as good as wheat millet to satisfy hunger, who cares about them when they are hungry, radishes grow quickly and have high yields, so they can still satisfy hunger.

As for rapeseed, it is similar. Rapeseed can also be regarded as a kind of green vegetable, and it is quite tender before it blooms.

The 300 mu of radish and rapeseed will also become a disaster relief food material in other countries' public dry food workshops in this cold winter, which can be mixed with disaster relief fried noodles to make more food to satisfy hunger.

The ancients used to boil and mash radishes to make radish bricks, and then build walls and houses, even behind the city walls. In case of famine or war, digging out the radish bricks can satisfy the hunger. emergency.

Of course, rapeseed flowers are blooming, which is indeed a beautiful scenery in spring. If they are harvested, a lot of rapeseed oil can be squeezed out.

The wheat planted now has to wait until next summer to harvest, Qin Lang can't wait that long, and neither can the hungry people in Guanzhong.

"Tell me quickly, what is your plan?"

Zhang Chuchen looked like he was asking the bottom line. She felt that Qin Lang was a smart young man who would never do anything foolish, so this move had a lot of meaning.

"To be honest, I think there will be a big famine this winter, and the people can't wait for the wheat in this field to mature and harvest next year, so I think it's better to plant some radishes and rapeseed that can be eaten in winter. Although it is not as good as wheat, it can satisfy hunger after all. Hungry, isn't it?"

Qin Lang really told Zhang Chuchen the answer, but it surprised her again.

She leaned on the shovel and thought for a while, then turned her head and said to Zhuangtou and Shimen behind her, "Did you hear what Duke Yi said, don't grow wheat, instead make radishes and rapeseed, change everything, change it now. "

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