Chastity Layman

Chapter 1452 Roasted Corn

Lakeside estate.

"Gaozu!" Qin Rui followed his father Qin Yao in. He was dressed in a sailor's jacket and had a beard all over his face. He was not restrained when facing Qin Lang.

Qin Lang beckoned to him, "Come here and give me a hand, and use a drill to thread corn skewers."

"This is the New World that Gaozu took fifty years and spent tens of millions of dollars to find, and the New World crop corn brought back from there?" Qin Rui curiously looked at some new things that he had never seen before.

Golden plump corn, plump yellow potatoes, white-skinned red-skinned sweet potatoes, red-skinned tomatoes, etc. Qin Chang was helping Qin Lang when he saw his father coming, smiled and stepped forward to say yes, giving advice like a master How father is going to wear corn.

"You don't need to peel off the pieces one by one and put them on again. You can just use iron drills to put them in a row, and then pull them all together and then peel them off. See, isn't it very convenient?"

Qin Rui rubbed the head of the eldest son, "Your boy is as smart as I am." Then, he picked up a corn and looked it over carefully, and even peeled off two corns and threw them into his mouth to chew.

"Grandpa, he's still alive."

"It's sweet and tastes good."

Qin Lang smiled, "The corn is still relatively tender and full of moisture, and when it dries up, you won't be able to chew it like this."

Qin Yao, on the other hand, seemed more stable. He fought in front of his great-grandfather, and according to Qin Lang's request, he peeled the potatoes and sliced ​​them into strips.

"Cut it and soak it in water. This potato has a high starch content. It will turn black easily if it is not soaked, and it is not brittle. After a while, I will have baked potato chips, then fried small potatoes, and fried potato chips. Mashed potatoes."

Facing these new things, Qin Yao felt a lot of curiosity in his heart. He felt that Gaozu seemed to have seen and even eaten these things a long time ago, just like he seemed to have been to a new world. He firmly believed in the distant sunrise fifty years ago. There is a new continent in the land, and I know the specific direction, the general geography, and I am even sure that there are survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties there.

Fifty years ago, this was almost a fantasy, and no one believed it at all, but now, all of this has become a reality, and everything has been found. The new route was discovered, the new world was found, and even the survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties were found, as well as the new crops described by Qin Lang.

These are difficult questions to answer, but Qin Yao didn't ask them.

On the contrary, Qin Rui over there was learning how to wear strings with his son, and asked directly, "Gaozu, it took fifty years and tens of millions of dollars, damaged many ships, and even lost several expeditions." Team, is it worth it to get back these barbecue ingredients in the end?"

"What do you think?" Qin Lang asked back.

"I don't think it's worth it. For such a long time, so much energy, so much money, manpower and material resources, if it is invested in any place in Luzon, I am afraid that another San Francisco and a new Jinshan can be built. Even if it is invested in Dongsheng Prefecture or Any large island in Nanfangzhou and Xihezhou, I am afraid that they have a good scale, even if they go to the Tianzhu mainland to conquer a new world, or directly rush to the court before the imperial court, and take the Luoluo of Maenan and the south of the country. It is possible to go to the country to conquer and seize together."

"Fifty years, with an investment of tens of millions, is this all in exchange? I think Gao Zu made a loss-making business!"

Qin Yao actually agreed with his son's words, but he reprimanded him, "You don't even have hair, how dare you say that about your ancestor? Have you ever traded at a loss?"

"Aye, I have a lot of children. Is the hair still growing? The one without hair is Ah Chang, okay? Just ask if you don't understand. I have reasonable doubts. If I don't believe Aye, I don't have doubts? Anyway, what I see now, I don’t think it’s worth it.”

"You know what!" Qin Yao was very rude when he taught his son a lesson.

Qin Lang just smiled.

He roasted the dried chili peppers he had harvested before in charcoal ash, then took them out, patted them clean and mashed them into dried chili noodles. The slightly dry chili noodles gave off a spicy taste that Qin Lang was familiar with and enjoyed. .

This is the most authentic spicy taste in his memory. It is much more authentic than the people in Tang Dynasty who used onion, leek, garlic, Zhuyu, and Fuliu vine to make spicy taste.

"Accounts are not calculated that way. From a short-term point of view, it really feels like a loss to bring back these things after spending tens of millions of pennies in fifty years. But we have to take a long-term view. First of all, what we got is not only this little thing, we Got a whole new world!"

"It's a discovery, Gaozu." Qin Rui still corrected.

"Whoever discovers it belongs to him. We have discovered a new world, so this new world is us. At present, this route is only in the hands of our Qin family. This route runs from Luzon through the southeast coast to the Bohai Sea, Heishui, and even directly to the sea. The routes of the wandering ghosts, Yaksha kingdoms, and the new continent through the archipelago are of great value."

"Not necessarily?" Qin Rui still raised his eyebrows, "I heard that this route is very difficult? Especially after passing through Tangjin Port of the Japanese Kingdom, the journey is very difficult. It will not be easy before arriving at the Blackwater Monument. Bohai Jianzhou After the Vladivostok Port, there will be a long period of freezing every year further north, only Vladivostok is an ice-free port, and after passing through the Giant Monument Port, the supply to the north will be even more difficult.”

"That's not a big problem." Qin Lang said.

The most dangerous sections are the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska, but through repeated adventures, they finally found a safe route. Through the establishment of a safe winter supply camp, the fleet can now travel from San Francisco, Luzon to Panama, Central America in half a year.

Although it has not yet penetrated into South America, nor has it entered the east coast of America, but it is only a matter of time. If you do not reach the west coast, continue southward, and then bypass the southern tip of South America, you can go to the east coast, and then continue Just head north along the coast.

Without the Panama Canal, it is indeed more troublesome, but this is not an urgent problem.

Qin Lang does not intend to immigrate to the New World now, nor does he intend to mine gold and silver mines in the past, nor does he intend to go there to plunder the "remnants of the Yin and Shang dynasties". What he plans to do next is to continue to consolidate this route and continue to optimize it. route, find the best route.

At the same time, along the route, establish some new strongholds and supply points, and erect steles and stones there to declare sovereignty or something.

Then try to get in touch with the natives along the way, trade with them, buy fur ores, etc. These will indeed not make money. Generally speaking, for a long time in the future, this route, and the new world that Qin Lang discovered, will not What direct benefits to Luzon, may even continue to operate at a loss.

But Qin Lang still thinks that this route and the connected new world are treasures.

Just take your time.

Fifty years and one hundred years, this route will definitely bring enough returns slowly. Besides, this route is still connected to the Haidong area, North Korea, Bohai, Heishui, Waguo, Ezo, and so on. With the vast area of ​​Xianbeilia, the Qin family is now the first to go there and set up a trading station. There are the best quality fur, medicinal herbs, etc., and it will definitely be profitable.

A new trade route, even if it can't compare with the trade volume of the sea route leading to Xiyi, but there are few participants, the profits will still be considerable, and the potential is huge.

After the ports and bases on this route are stable, expanded, and prosperous, there will be considerable benefits, not to mention better conditions for continuing eastward to the New World in the future.

"In the future, this new route will slowly generate income, and more and more, it is time to start to recover the cost, and even the beginning of profit."

Qin Rui still said, "I still feel at a loss. If Gao Zu gave me 10 million guan, I can conquer half of Tianzhu, and the reward will definitely be higher."

Qin Lang didn't care much about young people's bragging. Although the Tianzhu Continent was full of states and was always conquered by outsiders, in history, the entire Tianzhu Continent had never been unified. It was simply a melting pot of nations. , than in Central Asia.

Ten million will conquer half of Tianzhu?

The imperial court is not without ambitions for Tianzhu, but up to now, it has only occupied the east bank of the Tibet River in the east of Tianzhu and a small part of the west bank. To the west of Tianzhu, only the Silk Road post stations were opened in the Xindu River Basin, and some forts were built along the route.

In the Xindu River Basin, the imperial court spent thirty years, and it was just this situation. Who would take Qin Rui's big words seriously.

Let alone 10 million, it is impossible to give him 100 million, and then give him 100,000 elite soldiers.

Besides, the imperial court has already begun to make arrangements on both sides. At this time, Lu Song went to Tianzhu to grab the territory. Isn't that stupid? Sooner or later, he will make wedding clothes for the imperial court.

In fact, for Qin Lang, the search for a new world invested tens of millions, but this was the sum of the investments made over the past fifty years. On average, the annual investment is actually not much, and it was all invested with his private money, so it should be regarded as an investment. The same interests and hobbies do not affect Luzon.

What's more, Luzon has expanded to the limit. The bottleneck facing Luzon is not fiscal revenue, but population. The population of Luzon is about to break through 10 million, but the Han people are about 3 million, accounting for only one-third, and the slaves and aborigines each point to one-third.

Luzon can only give priority to the development of Luzon Island now. The further south it is, the less developed it is. It can only be entrusted to the descendants of the Qin family and allocated land for them to find their own way to manage and develop.

Just like Qin Jun, the eldest son who protects the country and Yi Wang, is now the king of Dongsheng and the governor of Dongsheng Prefecture, while Qin Lun, the second son of Wei Wang, was asked by Qin Lang to be the governor of Nanshan Prefecture and King of Nanshan. As a representative of the imperial court, please confer the title of Governor of New Penglai Prefecture and King of New Penglai (New Zealand).

In addition to the Luzon Islands, Borneo, Xihe Island, and the Spice Islands were not directly drawn out to establish separate kingdoms, and three separate kingdoms were established in the south, all standing side by side with Luzon. In the future, when Qin Lang is gone, the eldest son Qin Yu will inherit Qi Qin Lun, Qin Jun, and Qin Xiaozhong are all on equal footing with Qin Yu after the king, the king of Lu Song, the governor of Lu Song, and the South China Sea Xuanwei envoy.

However, Luzon is really unable to develop and manage these places, so it is better to allocate them to a few capable children and grandchildren, hoping that they can stabilize these places for the Qin family.

Even if it is not owned by Lu Song, it is still owned by the Qin family.

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