Chastity Layman

Chapter 1450

Qin Yao quickly went back and forth, showing Qin Lang the letter he had just written.

"Well, let's send it according to this." Qin Lang nodded after reading the letter, and did not forget to praise a few good words. "Is there anything else?"

Qin Lang, who was about to continue weeding the corn, saw that Qin Yao had no intention of leaving, so he asked.

"Great-grandfather, I want Qin Rui to personally deliver the letter to Luoyang."

Qin Rui was the eldest son of Qin Yao's concubine. When Qin Xiaozhong was fourteen years old, he swollen his maid's belly and gave birth to Qin Yao. Qin Yao also continued the family tradition and gave birth to his eldest son Qin Rui at the age of fifteen.

Eighty-four-year-old Qin Lang, eldest son Qin Jun is sixty-eight this year, eldest grandson Qin Xiaozhong is fifty-one this year, great-grandson Qin Yao is thirty-six this year, great-great-grandson Qin Rui is twenty-one this year, and grandson Qin Chang is also six years old this year.

Qin Lang has already had five generations of grandchildren, six generations under the same roof.

However, the second son, Qin Lun, is only in his fifties. He also gave birth to thirty-six this year. He is the youngest grandchild in the Lu Song Qin family, but he is three generations older than the six-year-old Qin Chang. Qin Chang had to call him great-uncle.

Qin Chang wanted to call Qin Lang Tianzu. If Qin Lang lived longer, and lived for another ten years, he would have the opportunity to see his seventh grandson, who would be honored as the ancestor and have grandsons.

"What is Qin Rui up to lately?"

"I just came back from the United Fleet, and I have nothing to do at home, clamoring for me to give him money, let him buy a boat of his own, recruit a slave hunting team, and go to Dadao, Nanping to catch the islanders, I want him to send a letter to Luoyang , and then ask his father to arrange for him to serve in the Luoyang Imperial Army for a few years, or to be sent directly to the Western Regions to serve for a few years, so that he can practice well."

Qin Lang also knows this great-great-grandson quite well. Although he is the son of a concubine, he is the longest among the great-great-grandsons, so he will definitely get more attention. Qin Lang held him in his arms when he was born, and his name is Qin. Lang took it.

The name Rui is hoped that he will still be full of vigor when he grows up in the future.

Qin Rui beat Xiaochang's tiger head and tiger brain, he likes to fight, and he is very tough. He never cries when he loses, and he has a bit of ruthlessness. He studied elementary and middle schools in Luzon, and later became a father when he was fourteen or fifteen years old. Qin Lang sent him to Luoyang to study in the Imperial College.

Guozijian was imprisoned for three years, and then stayed in the lecture hall of Yulin Palace for another three years. He also served as the commander of the North Gate. He just came back from Luoyang last autumn and asked to go to the Nanyang United Fleet. He returned after not staying for half a year.

The reason was that Shangguan was beaten in the United Fleet. The specific details were that Qin Rui was a marine brigade commander on a ship in the United Fleet. Then he found out that the captain not only secretly withheld his salary, but also engaged in illegal activities such as smuggling. Qin Rui went to the fleet to hide himself. He is the great-grandson of the Qin family, but his temperament has not changed. After discovering these situations, he pointedly pointed out that the captain was illegal. The captain and some officers on the ship wanted to mess with him. Then Qin Rui directly took some marines and sailors to seize the ship. He beat the captain and his confidant officers, took control of the ship, and escorted them directly to the military court of the base.

The matter was correct, but this method was a bit too drastic. Anyway, the admiral of the United Fleet, an uncle of Qin Rui, had a headache, and finally gave Qin Rui a vacation, and then wrote a letter to his nephew Qin Yao, Tell him to take Qin Rui away and never return to the United Fleet.

"This kid, it's still like this everywhere." Qin Lang also smiled wryly. Last year, when Qin Rui came back from Luoyang, the reason was that he beat up the fellow of the Yulin Army, who was the younger brother of Concubine Yang Gui in the palace. The other party relied on his status as a noble relative to bully Habayashi Lang from a poor family in the Yulin Army. Qin Rui couldn't understand it, and beat up Yang Guozhong, the younger brother of Concubine Yang.

It's not a big deal, after all, although Concubine Yang is favored, the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager in the harem are both from the Qin family, and even the empress is from the Qin family. Can the Yang family compare to the Qin family?

But after all, Qin Rui's actions were not in accordance with the rules, so Qin Rui's uncle and queen's grandfather Wei Wang Qin Lun in Beijing told Qin Rui to go back to Luzon.

"This kid stayed in Luoyang for six years and caused countless troubles. Although this kid is not bullying men and women in Luoyang, nor is he the kind of dandy who walks the dog with eagles, but this kind of temperament that likes to make troubles is a must. Make a good change. In this way, I will write a letter to your father. After Qin Rui sends the letter to Luoyang, let your father kick him to the new Yangzhou Port of the Xindu Protectorate, and go there to be a brigade commander. Send them to Youyi Camp."

Qin Yao was a little worried. Although Qin Rui likes to cause trouble, this kid is indeed quite powerful. He is proficient in cavalry and even familiar with the art of war. Even Qin Lang likes this kid.

"Great-grandfather, is New Yangzhou too far away? It's too far away from the river."

New Yangzhou Port, at the estuary of the Xindu River, was originally just a small fishing village. When Qin Jun guarded the river, he annexed the Sogdian countries in the river, and forced Tucharo to become the prefecture of the Tang Dynasty again. When Qin Xiaozhong was guarding the river, although Tocharo's status remained unchanged.

However, the Tang army in the Western Regions was in the Tocharo area, along the Silk Road, in the name of protecting the trade on the Silk Road, built many post stations and beacon forts, and sent patrolling Tang troops to station along the route.

It expanded year by year until it crossed the Kaiber Pass and built along the Xindu River to the seaside. The former small fishing village (Karachi) at the mouth of the river has also become an important military fortress and port of the imperial court in the Xindu River Basin. An important port for trade.

The imperial court even built a new naval fleet there, divided into the Persian Fleet and the Xindu Fleet. One is responsible for sea cruises and the other is responsible for inland river guards.

There are more than a dozen small countries in the Xindu River Basin, all of which are still vassal states of Kubin, but the Tang Dynasty also built many beacon piers, castles, fortresses, and even opened up many military settlements along the route. And because of the many attractive policies launched by Hezhong Township in the local area, many local impoverished natives were attracted, and they became the barbarians in various castles and military settlements. , the rent they pay is not high, and even if they have to do 20 days of free labor every year, and participate in the training of the city and villages during the slack, the living conditions are still much better than their past.

After paying the rent, there is still a lot of savings, and even with the protection of the Tang army, there is no need to be oppressed and exploited by temples, princes, and nobles, and there is no caste discrimination, no usury deprivation, forced donations from temples, etc. .

Attached to the Tang army castles and military settlements on both sides of the Xindu River, bandits and bullies dare not approach, temple monks dare not approach, and nobles and powerful men dare not come to deprive them.

Working, paying rent, serving in the military, training, and working on the Silk Road during the slack season, you can also send your son to the Confucius Institute opened by Tang Jun to learn how to read. Compared with the past life, it is much better, at least now we can basically have enough food and clothing. , and even have some savings, and the days are getting better every day.

Nowadays, the castles and villages of the Tang army in the Xindu River Basin are constantly expanding, and a great deal of credit is due to the aborigines of the Hu people who came to attach themselves to the city.

Many people dragged their families along and came to ask for attachment with nothing. They were willing to use their own labor in exchange for a place to live and work for themselves and their families, and in exchange for food and clothing.

The vast majority of these people are poor, some are even refugees, and some are escaped slaves. Their previous living conditions were too bad. Even if they worked hard, sometimes they could not fill their stomachs and support their families. and untreated diseases.

There are rich plains in the Xindu River Basin, which are suitable for farming, but there are frequent wars, strife between princes and princes, and even frequent conflicts between tribes and powerful tribes. Coupled with the scramble and conflicts of various religious sects, the bottom layer here is The common people live in poverty, in turmoil and displacement.

The arrival of Tang Jun undoubtedly changed the fate of many people.

They came to pay the rent for the land occupied by the Tang army, and it was far better than the previous life. This is just like the past in the troubled times of the Central Plains. The people would rather be slaves to the powerful manors, or even take the land as slaves, rather than be good citizens of the dynasty. Same.

Because as a good citizen of the imperial court, they are tax households, and they have to pay taxes. Even if they have their own land, but the taxes are too high, and the oppressed people can't breathe. However, the rents and extra labor that the tyrants actually charged them were much lighter than the imperial court's taxation and labor.

After paying the rent to the powerful landlords and finishing the service, at least survival can be guaranteed, but to be a good citizen in troubled times, there will be no scum left. The family is broken.

The behavior of the Western Army in Tocharo and Xindu made the princes, chieftains and monks in the monasteries very dissatisfied.

But what about dissatisfaction, the Western Regions have been in turmoil for decades, and the Tang Dynasty has repeated in the Western Regions, but up to now, they have been conquered slowly by successive conquests and attacks.

On the one hand, it was unable to resist the strength of Datang. On the other hand, Datang did not completely ignore the life and death of these princes. After all, Datang did stabilize and strengthen the trade along the Silk Road. The benefits also fell into the hands of the princes and chieftains.

Just like New Yangzhou Port, which used to be a small fishing village, after years of development and construction, Datang has now become Datang’s trading port and transit port on the westernmost sea. Because of this New Yangzhou Port, the entire Xindu River Basin The trade volume has increased several times. This is much larger than in the past from the Central Plains Guanzhong via Hexi to the Western Regions, and then via Congling or Hezhong to the Xindu River Basin.

The new Yangzhou port and the new Fuzhou Donghui port in Dianyue became two trading centers on the east and west sides of the Tianzhu mainland, where countless commodities gathered and wholesaled.

The Xindu River Basin is also becoming more and more prosperous. Of course, the princes and powerful people along the way have benefited a lot. Therefore, as the Tang army expands year by year, they are also very entangled and painful. They know that if this continues, it will be very troublesome in the future, but no one can He refused the huge benefits in front of him.

For Datang, Yangzhou Port is the strategic support point for controlling the Xindu River, and it is also the extreme west center of the Maritime Silk Road trade. It will only continue to invest and strengthen.

"Let Qin Rui go to New Yangzhou Port and let him stay there for ten years. I believe that the special and complicated environment there can sharpen this kid. If this kid can become the guardian of New Yangzhou in the future, then he will become the guardian of New Yangzhou in the future. It is not impossible for the Jiedushi of Hezhong Township to become a Privy Councilor, or to be a Prime Minister in the Political Affairs Hall one day."

Difficult environments can train people, and Qin Jun, Qin Xiaozhong, Qin Li and others all came here like this.

Qin Yao was thoughtful.

"I request to go to New Yangzhou for training with Qin Rui."

"Do you really think so? If you want to go, you must be prepared to stay for at least ten years."

"I can do it." Qin Yao said.

"Do you also want to be the governor of the two mansions in the future?"

"I hope to sharpen myself and improve myself. Only when I am capable enough can I go to the next level."

Qin Lang patted his great-grandson on the shoulder, "Having such an awareness is a talent to be made. Since you have already made up your mind, then go. As for the location, I will let your father arrange it for you."

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