Chastity Layman

Chapter 1390 Honey Belly Sword

"Li Xianggong, Qin Xiangguo invites you in."

Li Yifu, who was sitting in the rest room outside Qin Lang's duty room, was lost in thought when he was awakened by a voice. He came to see Qin Lang, but there was no response for a long time after the notification, and the tea was already cold.

Since Qin Lang came back to the court, it was the first time he received such a cold reception. Li Yifu, who will only be 50 years old next year, couldn't help but think quickly, where did he hate this powerful grand master?

Thinking about it, you may think too much.

Looking up, he saw that it was Di Renjie who had just entered the hall to report. This young man in his early thirties was tall and even a little fat. He had a big beard on his chubby face, but he was not overly groomed. It was a blue shirt, and there were even ink stains on the sleeves of the robe, and there seemed to be oil stains on the chest placket?

Such a fat man can actually lead tens of thousands of students in Luoyang Academy City to make trouble, become one of the six gentlemen, and even more favored and appreciated by Qin Lang, he specially recruited them to walk under the door of the Political Affairs Hall as trainees. Just now he was sitting on the bench outside, this guy is really I stayed in it for a long time and didn't come out.

What are they talking about?

Li Yifu guessed in his heart, but a friendly smile quickly appeared on his face, "Huaiying, Qin Xiangguo presides over the government and works hard day and night. You are now working beside Xiangguo, so you should remind him to pay more attention to rest. After a while Let's eat together at lunch?"

Every yamen in the capital has canteens, which provide free lunch for officials. During the meal time of the day, many officials also like to drop by for dinner, chatting while eating. Sometimes it is also a good time for subordinates to report their work to the chief officials, and it is even a good occasion for colleagues to communicate with each other.

Di Renjie usually has no chance to share food with the high-ranking prime ministers when he walks in the hall like Di Renjie.

Di Renjie had also heard of Li Yifu's name Li Mao long ago. It is said that someone once used a word to describe him, a sweet-hearted man with a sword in his belly. Although he doesn't know where this word came from, it is indeed appropriate to describe Li Yifu who is narrow-minded.

Compared with Xu Jingzong, the smiling tiger, Li Mao acts more insidiously, and has no limit for power and will do anything by hook or by crook.

Di Renjie hasn't been in Zhengshitang for a long time, but he has already heard of Li Mao's many methods. He is a person who cannot be easily provoked.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, the cafeteria subordinates came down to listen to the teachings at noon."

"Okay, I'm going to see Duke Qin first."

Pushing open the door, one foot was only raised, and before stepping into Qin Lang's room, Li Yifu quickly changed into another face.


While Li Yifu specially used a friendly address, he went straight to clean up the tea tray, cleared away the leftover tea, fetched water to warm the cup, and made tea again.

Soon, a cup of green tea with a clear fragrance was delivered to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang heard that Li Yifu used to like the traditional method of frying tea, and he was even a master of making tea. Even if Qin Lang went to Li Yi's mansion to sit in the public house, or to his house, he had never seen him make tea.

The mouth is sweet and the belly is sword.

This word was once said by Qin Lang when he mentioned Li Yifu to the vassals in Lu Song, and then it was passed back to the Central Plains for some reason, but fortunately, the person who passed it did not say that it was Qin Lang's evaluation.

"What is Li Xiang looking for me?"

Li Yifu made tea, but he still stood there and replied, "In a few days, it will be the 90th birthday of King Zhongwu of Qi. Qin Shenggong has given me the kindness to know each other, and he favors and knows each other in the slightest. He is a teacher I will always respect. Value. The 90th anniversary of my birth, I, a student of the younger generation, should also remember and remember..."

Before coming here, Li Yifu actually had other things to do, but after sitting outside for a long time on the bench, what he blurted out was to propose to commemorate Qin Qiong's 90th birthday.

"It doesn't need to be like this, just remember it in your heart." Qin Lang said, every time his father died, he would also be a vegetarian, and recall Qin Qiong's past with his children, and talk about the family history of the Qin family by the way, so this day has always been Chin's family history education day.

He rarely engages in any activities with much fanfare, which is unnecessary.

"Grand Master, the 90th birthday of King Zhongwu should be commemorated grandly." Li Yifu had many reasons, why Qin Qiong is now a martial sage alongside Jiang Taigong in the Wusheng Temple, and it was Qin Qiong who was bestowed the title of Qin Sage by the court The emperor waited.

It is also beneficial to the stability of the court and the Qin family to solemnly commemorate Qin Qiong, the wife and grandfather of the emperor.

He also proposed that all arrangements should be left to him.

Qin Lang still shook his head.

"I heard that the year before last, you invited the emperor to rebury your grandfather to the side of Yongkang Mausoleum, and recruited people from seven counties to transport soil and repair the tomb day and night. The princes of the Manchu Dynasty competed to present the funeral ceremony, and the funeral procession stretched for seventy miles. , extravagant?"

Yongkang Mausoleum is the mausoleum of Li Hu, Emperor Jing of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yifu nodded, "At that time, the Supreme Emperor rewarded..."

"Mr. Li,"

With a sound of Li Gong, he appeared to be born.

Li Yifu's complexion changed slightly.

This Li Mao is not only called a honey-mouthed sword by the world, but in recent years another word has been derived from it, hiding a knife in a smile.

Li Yi's mansion can have what it is today, of course, the most inseparable is the support of Qin Qiong and Qin Lang, otherwise he is probably still at the bottom of Sichuan.

It was Qin Qiong who hired him into the shogunate of Songzhou Dudu's Mansion, and then recommended him to go to Beijing to be a ninth-rank censor, and then Qin Lang brought him to Yushitai as an eighth-rank censor.

Afterwards, he was introduced to Ma Zhou and Xu Jingzong, and he was also arranged to enter the East Palace where the Supreme Emperor Li Yin was at that time. Step by step, he has achieved today's glory.

When Qin Lang left Beijing fifteen years ago, he was specially promoted to Zhongshu Sheren, which was the most critical step.

Afterwards, although Li Yifu relied on serving the emperor Li Yin as a gun and a knife, and took the lead in launching an attack on the elders such as Changsun Wuji, with his ability and loyalty, he won the emperor's trust, and finally reached the sky and became the prime minister.

But in the end, without Qin Lang's support all the way, how could Li Yifu have the opportunity to make swords and guns for the emperor?

"Sanlang, this is because the sons-in-law of the family did something stupid. Once they were instigated by the subordinates, they messed up and made such a lavish display. It's because of my ineffective discipline." Li Yifu quickly admitted his mistake to Qin Lang.

At that time, Li Yi's mansion was at its happiest time. He moved his grandfather's tomb and reburied him next to Taizu's mausoleum, and enslaved the seven counties.

"Li Gong, do you know Wang Yifang?"

Li Yifu was startled, Wang Yifang of course knew that this is a rotten Confucian like a donkey, although he is a famous Confucian classic teacher in the world, but he can't do it as an official, he has a single mind, there is one thing that can prove his pedantry.

Wang Yifang worshiped the censor, a sixth-rank Beijing official, so he set up a house in Beijing. He bought a house and paid the money. A few days later, he pointed to the two big trees in the yard and said, I forgot to pay for the trees, and then Before letting the family members go to find it, the main thing is to make up the money for the tree.

Friends say that when a house is sold, it is natural that the trees in the house are sold together, and there is no reason to sell it separately. In the end, Wang Yifang insisted that such a good tree, how could it be the same as ordinary house trees?

This matter was later used as a joke in the capital, and everyone said that Wang Yifang was just stupid in reading.

Later, Wang Yifang did indeed only serve as the censor at the highest level, and he only served for a total of 16 days, and it was precisely because of the impeachment of Li Yifu that he forced to kill the sixth-rank Dali Temple Chancellor, so as to cover up the fact that he took the beautiful female prisoner of Dali Temple as his concubine.

Li Yifu said embarrassingly, "Wang Yifang was relegated to Laizhou Sihu earlier because he denounced the minister and spoke rudely."

"Wang Yifang is a well-known contemporary Confucian, and he is well-known among scholars." Qin Lang said.

"Did Qin Gong appreciate him? If so, I am willing to settle the past with him." Li Yifu said.

Qin Lang mentioned him at this time because Lai Ji had mentioned Wang Yifang to him earlier. Lu Zhaolin, a student from Laiji, had worshiped Wang Yifang as a teacher to study classics when he was a teenager, and felt deeply wronged by his teacher, so he found an opportunity to talk about it with Laiji. Lai Ji found out about it, and then told Qin Lang.

Wang Yifang lost his father since he was a child. He has read poetry and books well, and is well versed in the Four Books and Five Classics.

Later, when he went to Beijing to take part in the imperial examination, he met a man who was walking on the way. He said that he had heard that his father died of illness while working abroad, so he hurried on the way. Wang Yifang immediately gave him his horse when he heard this, and even did a good deed without leaving his name.

After entering Beijing, he refused to pay respects to officials and nobles like other students, and passed the Mingjing test with his real ability. It happened that the man who had received a horse from him on the road returned to the capital and recognized him, so he publicized it for him everywhere.

Everyone in the capital praised it.

Even the Emperor Shengzu heard that there was such a talented scholar of Xinke Mingjing, who was well-educated and talented, and he was very caring and helpful, so he was appointed to join the army in the Jin Palace.

The prime minister, Wei Zheng, liked Wang Yifang very much, and admired the talents of this fellow, so he offered to marry his wife, Pei's niece, but Wang Yifang flatly refused. .

Later, after Wei Zheng passed away, he took the initiative to propose marriage and married Pei. Someone asked him why, and he said that Duke Wei has passed away now, and I want to inherit his behest, realize his wish of promoting Confucianism and persuading the king during his lifetime, in order to repay his kindness of knowledge and encounter.

Wang Yifang's official career was not smooth because he refused to cling to the powerful. In the last years of Zhenguan, he was just a green-robed official in Hongwenguan.

In the end, because of the liquidation of Wei Wang's party in the last years of Zhenguan, it was reported that he had been friends with Zhang Liang, so at the age of 31, he was implicated and demoted to Hainan Island as the governor of Ji'an County. Hainan Island at that time was a barren land, and Ji'an County was named Changjiang Li Autonomous County in later generations.

After he took office, he called the leaders of the caves to discuss, set up a school, select children, personally lecture on scriptures, teach rites and music, and for a while made the barren land orderly and everyone happy.

Three years later, Wang Yifang was transferred to be the prime minister of Huanshui County, Hebei Province because of his meritorious service in enlightening the wilderness. At that time, Zhang Liang had a nephew named Zhang Jiao, who was sent to live in Yazhou. He came to die according to Yi Fang. When he returned to the Central Plains, Wang Yifang sent his slave to bear the coffin, and ordered Jiao's wife to hold his infant son, ride on Yifang's horse, and return alone.

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