Chastity Layman

Chapter 121 The Zhenfu Division wants to rebel?

The Turkic soldiers approached the Weihe River, although there were only a few small groups of rangers, and the large forces were still far away in Yan, Sui and other prefectures, but the atmosphere in Chang'an City was still rapidly becoming tense.

In the east and west cities, there are people rushing to buy supplies everywhere.

From the long queue in front of the grain shop yesterday, today it has developed to the point where you can buy anything. Everyone packs big bags, small bags, big baskets and small baskets, wishing to use up the last penny in their hands and replace them all with Eat and drink.

Even the families of the nobles and relatives in Chang'an City have sent stewards and servants to join the buying spree at this time. Under this trend, the Zhenfu Division is distributing money and food.

Forget about the money, but the food is also distributed.

At least ten shi grains are divided into grains, and the grain trucks from the east and west cities are transported over, and there is a steady stream.

This scene was so strange that it attracted the attention of countless people.

Originally, at this time, the grain stores in Dongxi City were unwilling to sell grain like this, but Wei Chang had made an agreement with them before, and the status of Zhen Fusi is getting higher and higher. If you want to do business on the ground in the capital, how can you avoid it? Over the town Fusi? What's more, Qin Lang, the governor of his family, is now the number one celebrity in front of the prince.

In addition, Qin Lang is not the kind of person who uses power to overwhelm others. He knows how to cooperate and win-win. The goods he brought back from Hebei did not directly sell them himself, but resold them wholesale to the merchants who had previously shipped them to the Zhenfu Division. He took this money to buy food, and the price he gave was not low, and he even took the initiative to add 20% to the market price.

Who can refuse to offend Si Cheng, who is going to make trouble like this?

Qin Lang repeatedly confessed to keep a low profile, but in this current situation, the grain trucks are continuously pulling grain to the Yamen of the Zhenfu Division. They called their wives, concubines, children and servants one after another, borrowing carts and horses to pack money and carry food.

A Beijing official from the ninth grade in the imperial court mainly earns Lumi and Zhitian, and Lumi is no more than 30 shi a year, and Zhitian is 250 mu, and the rent per mu is six liters, which is actually 15 shi Renting rice, these two main incomes added together, only forty-five shim.

The rest, such as monthly salary, food, and miscellaneous uses, are not much added together, and they can be added together to make money.

Therefore, living in a capital like Chang'an, if the salary of a ninth-rank capital minister is to support a family, life is relatively tight. Even after the Lumi is distributed, most of it has to be sold to the grain store for money to live on. .

As for the low-level officials in the yamen, or even the servants who are not even officials, let alone their income.

The salaries of the officials in each yamen are even meager. As for the yamen servants, they are basically free servants who have to bring their own dry food to do things. , so Taipu Temple has a place to make extra money, that is, it can sell horse dung. In fact, the people of this era already know to use livestock dung as fertilizer to increase the yield per mu. Relying on horse dung, Taipu Temple can be called the richest among all the yamen of the imperial court.

Although most of the money had to be returned to the imperial court for backup, the officials of the Taipu Temple were very happy to eat whatever was left out.

But most other yamen do not enjoy such treatment.

The newly established Zhenfusi was only two months old. Officials were transferred from various ministries in central Beijing. They already had many privileges and envied them. Nearly 200 mu of farmland has been rented.

Many people in Chang'an, their family members went to the market to line up for a day, and finally it was their turn, but they restricted their purchases and stipulated that each person could only buy a few buckets of grain per day. One can imagine the anger.

Even though there are many officials, although they usually have Lumi, they are distributed once a year. Therefore, most officials, especially middle and low-level officials, do not keep all the Lumi, but sell the Lumi to the grain store. Just leave some rations.

Now that the situation is tense, many officials who don't have much food at home want to buy back the reserves, but they can't buy them again. As for the Fusi, a yamen servant can get ten shi.

The Zhen Fusi here has not finished distributing the food, and there are officials over there who have begun to impeach.

Li Daozong was engaged in Yongzhou Zhizhong, and he recently returned to the court. He was changed from Rencheng King to Jiangxia King, and now he has won the trust of the prince. Food distribution.

"At a time like this, people are in a state of panic. His town governor doesn't help maintain law and order, collect intelligence, and guard against spies, but distributes food and money? It's unreasonable!"

Li Daozong was busy on all fours, his mouth was full of foam, and he was very angry after hearing many reports of embellishment.

But there are still officials fanning the flames.

"Government, at the critical time right now, food is even more related to the people in the city. I think we should implement control over food, prohibit food merchants from hoarding, and at the same time punish the Zhen Fusi's behavior of disrupting the market."

Someone proposed to control the grain in the hands of Chang'an grain merchants, as well as the grain in the hands of the great nobles. The specific method is to temporarily seal up and expropriate these grains, prohibit them from hoarding, and prohibit them from hoarding large quantities of grain. In addition, the excess grain must be handed over to the Yongzhou Yamen for control, so as to keep the grain sold in the market every day, so as to stabilize the hearts of the people.

Measures such as limited sales and quotas will even be implemented. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Chang'an. Once there is a wave of food looting, there will be panic, and merchants will hoard food, and rich families will store food.

Li Daozong thought this suggestion was good.

"Okay, you take someone to collect the food from the Zhenfu Division."

During wartime, especially during the siege period, grain was the hard currency.

Everyone wants to control food in hand.

Cao Canjun, a householder in Yongzhou who received permission, immediately ordered a team of government servants to come to Pingkangfang.

In the square, in front of the Yamen of the Zhenfu Division, grain trucks are constantly coming and going.

Everyone was very happy.

As soon as the people from Yongzhou arrived, they announced loudly that they would confiscate this batch of grain and take it away immediately.

This time, the entire Zhenfu Department refused to agree.

It's fine if it's normal, but at this time, who is willing to give up the food they got?

"Who dares!"

Wei Chang jumped onto the grain pile with a horizontal knife in his hand, and asked loudly.

"Wei Yan Wang, what, your governor is going to rebel?"

"Hey, Liu Hucao, what right does your Yongzhou Yamen have to expropriate our grain? Look, this is the Zhenfusi Yamen, which directly obeys His Royal Highness, and is not under the jurisdiction of the three provinces, six ministries, nine temples and twelve guards. You Yongzhou is in charge." no."

Liu Hucao said with a cold face, "My Yongzhou Yamen governs the capital city and more than 20 counties in Gyeonggi Province. The enemy is now, and food is listed as a controlled item..."

"Hey, even if you talk about flowers today, you don't want to grab our grain. This is not public grain, but our private grain. If you have the ability, you have confiscated all the grain in Chang'an, not only the grain from the grain stores in the eastern and western cities. , and also confiscated all the food from the people’s homes, then I will submit to you, and you can take the food away, otherwise, whoever dares to stretch out your hand today, don’t blame me Wei Yanwang for being ruthless, whoever stretches out, my knife will chop him off!"

The quarrel here drew Qin Lang out, and after hearing that Liu Hucao finished speaking, Qin Lang just sneered twice.

"It's a good thing that the Yongzhou Yamen wants to strengthen grain control, but it's not right for us to control it. My grain is already the private grain of the bureaucrats, not the grain in the granary. You really have no right to expropriate it."

That Hu Cao didn't dare to be too rude when facing Qin Lang, the prince's son-in-law and the Duke of the country, he just showed Li Daozong's warrant.

"Let's go back. Don't say that we, the Fusi, and your Yongzhou Yamen can't control it. Even if we can control it, we haven't violated the imperial court's system and laws."

That household Cao still refused to retreat.

Qin Lang turned and went back to the yamen, and said as he walked, "Wei Chang and Lin San, if they dare to rob food, they will beat me to death, and I will be responsible if they are killed or disabled!"

When Wei Chang and the others heard this, they were all excited. Those who drew knives drew knives, and those who carried sticks all surrounded them.

Leaving a harsh word, he fled in a hurry.

Everyone cheered and continued to roll up their sleeves to transport food home.

Ordinary yamen servants use a small cart to load ten stones of grain, and it takes four or five times to load it. Everyone hurry up to transport the grain home.

After finishing the deployment in the department, Qin Lang emphasized the need to strengthen the surveillance in Chang'an City, especially the abolished princelings. Even those who have shown their loyalty to the prince like Xue Wanche and Xie Shufang must continue to supervise, even Send additional manpower to prevent someone from colluding with the Turks and creating civil strife at this time.

"In addition, from now on, all Turks, Khitans, Tieles, Sogdians, Goguryeos, and other non-Han Hu people in Chang'an City must be searched and registered. For these Hu people in the city, We must be aware of it and monitor it in real time. We must focus on investigating some Turkic people who have only entered Chang'an in the past three months. If they are Turkic people who do not have a fixed property, residence, or job in the city, they must be taken to the vicinity of Chang'an immediately. Places where they are temporarily placed under surveillance and residency, or even repatriated.”

"Strengthen the protection of Chang'an's water source to prevent spies from being poisoned."


After making arrangements, Qin Lang rode to the East Palace.

In front of the East Palace, Cheng Yaojin came to hand over to him.

He is now in charge of the defense of the North Gate of Chang'an, and the East Palace will be handed over to Qin Lang.

Li Shimin made some adjustments to the soldiers and horses led by the six guards of the East Palace. Only 2,500 soldiers stayed in the East Palace and were assigned to Lu Ben's army. The rest were all transferred to Li Daozong to join the defense of Chang'an.

2,500 brigades of the Ben army, 1,000 cavalry, and 1,500 infantry.

"Good boy, I didn't expect Wang Junkuo to fall into your hands." Lao Cheng patted Qin Lang on the shoulder and said.

"If you do a lot of unrighteousness, you will die yourself."

"You don't have to talk to me about these empty words. Your Uncle Niu wrote me a letter, but he made it clear that you really have a few moves. But how did I hear that you pulled Chu Mo to play chess with His Majesty as soon as you came back yesterday? Did you lose more than 800 gold in silence? Early this morning, you split up the money and food at the Zhenfu Department, which caused the whole Chang'an to criticize you? I said, why do you have so many things to do, don’t you know how to keep a low profile? ?"

Qin Lang chuckled.

"Uncle Cheng, at this time, rewards are needed to boost morale. The task of our Zhenfu Division is also very heavy. Everyone will work harder when they get rewards and start errands."

Cheng Yaojin shook his head, "Forget it, you're good at eloquence, anyway, the guards of the East Palace will be handed over to you, you must cheer up, you can't let this job go to waste."

"Uncle Cheng, don't worry, it is impossible for the Turks to break into Chang'an City."

Old Cheng said, "Of course the Turkic wolf cubs don't have this ability, but we must guard against someone sneaking into the city to make trouble, or even a Turkic spies from the city entering the East Palace to assassinate."

"I'll be on guard, thank you Uncle Cheng for reminding me."

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