Chastity Layman

Chapter 111 Small Treasury

Qin Lang stood at Junduguan. Guancheng was 120 miles away from Youzhou. It was built in a valley that was 30 miles long. The mountains on both sides overlapped and were lush. This is a scene in Youzhou. This is one of the most dangerous passes of the Great Wall.

As the gateway to the northwest of Hebei, it can be said that one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

At this moment, Qin Lang looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers, and actually felt a bit reluctant to leave.

"Sanlang, don't worry. Under your rectification and governance, Youzhou has become quite impressive. Now the army and the people are united, and the morale is high. Now all the armies and towns are fully equipped with soldiers, and the food, grass and equipment are constantly being replenished. Sanlang, go back to Chang'an , we will continue to guard Youzhou well." Niu Jinda said standing beside Qin Lang.

"Then I'll leave everything to Uncle Niu."

"I want to thank you. You planted the tree, but I came to enjoy the shade." Niu Jinda was somewhat upset by Qin Lang. Now that everything is in order in Youzhou, it is too inappropriate for the court to call Qin Lang back to the capital. .

Zhongshan Wang Chengqianyao took the post of governor of Youzhou. In fact, all the military affairs of the governor's mansion of Youzhou still have to be presided over by Niu Jinda, the new long history. The reason for letting him do the long history is to consider his lack of qualifications and prestige. General Lang will examine the governor of Northern Yanzhou. If he directly pays homage to the governor of Youzhou in less than a month, many people will definitely be dissatisfied.

Qin Lang was quite relieved that Niu Jinda took over Youzhou. Although he had been Qin Qiong Cheng Yaojin's lieutenant general before, and had no experience of being alone, but during this time together, he handled affairs well, methodically, and strictly governed the army.

"As long as Uncle Niu insists on cracking down on smuggling and building up the border market, then the frontier defense in Youzhou will not have to worry about money and food, and will use taxes to support the army to attack the border. The frontier army will have enough money, food and armaments, and the rewards will be plentiful, so they don't have to worry about fighting badly." It's not good to guard the side."

Niu Jinda sighed and said, "Before, Sanlang, you planned to take us out of the Great Wall to wipe out some Hu tribes outside the pass. Now that you have left, this matter can't be done."

Qin Lang's original plan was not only to leave the pass to mop up some Hu tribes outside the Great Wall Pass, but also to take a few rounds to Yanshan, Taihang, and the coastal islands, Douzigang, and Gaojibo in the Hebei area, where thieves and thieves gather. Pull net sweep.

The purpose of sweeping outside the pass was to clear a military buffer zone so that the Turks could not easily infiltrate. The purpose of suppressing bandits internally is to take the opportunity to train soldiers and horses, and even eliminate some hidden dangers.

Even in order to frighten those gentry tyrants in Hebei, they killed chickens to make an example to monkeys.

Niu Jinda was worried about his lack of prestige.

"Although I have left, the prince has already issued an edict to maintain the taxation of the border market. Even if the tax rate has been lowered, the border market is still affirmed. With this edict, you can strictly suppress smuggling. , Those people think that if they get me away, they will be able to continue the old days, but they can't even think about it."

"I asked my aunt. She doesn't want to go back to Chang'an and will stay. I suggest that she continue to be the trainer of the regiment. She has a good reputation in Hebei and has a strong appeal. If she comes to assist you, she will give you a lot of respect. Less help."

Li Shimin finally expressed his approval for Qin Lang's establishment of a troop training regiment in the old Ministry of Zhaojiande, Hebei. Now it has been officially ordered to form a regiment for training in Hebei, also known as the United Army and the Tutuan. This is somewhat similar to the previous township soldiers, the only difference is that the past township soldiers were armed by local gentry tyrants.

But now these soil groups are uniformly selected and compiled by the imperial court, and obey the governor's mansion and the governors of the states. Each state set up regiment training camps, and appointed regiment training envoys to lead them, and officers at all levels were awarded martial arts ranks. The regiment training soldiers are not registered in the military registration, but they can be exempted from rent and tax, and they can work as farmers in their spare time. They are allowed to practice bows and arrows at home, gather for training in autumn and winter, and in case of war, they will be recruited to assist the officers and troops in defending the territory, or to cooperate in combat.

During the requisition and service period, they will be given food and pickles. After the mission is over, they will be dismissed and returned to their hometowns immediately, and they will not be out of production for a long time.

The principle of expropriation is to select rich households and strong Ding.

Once the edict of the imperial court came out, it was tantamount to identifying the regiments. They were militiamen other than the government soldiers to make up for the shortage of government soldiers in Hebei and the small number of frontier soldiers. The imperial court did not directly select these Hebei people as soldiers, and set up a military government, mainly to maintain the strategic national policy of guarding the inside and outside, and promoting the Guanzhong to face the Quartet.

Fan Yuan and others were all awarded the post of training envoy of the state regiment, and each unified state regiment trained battalions of native soldiers, with a quota of 800 people per battalion.

Dou Hongxian, in the capacity of Princess Yong'an, was added to the post of regimental training envoy, commanding the entire regiment training troops under the governor's mansion in Youzhou.

In addition, the imperial court also affirmed Qin Lang’s previous enlistment of Qiaozhou to set up the attached Hu soldiers as regiment training camps. There are 800 Hu cavalry in each battalion, all of which are served by the corresponding attached Hu soldiers.

Regiment soldiers can be exempted from taxes after being recruited for training. During their service, they will be provided with rations, rewards for meritorious service, and honors for meritorious service. Generally speaking, the salary is good, but it is worse than that of the soldiers. There is no award of military land, etc. .

For the newly built 15 regiment training camps, the imperial court awarded many scattered officials, such as Hu chiefs and former generals of the old Jiande Ministry. People in the system can enjoy many political privileges.

For example, occupying land, such as door shade, such as entering the Imperial Academy, such as bigamy and taking concubines, eight proposals to reduce crimes, and so on.

"If you don't leave Sanlang, we will definitely have a chance to make meritorious service in this Turkic invasion. It will be a waste of credit, which is a pity."

Ah Huang handed a purchase list to Qin Lang, still full of regrets.

With the current situation of Youzhou rectifying preparations for the war, and this is not the direction of the Turkic invasion, there is no pressure on Youzhou in this battle. Maybe they can find an opportunity to copy the back of the Turks and so on, and take credit for it.

"If you really want to make meritorious service, there is no chance." Qin Lang smiled. He glanced at the list and found that there were a lot of things purchased on it, such as Turkic famous horses, Liaodong ginseng, mink fur, Haidongqing, and other things. Silla maids, Japanese slaves, etc.

"Brothers, do you have any opinions?"

The brothers who followed Qin Lang to the north this time also gained both fame and fortune. They suppressed bandits and suppressed rebellious towns and frontiers. Not to mention, all of them were at least one or two levels higher, and there were many meritorious service awards. Qin Lang was also generous, he gave generous rewards every time and never stingy, so everyone got a lot of money and silk rewards.

Now that he was going back to Chang'an, Qin Lang simply gave him another reward.

However, Qin Lang told everyone that it is better for everyone to gather up the silk and silver coins that have been handed out, and Qin Lang will send people to purchase Youzhou special products, and then transport them back to Guanzhong to sell and then distribute them to the brothers, so that the rewards in everyone's hands And still make some extra money.

"Brothers don't have any objections. If you come out with Saburo, you will earn a lot of money. Now brothers treat Saburo like a god. You are the God of Wealth."

Before Qin Lang came out from Chang'an, he asked Wei Chang to borrow a large amount of rare goods from the east and west cities on credit to transport them to Youzhou, and he also made three times the profit by the way.

Everyone is not a fool, how could they be unwilling to have such a good opportunity to make money, everyone believed in Qin Lang, knew that Yi Guogong was generous in his work, and would never covet Mo Ke to deduct the share from his brothers, and try to give everyone as much as possible every time.

"Brothers, if you have something you want to buy, if you want to use money, you can come to me to withdraw it first."

Wei Zheng looked at the ledger in his hand, didn't know if he didn't read it, he was startled when he saw it, the goods he brought out from Chang'an this time were worth three times the profit, and their goods in Chang'an only paid 20% of the purchase price. This is really nothing.

When they return to Chang'an and sell the goods again, the rewards of the brothers in the town and Fusi will be quadrupled, and the company's public funds will also make a lot of money.

He secretly counted his share, and he couldn't help but be speechless, he could have more than a thousand pens.

It's scary.

He is now the master of Zhan Shifu. He originally served as an official from the seventh rank. It turns out that this rank is Xuan Yilang. This time he went to Hebei and raised two ranks to Xuan Delang, the seventh rank. This rank is one year old. Lumi is eighty shi, even if the land rent income from the ministry field is added, it is quite limited.

A thousand crowns, just relying on that little salary, you can't earn it in your life.

"Sanlang, is this too much money?" Wei Zheng handed the ledger to Qin Lang somewhat worriedly.

Qin Lang flipped through it casually a few times, "How many? Isn't it good to have too many?"

"Afraid of being impeached, saying that we use power for personal gain?"

"What are you seeking for personal gain? It's okay for the imperial court to use the money from the yamen's public houses to lend usury, but we can't use the money to sell some goods along the way? The public houses' money didn't go into your private pockets, and it was all public accounts. Why not give everyone some benefits during the New Year’s Day? As for the brothers taking their reward money and silk to sell some goods and bring them back to Chang’an, this is nothing more than a piggyback!”

Qin Lang felt that this was not seeking personal gain with power at all, because it was not seeking personal gain at all, it was for the benefit of the public and everyone, and this was the responsibility of a leader.

"Old Wei, don't think too much, these are what you should take, don't worry. Do you plan to buy something back, such as famous Turkic horses, Silla maids and so on?"

Buying a high-quality famous Turkic horse in Youzhou costs about ten guan at most, but if you go to Chang'an, such a famous horse can cost as much as forty guan, and sometimes it can even be sold for seventy or eighty guan. That's the difference.

There are many good horses here and they are cheap, so you can choose.

There are also gentle Silla maids, who are educated by the famous noble relatives in Chang'an, and represent a symbol of status. A Silla maid in Chang'an costs dozens of pennies, which is no cheaper than a famous horse. But here, close to Goguryeo and Silla, a young The Silla maidservants are at most ten or so, and they are guaranteed to be real Silla girls, and they will never be pretended to be Japanese girls, Baekje girls, or Goguryeo girls.

"Old Wei, you can also buy a few good Turkic horses. It would be good for some young masters to ride after you go back. You can also buy a few Silla maids to serve your wife with tea and water. It will be more face-saving."

Wei Zheng couldn't help but feel his heart beat when he heard this.

"Saburo also buys?"

"Buy, why not? It's good and cheap here. Why do you have to choose those others in Chang'an that are still too expensive? I've already planned to buy a hundred famous Turkic horses back home, and another hundred for her. Silla maids and a hundred Japanese Japanese slaves go back."

"Do you use that much?"

"If you can't use it up, you can give it as a gift, and you can sell it. If you sell it, you can make another fortune."

Wei Zheng was speechless, but finally decided to place an order to buy some.

"That's right, when the effect of the seal comes out after a while, the price of Turkic Ma Xinluo servants will definitely increase, and it is the most cost-effective to buy now." Qin Lang winked at Wei Zheng and smiled.

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