Chastity Layman

Chapter 108

These days, Wei Zheng and Li Xuandao have discussed the specific operation process with Qin Lang countless times, and they all feel that this matter is very operable.

Now, they have rushed back to Junduguan to explain the cooperation plan to the summoned representatives.

"Every entry transaction must be registered first. The goods enter the field and go through the customs. You must first pay the customs duty of 20 taxes. You can pay in kind or according to the estimated value. In the field transaction, you must sign a contract and register. Both parties pay the deed tax. The seller pays 300 taxes , the buyer is taxed two."

"In addition, salt, tea, wine, and iron are all listed as special commodities. Salt needs to be taxed for five and one salt tax, tea and wine are taxed for two and one, and iron is taxed for one. In addition, all food is listed as prohibited Sale..."

"Salt, tea, wine, and iron enter the market. In addition to the additional tax, you also need to obtain the goods in the Dudu Mansion. For example, if you want to transport salt into the market, you need to go to the Dudu Mansion to obtain the salt. Each salt can be sold for salt. One stone, in order to obtain Yanyin, you need to transport ten times the amount of Yanyin grain to the border military fort designated by the Dudu Mansion. After the delivery, you can get the corresponding receipt. This salt yinfang or transport salt into the market for trading. Tea wine iron yin, all need to be transported to the border castle to exchange for citation."


To put it bluntly, although this border market allows them not to smuggle, the transaction is convenient, but they have to pay taxes, which are still very high. In addition, for commercial goods such as salt, tea, wine and iron, paying taxes is not enough, and they have to pay for the Youzhou Governor's Mansion first. Only by transporting grain to the frontier military fort can they be exchanged for Yanyin, and then the corresponding amount of salt and iron can be sold with Yanyin.

As for grain, it is forbidden to leave the country and not to sell it.

As soon as these regulations came out, those people exploded.


"Five taxes and one tax on salt? Two taxes and one tax on tea and wine, one tax and one tax on iron? With such a high tax, you still have to sell and transport food in exchange for the money?"

"The market entry tax is only one in twenty, and there is also a deed tax for the transaction?"

"Isn't this a money grab?"

These people shouted one after another.

Wei Zheng looked at these people who were about to rebel, opened the gourd calmly, took a sip of his wine, and then said slowly, "It sounds like a lot of taxes, but compared to the profits you made from smuggling out of Serbia in the past, It’s not worth mentioning, right? If you go out, the minimum profit is more than three times, right?”

These people said dissatisfiedly, "How dangerous it is to sell goods outside the Great Wall, it's all about fighting for your life!"

"You don't need to tell me this. In short, there will be 50,000 Youzhou troops guarding the border in the future. No more cross-border smuggling will be allowed. Violators will be punished as collaborating with the enemy and treason. All goods will be confiscated."

"Furthermore, no matter how much this tax is increased, you can definitely increase the transaction price a little bit and pass this tax on to the barbarians. Why don't you continue to make the original profit?"

Wei Zheng's words did not satisfy those people.

It is simple to say, sell at a higher price, but such a high tax will be passed on to the barbarian, and the barbarian is not stupid.

"Everyone, the border of Youzhou will be closed from now on. Only the designated border markets of North Yanzhou, Tanzhou, and Jizhou on the Great Wall can enter the market for trading. The words have already been brought. How to decide, you go back and report to your proprietor. Think about it."

Wei Zheng was not very polite to these people, because he felt that what Qin Lang said was right. These people can exchange a wooden bowl for a barbarian's fat sheep, and a piece of cloth can exchange for a big cow. This kind of profiteering business Who wants to give up?

Now that Qin Lang has closed the customs, the border market is still reserved. Although they have to pay some taxes, the bulk of the profits are still in their hands. Who would give up such a lucrative business?

When the 50,000 Youzhou Army blocked the border, if you want to continue to earn this money, you can only cooperate with Qin Lang and give Qin Lang a share of the protection fee. sharp.

And once they all start to trade in the border market established by Qin Lang, if Qin Lang monopolizes the transactions in these border markets, Qin Lang will be able to receive a leniency from the tax collection at that time. Are you afraid that you will not have money to support the border guards?

In particular, Qin Lang's goods introduction system requires transporting grain to the border military fort first, which also saves the governor's mansion from the trouble of buying and transporting grain.

Li Xuandao looked at the scene like a pot of porridge below, and said to Wei Zheng worriedly, "Wei Sima, I think Qin Dudu's thinking is too simple, I'm afraid these people may not be obedient."

"Then let's see who will try the sharpness of the Youzhou Saber first. I believe that after some heads fall to the ground, these people will understand the meaning of the words "harmony generates wealth and mutual benefit."

"What if they sue Chang'an through their connections?"

Wei Zheng said disdainfully, "What are you afraid of? At this juncture, the governor of Qin is not using his power for personal gain. It is to raise money, food and military resources, to resist the Turks, and to defend Hebei. This is just a border market, not collecting taxes in Youzhou, Hebei. Therefore, it will not affect the people. In the past, these people smuggled and smuggled people, and the court did not get any benefits. Now they are doing this city, and there is no harm. Could it be that His Royal Highness is ordered by some people? Qin Dudu stop?"

Li Xuandao always felt that this matter was not that simple, and he even unconsciously put half of his buttocks on the side of those gentry and landlords, thinking that Qin Lang was a treacherous plan and bad government, a bad start.

"Salt is not a rare thing. Sea water can be boiled and dried to obtain salt. There are even salt lakes on the grasslands, and there are also salt mines in the water. Why is there such a heavy tax on salt?"

"It is true that there are salt lakes on the grasslands, but there are not many Hu people who know how to dry salt to make salt. It is also because the salt trade is convenient, so most of the salt sold by the Hu people comes from the Central Plains. However, this salt is a must. , whether you are a khan or a herdsman slave, everyone cannot do without salt, even war horses have to eat salt, so taxing salt is a stable and considerable income."

"What about wine? The tax is higher than salt?"

"This is to reduce the amount of wine brewing. After all, wine making consumes food, and now there is a big battle, and food is precious. If heavy taxes are imposed on wine, then the sales of wine will definitely decrease."

These words were actually said by Qin Lang to Wei Zheng. Now that he said it to Li Xuandao, seeing his stunned expression, Wei Zheng couldn't help feeling a bit superior.

Sitting there, Li Xuandao couldn't help thinking, if this kind of industrial and commercial tax is also implemented in all states and counties in the world, will the imperial court have to increase a lot of fiscal revenue every year?

If the salt tax is imposed on all the salt in the world, the amount will be even more impressive.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he couldn't help, but when he thought about it later, he felt that if taxation was really imposed on everything, even salt, wouldn't the burden on the people be even heavier? Can't even eat salt by then?

Li Xuandao's face suddenly changed drastically. He felt that Qin Lang released a demon!

After hearing Wei Zheng's report that those who came were extremely dissatisfied and rejected his proposal one after another, Qin Lang just laughed it off.

"Isn't the governor worried that these people really won't come?"

"The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. These people are profit-seeking merchants who feed on birds, and behind them are those greedy aristocratic and powerful families. Do you think they will let such a fortune go?" road?"

If they don't go through Qin Lang's territory and want to continue smuggling outside the Great Wall for trade as they did in the past, they will have to detour for a long, long way. Although Fengzhou and Yunzhou can also go out of the Great Wall, there is a distance between east and west. More than thousands of miles, the value of a mature smuggling trade channel is extremely high, who would give up easily.

What's more, one radish and one pit, the passages and sites to the west have already been occupied by other people, so they can go if they want?

"Don't worry, they may want to try to continue smuggling. Let's give them some color and see. When they hit a wall, they will naturally turn back. No one will be troubled by money. It's still such a big sum Money." Qin Lang made up his mind.

"Bianshi continues to prepare."

"In addition, please draw up a notice for me, which is going to be sent to the brothers of the Seventh Army, the Fourth Guard and the other frontier soldiers, telling them to guard the border and never let a smuggler cross the border. Starting today, the border market will be held every month The Dudu’s Mansion will take out the income tax and use it as a reward and subsidy for the brothers in the frontier army.”

"Smugglers are captured and smuggled goods are seized. There are many rewards. Every time a smuggler is caught, a reward of one thousand is given. Every time a smuggled camel or horse and mule is caught, a reward of one thousand will be given."

"However, if anyone dares to accept bribes and release smugglers to pass through the customs, as long as they are found out, they will be regarded as the crime of communicating with foreign countries and surrendering to the enemy, and they will be beheaded directly, and there will be no tolerance!"

With heavy rewards on the one hand and important points on the other, Wei Zheng also felt that those frontier soldiers didn't dare to mess around.

"It's just that Li Jinxing waited for the past to specialize in armed smuggling."

"I will tell him specifically. If he dares to continue smuggling, then don't blame me for being rude. He honestly trades in the border market, and he will not lose much money. If he is not greedy, he will bring disaster on himself."

Trading in the border market is definitely not as profitable as going deep into the grassland outside the Great Wall, because in the past it was directly traded with the herdsmen, but now the trade in the border market must be based on bulk shipments to grassland merchants, at wholesale prices It is definitely not as high as retail, but if the volume can be increased, the profit may be higher.

"I will mobilize soldiers and horses to form a patrol battalion and a smuggling team, not only to catch smugglers, but also to investigate those border soldiers who took bribes. Once found, they will be severely punished immediately, and no mercy will be given."

Wei Zheng reminded Qin Lang, "It's better for the governor to explain this matter to the prince in detail earlier, don't let the wicked file a complaint first, and let the prince misunderstand."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will write the melody right away."

Qin Lang grumbled while looking for a brush and ink, "I thought that the trip to Youzhou was just a visit, but who knows that I can't leave now, and I don't know when I can go back to Chang'an. Damn, the Zhenfu Division still has another What a big deal!"

He said Zhenfusi on his lips, but in fact Qin Lang was thinking of Yuxiao. The Yuxiao played by the young and beautiful female school student in Chang'an is very beautiful. I haven't heard it for a long time, and I miss it very much.

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