Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 740 Battle of the Proxima Galaxy 6

Of course, compared to artillery shells, the cost of missiles is higher, especially the cost of heavy anti-ship missiles used in interstellar warfare, which is several million yuan.

You must know that the current currency value of the new federal currency is very high, one dollar is equivalent to more than ten dollars in the past!

That is to say, the cost of such a missile would have been at least tens of millions if placed in the past.

Now that human civilization has only three waves of missiles, the cost has reached trillions of yuan. If human civilization is not now a whole, in the past, no country can afford such consumption, even the one that claimed to be the world's boss at that time nation.

The missiles launched by human civilization quickly passed the center between the human civilization fleet and the Sirius civilization fleet, and continued to fly in the direction of the Sirius civilization fleet, and soon met the space combat aircraft cluster of the Sirius civilization fleet.

At this time, the space combat aircraft clusters of the Sirius Civilization Fleet naturally opened fire one after another.

After all, they know very well that although the speed of these missiles is not very fast, they only have a speed of less than 400 kilometers per second.

But this is only relative to energy weapons. In fact, the speed of these missiles is already very fast, far exceeding the speed of their space combat aircraft.

And this speed still poses a great threat to their civilized space battleships. Most importantly, these aircraft also know that these missiles have strong guidance capabilities. Once these missiles of the opponent approach the fleet, then The consequences are definitely not good.

Although it is said that when the missile approached the opponent's space combat aircraft cluster, the opponent's aircraft also intercepted, and the weapons used were all energy weapons, and even the interception efficiency was not bad, but they still only intercepted less than one-tenth of the amount.

Because the fleet of human civilization launches too many missiles, and the energy weapons used by their space fighters have reached sub-light speed in terms of speed.

But after each energy weapon is launched, their weapons need at least five to ten seconds to cool down, or it is more appropriate to say that charging, and five to ten seconds is enough for these missiles to fly thousands of kilometers away.

Of course, during the process of the missiles and these space combat aircraft clusters of the Sirius civilization fleet, some of their civilized space combat aircraft were directly hit by missiles and then exploded, but this is a minority after all, and even some aircraft want to use the aircraft itself to Hit the missile, also can't reach.

Soon this wave of missiles was less than 50,000 kilometers away from the opponent's fleet. At this time, various interception weapons of the opponent's fleet also fired one after another, and among them, small-caliber energy weapons were the main ones.

Obviously, this Sirius Civilization Fleet has also done enough homework. According to the data of the previous human civilization battleships, that is, the Xuanming battleship and the Blue Star Civilization Pirate Regiment battleship, in terms of close-range defense, especially in terms of physical weapon strikes , made enhancements, especially capital ships.

This can be seen from the number of small-caliber energy cannons on these Sirius civilization warships on the battlefield.

You must know that these warships of the Sirius civilization are full of various small-caliber energy cannons at this time. Even those small space battleships of the Sirius civilization that are less than 50 meters long have at least dozens of small-caliber energy cannons , and like those large battleships with hundreds of meters, there are more small-caliber energy cannons, reaching as many as several hundred.

So after these small-caliber energy cannons in their fleet fired,

These missiles launched by human civilization were hit by them one after another, and a large number of missiles exploded in the void, producing bursts of fire,

Seeing this issue, as the commander of the fleet, Zhao Feng immediately ordered the fleet to stop launching missiles, because he knew very well that with the enemy's defensive firepower, it is very difficult for the missiles launched by the fleet to hit the opponent Yes, out of 10,000 missiles, thank God if one or two missiles hit, so even if there are more missiles, it is just a waste.

However, after stopping the launch of the missiles, the firepower of the human civilization fleet did not stop. The artillery of the fleet, under Zhao Feng's order, finally launched an attack. You must know that the distance between the fleets of the two sides is already close. Three hundred thousand kilometers.

Such a distance has greatly increased the hit rate of the fleet's artillery. According to the data of the central computer in the fleet, the hit rate can reach 1%. case.

Just when the artillery of the human civilization fleet finally launched its attack, at this time the space fighter cluster of human civilization finally met the space combat aircraft cluster of Sirius civilization.

As a result, the cosmic fighter groups of both sides separated with their own combat teams. To launch an attack on the enemy, but at the moment when the space fighter formations of the two sides met, the space combat aircraft or space fighter of the Sirius civilization gave the human civilization space fighter group a disarm.

I saw their fighter jet cluster, when they were 30,000 kilometers away, launched an energy attack on human civilization. In just a few seconds, the human civilization space fighter cluster had more than a hundred space fighter jets. In the process, they were hit, and some were even directly blown up.

Fortunately, in the combat formations of human civilization, the fighters rushing to the forefront are basically unmanned fighters, so most of the hits are drones, but there are still some manned space fighters that are hit.

After all, compared with drones, manned space fighters are larger and easier to be hit.

"No... Fat Wang...! Fat Wang! No!"

"Xiao Liu..."



"Attack, let's avenge them!"

Obviously, due to the inexperience of human civilization in space combat, many of these pilots still stay in the air combat concept of the earth period, thinking that the combat distance between the two sides will be within a thousand or even a few thousand kilometers Unexpectedly, the other party launched an attack tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Fortunately, they responded very promptly. All the fighter planes also began to evade. The air-to-air missiles of the fighter planes, under the pilot's control, left the plane and flew towards the opponent's plane.

At the same time, the machine guns of the fighters also fired one after another, and the laser weapons of the fighters also fired one after another. All of a sudden, the colorful laser beams pierced the enemy's fighters like sharp swords.

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