Champion’s Heart

Vol 4 Chapter 202: Learn from Comrade Zhou Yi

? Unlike Real Madrid players who are frustrated and unwilling to be interviewed, even if they are interviewed, the difference is that the players in Dortmund are simply excited and happy. A big victory made them forget all the unpleasantness before the game.


  After the game, Lewandowski, who scored four goals in the only one, was selected as the best player in the game, and he was interviewed by reporters.


   The Polish shooter in front of the camera was all smiles, obviously it was the time when the spring breeze was complacent, but when answering the reporter’s question about the quaternary of the independent middle school, he was very surprised that the credit was always easy.


   "I can score four goals in a game, the most grateful is Zhou Yi."


   "Zhou Yi?" The reporters were surprised and did not understand why Lewandowski said so. Indeed, Zhou Yi also performed very well in this game. Of Lewandowski's four goals, he directly assisted two and motivated the other two. But Goetze also directly assisted Lewandowski with a goal and a penalty. Why did he emphasize Zhou Yi's credit alone?


"Of course, because the'Wizard" did it before the game, telling us that this game can definitely score four goals for Real Madrid! Hahaha!" At the end, Lewandowski laughed uncontrollably. .


   The reporters were shocked-is this true?


   They quickly asked: "Is this true? Robert? Are you kidding me?"


Hearing the questions from the reporters, Klopp raised his face and said, "How could it be a joke? Of course it is true! Before the game, Zhou Yike told us more than once that he thought we could also play against Real Madrid. Scored four goals in the middle! So do you think the title of "wizard" is just ridicule?"


   A group of reporters looked at each other, if Lewandowski said it was true...


  Zhou Yi's nickname "Witcher" is really true.


  Think about the true deeds he revealed beforehand.


   There are always things in the world that are unclearly explained by science. Zhou Yi is definitely one.


  Since Lewandowski opened such a head, the focus of the reporters interviewing Dortmund players has become to ask them whether Zhou Yi really predicted that Dortmund will score four goals in Real Madrid before the game. So much so that the rumor about the game itself and the transfer of Goetze no one is interested...


   All Dortmund players interviewed smiled and nodded to confirm this.


When interviewing Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi also admitted that he did say this, but he did not think it was because he had some kind of mysterious power from the East. He explained: "I said this to encourage morale. The previous ball Everyone knows what happened on the team... Honestly, our morale is indeed a bit low. I want to cheer everyone up. Besides, this thing also shows that as long as you have goals and beliefs, work hard to do , It can be achieved. No matter how exaggerated this goal seems..."


In the end, Klopp also confirmed that the players were true in the post-match press conference. Zhou Yi did express his confidence to score four goals in Real Madrid before the game. He also ridiculed: "The Spanish media said Yes, there is really no'magic spell', it's just that the'wizard' is casting spells... Ha!"




   The focus of Chinese news media reports the next day was not Goetze’s transfer, nor Dortmund’s 4:1 defeat of Real Madrid at home, but Zhou Yi’s “miracle”.


   "The hero behind the victory over Real Madrid turned out to be him!" 》


   "Behind the scenes "black hand"-Zhou Yi! 》




"...Although Zhou Yi tried to cover up the fact that he had a special function with his heart chicken soup when he was interviewed by us, it was obviously not convincing for him to say these words... Set a goal and then complete it, if so If it is easy, there will be peace in the world!"


  On the Internet, Chinese fans realized that there was such a story behind this game, and they were all excited.


Someone put a photo of Zhou Yi with a smile on Weibo, and wrote: "I don't know why. It is said that as long as Zhou Yi's photo is forwarded, good things will come to the head. The pro test is effective, everyone Quick turn!"


  Doing so will of course attract many people to turn around, but the people who reposted it at first are all coaxing together. The nickname "Wizard" for them is more of a ridicule to Zhou Yi. But when someone really ran and reposted the petition after retweeting, he vowed that he had received an unexpected fortune within one hour of transferring this photo of Zhou Yi, or that he had passed the interview or failed the exam... Even if few people knew who Zhou Yi was, they came forward.


  Half a day, Zhou Yi's photos spread throughout the network......


   There are also people who carefully analyze Zhou Yi may be really super capable.


"...Think about it. There were so many bad news for Dortmund before the game. Who dare to think that Dortmund could score four goals at home at Real Madrid? Even the most optimistic Dortmund fans, in the circumstances at that time, thought they would win well So, how dare you expect a'big win'? But Dortmund really won Real Madrid 4:1. In addition to explaining this result with mysterious power from the East, I really can't think of any other reason..."


   "Klopp: ‘I originally felt that this time there was less evil, until I suddenly felt a mysterious force from the East...’”


   "Morino: "UEFA, Dortmund fouls! They used abnormal means to ensure victory!""


   "I originally believed in science until I met Zhou Yi..."


   There are also some talented netizens who made Zhou Yi's emoticon packs, and combined various Zhou Yi's expressions with different texts to create unexpected "effects".


   For example, put a picture of Mr. Zhou Yi on a photo P of a fortune teller, and the cloth streamer next to it reads "Tiekou straight off". It's awesome.


  There is also a line below P with a picture of Zhou Yi smiling: "On words, I am not targeting anyone..."


   There are also netizens who have compiled the real cases of Zhou Yi's "casting" over the years, made a long Weibo with pictures and emojis, posted it on the Internet, and suddenly turned crazy.


  Because these are real events, there are a lot of media reports as evidence to support, so people have to believe and have to convince.


   Everyone is often accompanied by the exclamation of "recessed trough" when forwarding.


   In the evening, everyone's ridicule, spoof, and coax about Zhou Yi's "wizard" set off another climax. Some netizens sent out a photo, and at a glance it was a very common home decoration dedicated to the bodhisattva. There were scented wax tributes, but if you look again, you will find violations everywhere.


   First tribute besides fruit, there is also a football. Secondly, in the place where the bodhisattva should have been worshipped, Zhou Yi's photos appeared!


Other netizens also published photos of their "Bai" Zhou Yi... In the university dormitory, a group of people were kneeling on Zhou Yi's photo to make a bow, and each person posted a picture of Taiji gossip on the back. Printed paper, and the two sides of the photo read: "let's believe in Zhou Yi, do not hang the subject; worship Zhou Yi, get Bao Yan."


   Others said that the source of the mysterious power of Zhou Yi should be from the Book of Changes. Because in fact, the "Book of Changes" is the general term for the three books, namely "Lianshan" in the Xia Dynasty, "Gui Zang" in the Shang Dynasty and "Zhouyi" in the Zhou Dynasty. The first two books have been lost, only "Zhouyi" has been circulating so far, so we have every reason to believe that after thousands of years of cultivation, "Zhouyi" has developed into a human form, and then ran to play football...


   netizens reposted one after another, saying "reasonable and well-founded, convincing" "scientific and rigorous, touching"...


   So what does Zhou Yi think about this phenomenon of large-scale "filming him" online?


   In the middle of the night, he posted a Weibo: "I said you worship me, please worship me, can you stop using black and white photos? Watching the Internet today, I was shocked and thought I hung it!"


This micro-blog was quickly reposted by netizens-"23333333", "red and blue", "Zhou Yi confused face.JPG" "Poof, the wizard spoke, those who used black and white photos, be careful to be repulsed! "


The next day during the day, the official Weibo account of the People’s Daily posted a Weibo, saying: "Let's see how a football star became a "net celebrity"?" A link was sent at the end, clicked in and found out that it turned out It is a commentator article in the electronic version of People's Daily!


The article discussed Zhou Yi's "popularity" incident on the Internet in a very serious and serious tone. First, he described the course of events to the readers. At the same time, he also introduced the previous large-scale online carnival that happened to Zhou Yi. Then I started a comment, mainly discussing why such things always happen to Zhou Yi.


"...Before Zhou Yi appeared, the image of Chinese football players was generally negative. It cannot be said that Zhou Yi's own efforts to reverse the image of professional players in everyone's minds, but Zhou Yi did bring a lot of changes. He may be The most popular domestic football player, and there are no negative comments on him at all, which is even more commendable, so why is this, and why is Zhou Yi?"


"Zhou Yi is different from the professional players we know. He has not been trained in the echelon of any professional football club in the first 17 years of his life, nor has he given up his education to play football. He is just an ordinary student from elementary school. To junior high school, then to high school. He received complete compulsory education, and relatively complete high school education. He once said in an interview that before becoming a professional player, he was an ordinary fan, an ordinary student. I think it may be This experience gives him and his fans the same feelings and ideas, and the distance is not so far away."


"... Closeness is Zhou Yi's biggest impression. Whether it is a reporter interviewing him or an ordinary fan, everyone feels that there is no shelf in Zhou Yi. It is very easy to be approached, and the normal and reasonable requirements can always be met. In addition, Zhou Yi also uses social media to interact frequently with fans on the Internet, and the tone and way of speaking are no different from ordinary netizens, and the topics discussed are closely related to the popular on the Internet...all of these, all Gives a sense of'grounding'. People will forget that he is actually a professional player with a superb level..."


"But if it's just a personality, can Zhou Yi be so loved by national fans? As a professional player, Zhou Yi first has excellent ability and high professional ethics, which makes him deeply loved by fans... good character It’s just a footnote for his excellent ability...Although some people ridiculed Zhou Yi has become a'net but we also have to soberly realize that he is first a professional football player. If you can’t do your job If you are good, your character will not be popular anymore...According to the reaction of Dortmund players and coaches, Zhou Yi is the hardest and most serious in his usual training. Since he became a professional player, he has never been late for a day of training or left early. However, the starting point is lower than others, but he finally achieved higher achievements than most people. It is precisely because of his hard work and seriousness. We are excited about every topic caused by Zhou Yi. At the same time, please don’t forget his hard work behind the scenery..."


   After reading this commentator article, many netizens exclaimed: "I rely on it, Zhou Yi is red to the center..."


   "It is said that I really like football this time, it seems to be true..."


   "The Central People's Government issued a call to learn from Comrade Zhou Yi..."


  People also posted a picture of learning from Lei Feng's good example, but just replaced Lei Feng's avatar with Zhou Yi's, and replaced the slogan with "Learning from Zhou Yi's good example."


   The online carnival because of Zhou Yi continues...

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