Champion’s Heart

Vol 3 Chapter 162: Cool

  After the game, Mark Wagner was stopped by the reporters in the mixed zone. He scored twice in this game, and this was only his second UEFA Champions League group match. ? ???.?1?????s.

  Although he has only participated in two Champions League games, he has scored three goals and is now the number one scorer in Dortmund's Champions League.

   always scores in the limelight, so Mark is very popular with reporters.

  However, during the interview, Mark focused on Zhou Yi instead of himself.

"...I can pull back, I want to thank Zhou Yi, he is our spiritual pillar! At halftime, he shared with us a story, telling us, no matter how powerful the opponent is facing What a difficult situation, as long as you don’t give up, there will be a miracle. You also saw our performance in the second half, this is the result we did not give up! I am very happy to be a teammate with Zhou Yi, he helped me a lot... "

   "So it's actually Zhou Yi's credit for actually getting it back?" the reporter asked.

   Mark nodded without hesitation: "Yes! It's all his credit!"

Next, they interviewed Subotic. Subotic also mentioned Zhou Yi: "Zhou Yi's speech at halftime inspired us. He is a remarkable person. It's hard to imagine that he is so young, but he can have Such ability..."

Weidenfeller stated that he was saved by Zhou Yi: "He is my life-saving benefactor! I am not exaggerating to say this! When I was sent off, when I saw the team behind four goals in the locker room, I’m looking for a rope to hang in the locker room! But the second half... I’m glad I didn’t do that in the first half! It’s great! I’m sorry that the red card brought such a big amount to the team Trouble……"

  Everyone is talking about Zhou Yi, so what does Zhou Yi say?

   "What caused the team's two different performances in the first and second half?" The reporters asked first.

   "It was an accident to lose four goals in the first half, not our true level. It was only in the second half. If there were no accidents in the first half, this game would not be played like this." Zhou Yi replied.

   "But there are always all kinds of accidents in football games..."

   "Yes, so I am proud of the team's performance. This shows that we are a collective that has combat power regardless of any accidents." Zhou Yi nodded.

   Zhou Yi and other teammates seem to say something different. He did not do it alone, but said in a low-key and modest way that this is all collective credit.

   So a reporter told him what his teammates said about him, and listening to Zhou Yi laughed.

   Seeing Zhou Yixiao, the reporters asked, "Are they saying the truth?"

Zhou Yi scratched his head: "'s nothing. I just did a little bit of work, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning, ha! The most important thing is the team. Football is a collective sport, lacking A good team support, no matter how good the individual is. It is useless to thank everyone in our team for this game. Without them, there would be no game..."

   Press conference after the game. Klopp also mentioned the same view as Zhou Yi. Although he also praised Zhou Yi's performance, he finally fell on the team.

"Zhou Yi, Mark, Goetze, Kagawa Shinji, Sven Bender...everyone I mentioned or did not mention, they made up this Dortmund. They are the reason why we can even the score at the last moment The reason. I am very happy. Although the game was very hard, but I harvested a very combative team, which is more important than anything." Klopp said with a smile, very happy .


   The next day, German and European media were reporting the game last night.

"Gazzetta dello Sport": "... An unexpected match was played at the Meazza Stadium last night. Dortmund's performance in the first half made everyone think they had lost, but the second half was a sudden change... … Inter Milan did not win the game at the best time, Benitez was criticized after the game, but this time, I think Benitez is of course responsible, but can not take full responsibility, Inter Milan’s Players are also responsible for a large part of their responsibility! They played too freely after leading four goals... Of course, we would like to congratulate Dortmund for being able to tie the score in such an unfavorable situation. Their tenacity allows us to see the football Charm-nothing is impossible!"

"Kicker": "The Dortmund game shocked a lot of people on the road. Who can think they can chase the score back in such a bad situation? I even think if they give 10 minutes more, they will not finish An amazing reversal? Know that in the history of the Champions League, the reversal has never been completed with four goals behind, never! No matter whether it is in a game or in two rounds. Such a situation has not occurred. Go! So, Dortmund played a great game!"

"Photo": "Awesome Klopp! Awesome Dortmund! Awesome Eastern wizard Zhou Yi! He is really like a witch wizard, directing this great reversal! In an interview after the game, Almost all Dortmund players will mention Zhou Yi’s contribution to this reversal. We can also see his credit in the game. I can even say that if there is no Zhou Yi. There will be no 4:4 game..."

"Team News": "Last night, a great game was born in the Champions League group stage. Dortmund, who was in the ten-man battle, caught up in the second half with the dead ball behind. At the last moment of the game, the score was equalized! The game was ups and downs, full of emotions, and people were hooked. In the end, although Dortmund did not win the game, when they left Meazza, they were like winners..."

"Roman Sports": "Inter Milan blamed themselves! Dortmund won applause and cheers, and left with a high head. If this is the Champions League knockout, then Inter Milan has been eliminated, and they personally buried their good situation. Since Beni Since Tes succeeded Mourinho, the Spanish tactical master has been controversial, and this game will undoubtedly continue this controversy..."

   is different from the European media that pay more attention to collective reporting. In China, Zhou Yi has quickly become the front page headline of major media.

  Whether it is a traditional newspaper or a new online media, Zhou Yi has been mentioned again and again, and has been held up to the sky.

   "... Zhou Yi directed this great game!"

   "Two assists and one goal, Zhou Yi conquers Meazza!"

   "Who dares to cross the sword immediately? Only me General Zhou Da!"

   "Zhou Yi teaches the whole team of Inter Milan-don't pretend to be forced. Pretend to be thundered!"

   "Hao Dong: Zhou Yi's performance is not unexpected, this is his due strength."


   has caused a very heated discussion on Weibo. This day is simply a carnival for Zhou Yi fans. Who can make the defending champion so embarrassed? Only Zhou Yi!

  Zhou Jianliang and Li Cuiyun also followed his son's light. In the unit, it has received countless praises and praises. Regardless of whether these compliments are sincere, but at least it shows that their son is so strong that others cannot ignore or disdain.


   And in such a hustle and bustle, Zhou Yi himself was very low-key, the next day of the game. He took a good sleep in his place... lazy.

   didn't get up until almost noon.

   Yesterday's game really tired him.

   Tired of him, he didn't continue training in the virtual space and slept dreamlessly until the next morning.

   came back from Milan all night, he went directly to bed. As for what happened to Guo Nu's guests...there was a tie, who was invited, no one lost or won.

   After getting up, he dressed and went to the bathroom to wash. He was surprised that Konnata was still in the room.

   "Huh? You didn't go to class?"

   "No class this morning." Cortana put down the book and looked back at him.

   originally said this sentence, Cortana should pick up the book again and continue to read her book, but this time. She was still looking at Zhou Yi.

   Zhou Yi felt strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

   "Suddenly want to ask, how did you feel when you scored yesterday?" Cortana asked, tilting her head.

   Zhou Yi froze for a moment, then frowned: "It's hard to say clearly, just be happy. Why are you suddenly interested in this issue? Don't you like football?"

   "It's just curious, isn't it?" Cortana asked back.

"Xing Xing Xing." Zhou Yi nodded quickly, and then said: "I can't describe that feeling to you in words. It may require you to experience it in person. Anyway, I feel very cool and cool. It's like It's the same."

   Hearing what he described, Cortana couldn't help but give Zhou Yi a glance.

   "Is there anything else to ask?"

   Cortana shook her head: "It's gone."

   "Then I went to wash." Zhou Yi finished and turned and walked into the bathroom.

   Cortana looked at the bathroom door closed by him and fell into contemplation.


  When Dortmund resumed training. Outside the training ground, they saw the banners raised by the fans.

   read: "Thank you for not giving let us appreciate a great game!"

   This is the encouragement of the fans to the team.

   When players are training, they can't help but glance at their eyes, and they are very happy.

  After such a game, what kind of praise do they have now. Can afford.

  After the training, Zhou Yi surrounded many fans. Not all of them came to Zhou Yi to sign for a group photo. Many people did not sign or take a group photo.

   Fans use this simple way to express their love for Zhou Yi.

  The club's general manager, Zorke, who saw this scene outside, couldn't help but plan something in his mind.

   That was Dortmund's trip to Asia.

   There are now two players from Asia in the Dortmund formation, and their performances are very good and the popularity is very high. One is Zhou Yi, a Chinese player, and the other is Kagawa Shinji, a Japanese player.

  Especially Zhou Yi, with such high popularity in Germany, it is hard to imagine how popular he is in his own country. China is a country with a large population and a terrible market for 1.4 billion people!

   After the end of this season, I really want to go to East Asia for a lap, I believe I will make a lot of money!

  Thinking of this, Zolke's mouth is almost grinning to the ear... (to be continued.)

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