Champion’s Heart

Vol 3 Chapter 110: significance

What Zhou Yi and Shultze may not know is that the contract they signed with CK-Jeans has an extraordinary meaning to the history of Chinese football.

Because this is the first endorsement contract signed by a Chinese player from a well-known foreign brand since 2007, and it is also a non-sports category.

In many countries, sports stars are endorsement stars favored by advertisers and recognized by the market.

Because sports events have a high degree of attention in society, so do sports stars.

In China, there is a very obvious phenomenon, that is, the obvious appeal of sports is not proportional to its achievements in the professional field. They are very good in their respective fields, and even world-class sports stars are not as good as those entertainment stars in business appeal.

But this is not necessarily the case in other countries. In Japan, golf players and baseball stars are among the best in the advertising rewards rankings, squeezing entertainment stars.

In the Chinese sports world, celebrities such as basketball, tennis, swimming, badminton, etc., can get some personal endorsement contracts outside of sports brands.

But football stars don't even think about it.

In fact, before 2003, Chinese football stars had a good time earning millions of millions of advertising revenue a year.

In 2001, after the Chinese team successfully reached the World Cup finals in the top ten, the national team coach Milutinovic won a large number of sponsorship contracts that are not related to football, including what DVD, liquor, air conditioning Ah this kind of brand.

At that time, most of the national team players also had advertising endorsements.

At the time, Hao Dong, who was also the number one striker of the national team, was China's number one star. The media reported that in 1998, his advertising revenue had exceeded seven million yuan.

In 2001, Dalian star Li Ming became the spokesperson for a local luxury real estate.

Sun Hai advertises motorcycles.

Central defender Li Weifeng endorsed a graphics card. Guomen Jiangjing endorsed the medicine.

The striker Yang Chen, who played in the Bundesliga Frankfurt at the time, was the player with the most advertisements in the national team due to his outstanding performance and handsome appearance in the Bundesliga, and also all international big names, such as Coca-Cola, Puma and Duracell Wait.

Pepsi was eager to promote it in the Chinese market at that time, and also found several internationals to shoot a classic TV commercial.

In short, at that time, you can always see the advertisements of internationals on TV.

But in the next few years, the boom in player endorsement has cooled sharply. Several players playing in Europe can also get some commercial endorsement contracts. Sun Hai, who played for Manchester City, has the most brilliant overseas experience. So he always had an advertising contract before leaving Manchester City. Including large mobile phone chain companies, online games, seafood. Even a family car.

In 2007, Ma Xiaoxu, who is the head of the women's football team, could also endorse the Suzuki's Jimny SUV.

But that was the last Chinese player’s endorsement contract from a non-sports brand abroad.

After three consecutive missed World Cup qualifiers, Chinese men's football players, currently only the former national team captain Zheng Zhi can also get an independent Adidas sponsorship contract. But nevertheless. His advertising endorsement value is not great, only between two million and five million yuan.

And Zhou Yi?

Only CK-Jeans has an endorsement contract. A year will bring him a bonus of 8 million yuan in income!

Even if you don't look at the brand of this contract, but also the value of the contract, Zhou Yi is now the first person in Chinese football.

The main reason for the low advertising value of Chinese players for a long time is naturally related to their own football level, the Chinese football environment and the poor national football performance.

In the eyes of the general public. Chinese men's football players have no good image at all. Therefore, it is impossible for Chinese domestic merchants to find these players to speak for their own brands. The risk is too great. To know the darkest years of Chinese football. Even the appearance of watching the national team's game is more disgraceful than watching the Japanese AV, so it can be seen how miserable the image of Chinese football is in the minds of the people.

Others have compiled sections suitable for the national football endorsement. For example, condom companies can find the national football striker endorsement. The slogan is: "Who can't shoot for 90 minutes? I can!"

It was really dirty and owed, but it well reflected the society's view of Chinese players at that time.

therefore. On TV, newspapers and magazines, and outdoor advertisements, you can see that a lot of second- and third-line entertainment can clearly show a bright smile next to a certain trademark, but can't see any Chinese football players appear there.

And Zhou Yi now signs this endorsement contract with American fashion brands. To show everyone that as long as you play well and have a reliable agent, the commercial endorsement contract will still find Chinese football players.

After all, football has an extremely powerful appeal.


In addition to CK_Jeans' endorsement contract, Shultzer told Zhou Yi that other contracts are still being negotiated and have not been negotiated.

Because there are too many companies to come to Zhou Yi at the same time, he is really availed by himself, but he can't arrange it, he can only push the schedule backward.

Although he explained the reason for this arrangement to the other party, the other party thought that he was a bargaining tool, and some people worried that he would be left behind, and there would be no chance at all, so he desperately increased the quotation, hoping to impress Schulzer Zhou Yi.

If Schultzer was not a principled broker, he would really kneel when he saw the endorsement fee as crazy as the auction-the Chinese are so rich!

Yes, all this is done by brands and companies from China. They are probably more aware of the value of Zhou Yi in the Chinese market than Schultzer.

Not only is Zhou Yi's outstanding performance in the Bundesliga and the positive image in the media, but also because he is a beacon of Chinese football in the darkest period, he can bring shock and economic benefits to the market far beyond The value he deserves.

Think about it. At the time when Chinese football was at its most sluggish, he suddenly emerged and suddenly attracted all the people who were dissatisfied and fond of Chinese football to him. What a terrifying appeal?

Only in the environment of Chinese football, where the night is long and the sky is gone, may the value of Zhou Yi be so understood.

For this reason, they may be willing to spend more money.

But Schultzer was unwilling.

He has a master plan for Zhou Yi's personal image. It doesn't mean that anyone who wants to sign can sign. Any brand company can make a fuss about Zhou Yi's image. Some things will not change for how much money.

He adhered to his bottom line and principles. Many companies that have actually bid very high are rejected.

For this reason, he also explained why he did so. I told Zhou Yi and I got Zhou Yi's understanding and support.

As long as there is long-term vision and scientific planning, money can never be made.

And now there is one more important thing than fishing in China, and that is signing with sports brand sponsors.

In the football world. There are many brands, but not many are world-class.

The most famous are Adidas and Nike.

These two are rivals in the football world. The grievances and grudges between them were unclear for three days and three nights.

But this time, they are not the main characters.

The first concern about Zhou Yi is not Adidas or Nike, but Puma, Dortmund's jersey sponsor.

After all, it has the advantage of being near the water.

Therefore, Puma is the most actively wanting to sign a contract with Zhou Yi.

With Zhou Yi's performance more and more. He attracted more people's attention, and giant crocodiles such as Adidas and Nike were naturally attracted.

At the beginning, Schulzer hoped that the three would fight. Fighting for the best of your life and death, when he and Zhou Yi take advantage of the left-hand fisherman.

But the three companies are not stupid, it is not so easy to be led by the broker.

Every company has a new talented player. Will make a relatively comprehensive assessment of this player to assess his current ability. Predict his future ability.

This detailed assessment report determines how much business value this new genius can bring to the enterprise, and how much the enterprise is worth spending on him.

Yes, unlike the cases of digging into famous stars from competitors. For young geniuses who are constantly flocking every year now, giants such as Nike and Adidas are also signing up for gambling.

You win if you gamble, and you lose... it's not very good. Anyway, such a big company can still afford to lose, but it will definitely feel a bit frustrating.

For Zhou Yi, they all made an assessment.

This evaluation report determines how much confidence they will have in Zhou Yi and how much money and resources they are willing to pay for Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi's performance in the first season is very prominent, the data tells everything. This is why Nike and Adidas come to him.

The media and fans cheered Zhou Yi every week. However, the professional teams of Nike and Adidas can not be led by the media. They should keep a calm mind in the cheers and carefully analyze this person.

While Zhou Yi's performance is outstanding, the shortcomings are also very obvious.

For example, his technical characteristics are relatively simple, which is very obvious from his game. Short pass is his best, but otherwise there is no more means. In addition, his body is thin, and his physical fitness is not up to standard. A 19-year-old player has to be replaced in advance in most games, indicating that his physical problems are indeed serious.

So such a young man with extremely outstanding also has extremely outstanding shortcomings, what will be his future?

Both Nike and Adidas believe that Zhou Yi has the possibility of success, but the greater possibility is that it is not so successful. That is to say, he has very distinctive characteristics and can gain a place in football, but if he wants to become a particularly successful player, it is far from the point.

Because it is very important.

In today's football, the requirements for players are becoming more and more comprehensive, a player with distinctive characteristics, but also with many shortcomings is difficult to become a big player. However, those players with distinctive characteristics and no shortcomings will succeed. Even those players with no distinctive characteristics but no weaknesses may achieve greater achievements than Zhou Yi.

Physical fitness is particularly important. A player with poor physical fitness can achieve some results based on his strangeness when he debuts, but once his opponent knows him, he may not be able to show his dazzling performance like the first season .

Such an example, in the world football, everyone has seen how many times.

Will it repeat itself in Zhou Yi? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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