Champion’s Heart

Vol 3 Chapter 86: Is it useless to stay on the field?

Soon, about three minutes later, when a dead ball situation appeared on the court, the fourth official on the sideline raised the sign.

And Humels stood beside the fourth official, ready to play.

"Ah, it seems that Zhou Yi is about to be replaced..." Duan Xin had some regrets. When he said that, the TV broadcast also gave close-up shots to Zhou Yi's face.

Even the game director knew that Zhou Yi was going to be replaced, so he gave Zhou Yi a shot.

"In any case, the performance is still very good. I think even if Dortmund lost the ball, he can not be responsible for the failure." Tao Wei said. "The first Derby in the Ruhr area, but without any stage fright. Zhou Yi's performance is gratifying."

"But after Zhou Yi got off the court, Dortmund's offense..." Duan Xin was worried.

"This is no way, Zhou Yi's physical fitness has always been his short board. Staying on the court, if you can't run, it's useless." Tao Wei said.

"Ah, this is really..." Duan Xin sighed regretfully. Although he is a supporter of Bayern Munich, when it has nothing to do with Bayern Munich's interests, he still hopes that Dortmund can win. After all, Zhou Yi is a Dortmund player.

Zhou Jianliang in front of the TV set is also very regrettable, even if it is a normal game, the key is the Derby in the Ruhr area!

In such a crucial game, his son had to leave early due to physical reasons. How could it be regrettable to be a father?

But what's the use of regret?

Marcel Leif is also summing up Zhou Yi's performance in this game: "It looks like Zhou Yi is going to be replaced. His performance in this game is very good, Dortmund can now tie Schalke 04, can Said Zhou Yi was indispensable. A forcible breakthrough into the penalty area resulted in a foul by Schalke 04 defender Bordon. A back-to-back assist for Barrios. This was Zhou Yi’s first participation in the Dortmund first team The Derby in the Ruhr District can be said that regardless of the final result of this game, Zhou Yi can score a high score!"


"Zhou Yi's performance is already very good! Very amazing!" Mrs. Wagner said in front of the TV, while applauding, ∈≌style_; applause for Zhou Yi in advance.

Mark shot louder, and nodded desperately, agreeing.

Cortana, sitting on the sofa, pouted, and began to think in her heart that after Zhou Yi got off the court, he should no longer have to hear his mother and brother endlessly touting the kid?


Just when everyone thought that Zhou Yi would be replaced, the reality surprised them all-after the fourth official raised the sign, it showed the number 27 of Santana to be replaced, But the player number to be replaced next to him is not Zhou Yi's "23", but... "15"!

This is Humels' number!

"Is Zhou Yi replaced?" Marcel Leif was surprised.

"Don't Zhou Yi replaced?" Duan Xin was still excited when he was surprised.

Zhou Yi was left on the court, which means more possibilities, but also means that Chinese fans can enjoy Zhou Yi's performance for a while!

They were not surprised that Hummels was replaced because Hummels was really not in a good game. It should be replaced. Even if according to their previous expectations, Zhou Yi was replaced in this substitution and Humels should also be replaced in the next substitution.

They don't care much about Humels being replaced. They care more about Zhou Yi being left on the court.

"Is this what Zhou Yi just communicated with Klopp? I just don't know whether this is Zhou Yi's decision or Klopp's decision...but anyway, Zhou Yi staying on the court is for our Chinese fans. A good thing!" Duan Xin said excitedly.


Schalke 04 coach Magath originally thought Zhou Yi should be replaced. He plans to make adjustments after this substitution to allow the team to siege Shaxin.

But to his surprise, Hu Meiers was replaced, not Zhou Yi!

He turned his head and glanced at Klopp on the coach seat next door.

This is not a draw, do you still want to win?

But Zhou Yi's physical fitness problem can't get around...

Even if Zhou Yi is left on the court, there will be nothing to do in the last period of time. What's the use?

In Magat's view, Klopp did not replace Zhou Yi at this time, obviously there are some ambitions for this game. But Magath is not afraid of anything, because with Zhou Yi's physical fitness, even if he continues to stay on the court, it will not help Dortmund. Instead, it will become a drag on Dortmund, so that Dortmund is one less person in the game.

He even thinks that the turning point of this game may be Klopp's decision. Since he decided to leave Zhou Yi on the court, Dortmund has lost!


Seeing Hu Meiers replaced, instead of Zhou Yi, Sha Xin was also surprised.

He turned his head to look at Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi smiled at him: "Remember to pass me a while, Nuri."

Sha Xin asked in surprise: "Can you still run?"

"I will not lose the chain at a critical moment." Zhou Yi did not answer Sha Xin's question positively, so Sha Xin still had some doubts.

But if He Ying, Yang Muge, Sun Pan, and Guo Nu could hear Zhou Yi's words on the spot, they would not have any doubts about this.

When they were shooting the reality show, Zhou Yi proved more than once that he was a reliable teammate at a critical moment.


Although Zhou Yi stayed on the court, he did face physical problems. Everyone had doubts about his gaze, and it was a risky act for Klopp to keep Zhou Yi on the court.

So will Zhou Yi disappoint Klopp?

In Zhou Yi's own opinion, physical fitness is a problem, but it is not a terrible problem.

Although there is no physical punishment in the virtual space, Zhou Yi is still demanding himself according to the physical fitness law in reality. Improving physical fitness is not an overnight matter and requires long-term accumulation. So before quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, do you feel comfortable accepting the setting of playing only 70 minutes per game?

Of course Zhou Yi would not accept it this way.

He has been practicing how to extend his playing time as much as possible under limited physical conditions.

The total amount of physical fitness is fixed, and the game time is also fixed. So how to make the most efficient use of physical fitness in a fixed unit time? This is the subject of Zhou Yi's research and experiment when he plays in the simulation space again and again.

Simply put, it is to learn to allocate physical fitness reasonably.

When should I run and when should I go? When is the fast pace and when is the slow pace?

Didn't fitness coach Bartlett say it? The physical fitness of a football game is not just the ability to run, but the recovery ability of the body.

And how to rationally arrange the body to restore physical fitness in the game is also a required course for high-level professional players.

If Zhou Yi wants to become the world's top player, this lesson must be learned.

No one told him exactly what to do. He started self-study in the simulation space. Anyway, he could repeat a lot of games in a short period of time, and he had enough opportunities for experiment and practice.

Unlike when he was in the reality show, he was at the core of the team's midfield at that time, and because the strength of his teammates and opponents is too different, he has to deal with the ball frequently. So he had to keep running.

But in Dortmund, his teammates are also very high-level, such as Gross Kreuz, such as Sahin. He doesn't have to always catch and pass the ball. It could even last a few minutes without him touching the ball.

What does he do when he doesn't touch the ball?

Jog, or even walk.

Aerobic exercise allows the body to break down lactic acid and glycogen through aerobic metabolism, thereby supplementing the body's energy.

In the continuous simulation competition, Zhou Yi found the right timing and rhythm to supplement physical fitness.

In the beginning, when he had no experience, he often needed to accelerate and rush forward, but still stayed behind to rest. As a result, he missed the opportunity and slowed the team's offensive rhythm. Or, when you don’t need a lot of sprinting and running, you run all over the field, so that your physical energy is consumed in vain, and you are weak when you really need it.

After continuous practice, Zhou Yi has accumulated a lot of experience in this regard.

At the beginning of this game, Zhou Yi deliberately made a reasonable allocation of physical fitness.

For example, in the first half, Zhou Yi basically didn't play well because he was constantly being knocked down by his opponents.

Many people only watched the first half, and they certainly felt that Zhou Yi's physical confrontation ability was really weak and almost collapsed after a collision.

That's why Schalke 04 fans were so dissatisfied with Zhou Yi's fall in the penalty area and winning a penalty for Dortmund. Because they think that Zhou Yi's many falls before it were too exaggerated, and there is a suspicion of falling. This time, the fall in the penalty area is even more a fall.

But in fact Zhou Yi is not a fake.

He just didn't waste his strength and physical strength to play "wrestling" with his opponent.

If he thinks he can't keep his balance, Zhou Yi will basically fall to the ground. Of course, before falling to the ground, he will try to poke the football away, to avoid the situation that if the referee does not play Schalke 04 foul, he will easily hand over the ball.

The downside of this is that Zhou Yi looks almost unbearable. But there is a hidden benefit, that is, save a lot of energy for Zhou Yi. To know that physical confrontation also requires energy consumption.

Zhou Yi keeps falling, and his energy consumption is less than the whole game.

So now his physical reserve has not reached the red line yet.

If Schalke 04 thinks he can't run anymore and can only take a walk on the court, he doesn't mind giving Schalke 04 fans a spree.


PS, to tell the friends of the book shortage a good news-Zhang Xiaohua has opened a new book!

That is Zhang Xiaohua who once wrote "The First Chaos in History"! Speaking of that, when I wrote "The Godfather of the Champions", I saw Xiaohua's "The First Chaos in History". . My stomach hurts and I can't stop it.

That may be the most hilarious book I have seen on the Also because of this book, I have met Xiaohua, who have been spelling together, chatting and farting for so many years, I have witnessed His process from monster to no one to mess with me.

Now, after waiting for almost a year, his new book "Invincible King Xiaojun" has finally been uploaded!

This is the great gospel of my pollen, so I can’t wait to share it with my friends.

If you like a relaxed and happy style, then Xiaohua's book can't be missed.

PS2, I think this name makes you speechless, please remember that this name was obtained by the unreliable person of Butterfly Blue!

ps3, but I personally like the name... right.

Finally, please invite yourself to "Invincible King Xiaojun"!


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