Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 847 Invincible

Turkic court.

"Khan, Que Teqin is openly encroaching on our Leshan grassland, don't you plan to take care of it?" A burly man with a long beard stood in front of Tuli Khan and made a speech, almost slobbering. To fall on Tuli's face.

Tuli Khan sat on the throne and listened silently, making it impossible to understand what he was thinking.

Que Teqin stood on the other side with a smile, as if the person who was being sued at the moment was not him.

"Borgo, Ben Khan knows what you said. However, Ben Khan can't just listen to your one-sided words and punish Youxian King. He must send someone to investigate before he can make a decision." Tuli Khan said slowly. Huan said, "There must be some misunderstanding, and you don't have to be too indignant."

"What Khan said is very true." Que Teqin smiled and cupped his hands.

Borgo blushed with anger, and seemed to want to say something more, but finally, after others gave him winks, he restrained himself and died down.

With this precedent, others did not stand up in vain to accuse Que Teqin of being arrogant and domineering. The Turkic court, which was modeled on the Tang system, ended in such a trivial way.

Tuli Khan watched the officials in front of him disperse, and his gaze involuntarily stayed on Que Teqin's back for a while longer.

"Khan, is this how you tolerate King Youxian?" the loyal servant couldn't help but ask.

Tuli Khan smiled wryly, and said, "If you don't tolerate it, what can you do?"

Que Teqin already held the military power in his hands and was very powerful. During this period of time, I don't know where I got so much funding, further recruited troops, and bought several other big tribes. The power in his hands far exceeds that of Tuli.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still a few tribes loyal to the Ashina family in the royal court, barely maintaining the balance between Tuli Khan and Quetqin in the court, I am afraid that Tuli Khan would have become a prisoner long ago.

Moreover, this fatal balance has been in a very dangerous situation from the beginning, and now it is constantly leaning more and more towards Que Teqin. His behavior in the court has also become more and more inflated, he is always like a bison who will contradict his master, which makes Tuli tremble with fear.

The courtiers accused Que Teqin of being domineering, so Tuli, as king, had to deal with Que Teqin. But he actually didn't have this ability, so he could only use the word "drag" to avoid conflict with Que Teqin. This is the way to quench thirst with poison.

Every delay like this weakened the Khan's authority and boosted Quetqin's ambitions. If things go on like this, sooner or later, Que Teqin will be unable to hold back and this day is getting closer and closer visible to the naked eye.

Que Teqin's strength will continue to grow, but Tuli's power will not. Except for the support of a few veterans who control the royal capital's imperial army, almost no one in the court will fall to him. Even the royal court's guards, I heard that some people began to secretly contact Que Teqin. This news made Tuli almost restless.

If he can't quickly figure out a way to break the situation, it is estimated that his head will not stay on his neck for too long.

Thinking of this, Tuli waved his hands and said, "You all go out first. Let Ben Khan be alone."

The guard gave the king a worried look, and left the king's tent with other guards obediently.

Tuli sat on the throne with his head down for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

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