Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 762 Short Arrow

After washing and dressing up, Li Xin and Chen Youlan came to the dining room together. Cui Yingying was already waiting here. The whole family of Prince Chu's Mansion came to Lantian County for vacation, so there was no reason not to take her with them. However, she slept alone in another room.

"Eat first if you arrive first." Li Xin said with a smile.

"The prince is not here, how dare I move my chopsticks?" Cui Yingying half-jokingly said. After her request to go to Turkic with Li Xin was rejected, she was really sad for a while. Fortunately, with Chen Youlan's help to enlighten her, she gradually thought about it.

Li Xin sat down and said, "Then I'm here now, eat quickly. Don't starve you to death."

The three had breakfast talking and laughing. Li Xin planned to go out for a walk. Chen Youlan was a little lazy and didn't like to move, so she refused. Cui Yingying wanted to follow, but in the end she decided to stay and take care of Chen Youlan. Therefore, Li Xin had no choice but to leave the house with Wang Gui reluctantly.

The two of them walked along the small roads in Lantian County with two or three guards. Li Xin was always in a slightly unhappy mood—and it was normal. Originally, standing beside him should be the pleasing Chen Youlan, not a hindrance Watching Wang Gui. I believe that any man will be a little bit unmotivated in the face of such a gap.

Wang Gui was always cheerful. He's always like that, looks like he doesn't care about anything, but you know all the time that he's in control of the situation.

Li Xin once asked Wang Gui curiously how high his martial arts was.

Wang Gui waved his hands with a smile, and said, "It's not very tall. It means within ten steps, everyone's life and death are under my control."

Li Xin didn't really understand what this meant, but he didn't have the nerve to ask. Anyway, as long as he knows, staying by Wang Gui's side is safe.

A group of people wandered aimlessly around the village, saying hello to all the villagers they met along the way. No one saluted or knelt down in a gesture of trepidation. Because the long-term relationship has let these villagers know: his prince doesn't like this, he prefers to greet everyone affectionately, there is no need to make so many tricks.

Of course, this by no means means that the folks have no respect for Li Xin.

The truth is quite the opposite. The folks respect Li Xin beyond measure. It's just that they understand that this respect only needs to be kept in their hearts, and no matter how great the etiquette is, it is impossible to express it clearly. Only when the prince needs them, they try their best to repay the prince.

Looking at the living conditions of the villagers, Li Xin felt very comfortable.

Hardworking people should live a prosperous life. This is fairness. Fairness leads to happiness. Seeing such a happy picture, Li Xin was full of a sense of accomplishment. Without being too modest, he is the creator of this scene, and no one can deny it.

"Wang Gui, look at this." Li Xin turned his head to look at Wang Gui, pointed at a child not far away, excitedly about to say something, but suddenly saw a gleam of light in Wang Gui's eyes.

This was the first time he saw the icy coldness in Wang Gui's eyes that always seemed a bit muddy.

Before Li Xin could react, he felt that his body was pushed sideways by a huge force, crashed into the arms of the guard next to him, and hit the ground.

He looked at Wang Gui in surprise, watched Wang Gui raise his right hand, and lightly caught a short arrow.

An extremely sharp short arrow.

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