Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 721: Onlookers

The first person to ask was a young man in a blue gown. His clothes were patched and looked a bit shabby, but they were never messy, and he looked neat and energetic.

Frankly speaking, Li Xin quite likes this temperament.

After reading the introduction on the sign, the man asked, "Brother, may I ask what kind of department this Department of Science is? And what is the position of the so-called 'graduate student'? What do you usually do? Is it the same?" Do you study scriptures like Guozijian?"

Li Xin shook his head with a smile, and said, "No. The Ministry of Science does not study scriptures."

The young man froze for a moment, and said, "Then?"

"The study is how to understand and use the knowledge of nature." Li Xin replied.

The young man was puzzled.

After all, Li Xin had already publicized the importance of the Ministry of Science in front of so many people, and now he talked with ease in front of this young man without any pressure. Starting from the laws of nature, he puts forward the importance of understanding these laws of nature.

The young man had only read the "round sky and place" mentioned in some classics before, and thought that the sun, moon and stars in the sky were just a certain kind of energy. He had never heard such a novel explanation by Li Xin, so he couldn't help being a little interested.

Li Xin asked with a smile: "What's your name?"

"My ancestor repairs the text." The young man replied generously.

The two chatted on these issues again, and soon many scholars gathered to watch the excitement.

As the highest institution in the empire, it is not easy to enroll in the Imperial College. A considerable number of people could not get the quota of Guozijian, but Guozijian did not refuse these people to sit in. Therefore, many people would choose to pay some money and sit in the Imperial College for a period of time even if they did not get the admission permit. It's pretty much an open secret.

While talking, Li Xin looked at the scholars surrounding him without leaving a trace. He dared to say that most of these people were auditors of the Imperial Academy.

The reason is simple: the students of Guozijian are more or less in the mood of wunderkind, they think they are the pride of heaven, and they are extremely proud of their status as students of Guozijian. To put it bluntly, it is a bit of an eye above the top. When they saw someone like Li Xin poaching people at the entrance of the Imperial College in the name of the "Ministry of Science", most of the time they reacted as funny.

What shit science department? Running to the gate of the Imperial College to poach people? It really makes people lose their teeth.

How could it be possible for people with such a mentality to gather around Li Xin and listen to these rhetoric that have nothing to do with Classics and History? I'm afraid there is a high probability that he will laugh in his heart, and then walk away quickly, right?

Therefore, the circle of people around Li Xin at this moment is exactly the target group he wants to recruit-literate and have some basic common sense. In addition, they were attracted by Li Xin's words, which just showed that they were not so attached to Confucianism, and their brains were not rigid. If they could receive relatively complete scientific training, they would definitely be the main force of the Academy of Sciences in the future!

While dealing with the problems of these young people, Li Xin couldn't help but imagine the future of the Science Department, and a smile appeared on his face.

He said: "... All in all, the Department of Science is such a department. I dare to say that the future of the Department of Science is limitless, and you are very welcome to join and witness its growth together. If you are interested, you can go to the government office with me Find out."

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