Of course, Meng Jiao couldn't believe what Li Xin said. However, his heart has gradually turned to the side that believes in Li Xin. Because he has already realized a very clear fact: Li Xin cheating him does not do any good.

Firstly, he doesn't belong to any force in the court, no matter who he wants to deal with, he can't use his energy; secondly, he can't bring any benefits to Li Xin. Speaking of which, I'm afraid that even being a scapegoat or topping a tank is not enough.

Thinking about it this way, it is impossible for Li Xin to go to Sinong Temple to find him for some political purpose, and to make up such nonsense as the agricultural college to deceive him.

So that means this so-called agricultural college is real?

Meng Jiao stroked the leaves of the pea with her fingertips, wondering what she was thinking.

Li Xin did not rush to urge. He knew that urging others would only be counterproductive at this time, it would be better to say something unimportant to ease the atmosphere. Anyway, there is no rush to recruit people into the gang.

"So, why did Master Meng plant so many peas here?" Li Xin asked with a smile, "You haven't said what you want to figure out until now."

Meng Jiao's attitude towards Li Xin is obviously much better than before. He said: "Rong is the pea you mentioned. Some of the beans they produce are big and some are small. I want to breed a pea that only bears soybeans, so I use the pollen of soybeans and peas."

Li Xin listened to Meng Jiao's description in silence, but his eyes became more and more shocked as he listened.

Damn, isn't this a hybrid experiment? Give the pollen of the soybean pea to the small pea, and all the soybeans will grow. Then plant the seeds of this batch of soybeans and peas, pollinate at will, and the offspring will end up with some soybeans and some small beans. Del's story?

By the way, is the middle-aged man in front of him really named Meng Jiao, not Mendel?

Li Xin was thinking wildly in his heart in silence, and the image of a blond foreigner kept appearing in his mind. Of course, his rationality told him that Meng Jiao was Meng Jiao, definitely not Mendel.

".So I think that maybe the soybean grains cover up the performance of the small beans." Meng Jiao briefly described his conjecture. He didn't know that to Li Xin's ears, what he said definitely reached the threshold of the two key concepts of "dominant trait" and "recessive trait".

The foundation of a discipline is the concept. Newton defined the concept of "force" with the standard of physics, so he became the founder of classical mechanics. Mendel came up with concepts such as "character", "dominant recessiveness", "separation and free combination", and became the world-recognized father of genetics. Oh no, at least in this time and space, the father of genetics may be Substitution.

Meng Jiao explained to Li Xin what he was researching in as simple a language as possible, but found that Li Xin had not spoken all the time, thinking that Li Xin was not interested in it, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed—he thought he wanted to establish an agricultural college Li Xinhui is a person who is interested in these things, so he is willing to say so much.

"I'm old, and my mouth is broken. Is it impatient to bother His Highness with these boring things?" Meng Jiao cupped his hands, "I hope His Highness will forgive me."

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