Li Xin's speech has always been "not shocking and endless", but in most cases, he will not deliberately exaggerate. Li Shimin has a deep understanding of this. Since the earliest double-entry bookkeeping method, Li Xin has never used the method of "exaggeration" to attract others' attention.

In fact, he doesn't need to exaggerate. Most of the time, he only needs to describe the effect of the object in his hand, and it is often enough to be amazing.

This time is the same.

Although it sounds impossible to support hundreds of thousands of people in the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin believed it when he heard this sentence.

Of course, I believed three points in my heart, but I couldn't easily show it on my face. Li Shimin continued: "If it can really feed hundreds of thousands of people, then of course it can be called auspicious, and of course it is much more valuable than a golden pig."

Li Shimin's joke made Cheng Yaojin laugh out loud. The atmosphere among the guests became lively again. Yu Chigong, who was sitting beside Cheng Yaojin, taunted Cheng Yaojin unceremoniously: "That's right. This old man knows how to give these tacky things."

Yuchi Baolin touched his chin and asked, "What's so special about this rice? Is it possible that it can grow endlessly?"

Qin Huaiyu shrugged and said, "Who knows? Anyway, Xinzi knows it well, so let him say it."

Cheng Chumo also drank the wine with a relaxed face, and waved his hands indifferently: "Yes."

These two people have become unconditionally newcomers to Li Xin to the point of being a bit evil. Even if Li Xin decides to tell them that he will be able to ascend immediately, the two of them will just move two small benches and wait to watch the ascension performance. By the way, they have to ask Li Xin if he can bring them together soar.

Sure enough, Li Dao said, "A word of mouth has no basis, and a humble minister's statement doesn't count. Whether this rice is real or not, you only need to give it to the adults of Sinong Temple for inspection to know the result."

Seeing the determined expression on the face of the young man in front of him, Li Shimin felt very comfortable. Frankly speaking, even if the rice is not as powerful as Li Xin said, and it cannot feed hundreds of thousands of people, as long as it raises tens of thousands more, it will be a great achievement, and it can be called auspicious.

"Okay." Li Shimin nodded and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that today I would be happy with your kid's marriage, and let me get such auspiciousness."

As soon as this remark came out, Cheng Yaojin, Li Ji, Li Jing and others below all looked at each other cheerfully, and understood Li Shimin's intentions: firstly, it was Li Shimin who directly called the Champa rice seed in Li Xin's hands. As "auspiciousness", it proved his trust in Li Xin, and secondly, he attributed part of the credit for this auspiciousness to the happiness brought about by the marriage of Li Xin and Chen Youlan, and indirectly expressed his blessings for this marriage, which shows that he has a lot of respect for Li Xin. Li Xin's kindness is extraordinary.

Xiao Yu, who had been watching happily for a long time, finally had a chance to speak: "Then the old man can announce the completion of the ceremony now, right?"

Just as Li Xin was about to speak, Cheng Yaojin came out to disrupt the situation and said, "Your Majesty! Today is the wedding of Li Xin, a stinky brat, and he got such auspiciousness. It can be called double happiness. Your Majesty can't be stingy, you should give some congratulatory gifts!"

"Your Majesty's attendance as an elder is already a great face to the sky, how can I." Li Xin hastily declined.

Li Shimin interrupted him with a smile, and said: "Zhijie is right! I should be more generous."

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