Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 586 Makeup Poem

The door was still called open. The gate of the Chen Mansion, which had been hung with red lanterns for a long time, was finally opened wide, and a group of servants rushed out to ask for money. Wang Gui was prepared before he left the house, he unhurriedly took out a plate of copper coins, without looking at the amount, and put a handful in the hand of the person who came.

The servants who took the happy money were all smiling, "betrayed" on the spot, mixed into the welcome team, and began to "urge makeup". The literal meaning is to urge the bride to finish her makeup quickly so that she can sit on the sedan chair and go to the wedding with the groom, and don't keep the guests on the groom's side waiting for a long time.

Only then did Li Xin get off his horse, and shyly and nervously stepped into the gate of the Chen residence to fetch Chen Youlan out.

Damn it, at first he thought that he was used to big winds and waves, and getting married would definitely be easy. In the end, when things really came to an end, he realized that he was so nervous that his palms were sweating, okay?

Speaking of which, people's hearts are also quite strange. It was obviously not the first time for Li Xin to come to the Chen Mansion, but when he came here today, he was as nervous as if it was the first time, and he had to think carefully about which leg to step first when entering the door.

As soon as he entered the gate, Li Xin saw the smiling Chen Xinheng. He walked quickly to Li Xin's side, and asked in a low voice, "How does it feel to be the groom's officer?"

"Don't talk about it, it's more tiring than farming." Li Xin said with a wry smile in a low voice.

Chen Xinheng naturally kept laughing, and then said: "Let's go, let's go, I will take you to find Youlan. But we have to go slowly. I saw my mother go to talk to Youlan just now. I guess the two of them will have a good time." Talk for a while and cry for a while, we are not in a hurry."

Li Xin nodded. Walking slowly is regarded as a rest, which is exactly what he wants. Although he didn't do anything all day, being dizzy and at the mercy of others did make him feel very tired. In this infinite exhaustion, there is only one thing that he can take comfort in - going through all these difficulties is for Chen Youlan.

Thinking of Chen Youlan's smiling face, Li Xin's body suddenly surged with strength, and a smile appeared on his face. Chen Xinheng walked beside Li Xin, seeing this detail in his eyes, and couldn't hide a smile at the corner of his mouth.作为兄长,他也很乐意看到自己的小妹嫁给一个真心爱她的男人虽然也有些不舍,甚至有点想揍这个男人一顿。

Forget it, beat him up, You Lan felt distressed again. Chen Xinheng thought quietly in his heart.

Li Xin came to the door of Chen Youlan's room, but the door was closed. The two servant girls were guarding the door, and they refused to let go easily. Li Xin handed out the wedding money, which was always beneficial, but they were also indifferent.

Chen Xinheng smiled and said: "It's not easy to just reward money at the moment. There must be one of the 'makeup poems', right?"

It turned out that to urge the bride to finish her makeup and go on the road outside the bride's door, she had to write a satisfactory makeup reminder poem first.

Fortunately, although Li Xin was so dizzy that he forgot about it, he was not afraid of composing poetry at all. He immediately cleared his throat and read: "Yulou is trickling, silver is clear, Han is clear, Queqiao Xinjia Road is just beginning." It’s done. The makeup needs to be cut and chanted, and the Feng Chuiluan song will be greeted soon.”

The so-called make-up reminder poems actually express the same meaning: time is running out, wife, let's go quickly!

Li Xin's poems are not only clear in meaning but also elegant in terms of words. They are not the doggerels commonly used by ordinary people when they get married. Chen Xinheng was very satisfied after hearing this, and secretly winked at the two maids, and they opened the door and retreated to the two sides.

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